Vol 2 Chapter 24 (1/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 118620K 2022-07-22

Volume 2, Chapter 24 【Epilogue】

—7th Month, 4th Week, Day of Origin.

Today, a week had pa.s.sed since Marita’s abduction.

Until the matter came to rest, these short few days felt long. I was on my toes all this time.

Now that the string of tension had unraveled, I might go back to my leisurely life.

How was it leisurely?

Well, even though I might seem like it, I had lately been able to keep some money in hand. Although Adventurer was a hazardous job, the compensation was handsome.

Speaking of abundant financial resources, I might even be able to… relieve my fatigue with delectable cuisine and extravagant service.

Once I ranked up, the life that I, who had a poor concept of life, could not even imagine awaited me.

…let’s return to the story.

Where was I now?

――In the prison.

In the outer wall of Merville, there existed a station of the garrison in charge of defense. Established underground, were facilities such as the jail.

Descending down the dim stairs made of stone, wails of prisoners resounded from the bas.e.m.e.nt… not. At the very least, the jail where I had been imprisoned was neat and clean. Reasonable amenities were provided with as well.

As a matter of fact, there was not even a lock hanging on the door.

Rather than 『Confinement』, it was more of 『House Arrest』.

「Should be today…」

Flopping onto the bed and gazing at the ceiling, I muttered.

I had gotten tired of the sight of this ceiling.

As I gazed at the unfamiliar ceiling and indulged in reverie, my consciousness drifted to a few days back.

After everything was over――I, who was drained of strength, healed Logins-san first.

Although the wound was not shallow, it had completely healed――From the silhouette of the building, Alba-san turned up.

『I refrained from killing as much as I could』

Briefly reporting so, she hurriedly straddled the griffon――Luna’s back. Sweeping her gaze through the surroundings, she concluded that her role had ended.

Because she was trying to quietly fly away, I called her out from behind… and conveyed just one word.


『…I should be the one saying that. I have no intention of getting along with you from now on.』

Although the demoness disappeared into the sky with such harsh parting words, she didn’t demand for the lent whistle to be returned.

This must be a woman’s silent message. Just because I was a human, she wouldn’t dump me. Although I had no intention of soliciting any favour again, I would keep it as a token of her intention.

…I was not so stupid as to think that.

The moment I imprudently flirted with her, I could only imagine my abdomen impaled with a spear and my body fed to the monsters. I pushed that out of my mind, completely.

Although I put the flute in my tool bag, there would presumably be no opportunity to use it.

After Alba-san had left――turning up in her place was a group of soldiers.

The vanguards had familiar faces――Kane-san and Ilii-san.

The King of Lech.e.l.le, Hardin, would of course a.s.sign his trusted subordinates to the rescue force.

The force, that must have found the crime scene after extracting intel from the two I extradited, seemed to rush here after witnessing the dazzling light that illuminated the darkness.

The Group in Black had been dragged away. Logins-san had almost been seized, too; however, Marita took him under her protection.

No one had any business with me, who had his heart warmed by Marita’s action.

One of the captured men was ranting on and on about running into an invasion by a demon.

…It naturall

y ended up in the details being recounted.

For that place to be attacked by a demon out of nowhere, it was too convenient to be a coincidence.

With Marita and Logins-san maintaining silence, I was expected to open my mouth.

「――When they showed up, I knew it wouldn’t end in anything good. Still…」

Idly rolling my body on the bed, I started counting the spots on the ceiling of the jail.

When I was heading to rescue Marita, I did consider that there might not be a place for me in this kingdom anymore.

I just didn’t realize how it would turn out to be if my connection to a demon came to light.

Ma.s.sacring the Group in Black to silence them and requesting Marita’s side to remain silent… was an option, too…

However, I was too soft to choose ma.s.sacre.

Maybe softer than a marshmallow even.

――‘How do I explain?’ when I fell silent, the stern face of the Captain of The Imperial Guard Knights turned even more stern. His gentlemanly voice turned rough as menacing air began to drift.

Honestly, I didn’t think his att.i.tude would change so drastically. He might have some grudge against demons.

Right then, the one who forced herself through was Ilii-san.

『I can’t sense malice from him』

Those words of the elf had quite a weight.

Although it couldn’t be called unconditional consent, Kane-san shouted “hold on for a moment” and offered an apology to me after heeding the fact that I had rescued Marita.

After this and that, I finally managed to arrive in Merville; or so I thought. I was thrown into the jail right away.

It might be misleading to put it like that; nevertheless, where I was guided to in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the station by the gate was the jail.

『It’s inexcusable, but there’s not much time left for the signing ceremony. Since I have to hurriedly depart and a.s.sume the duty of escorting His Majesty and Albert-sama, I’ll ask for the details upon returning. 』

――That sequence of events led to this state of mine.

Although Marita was getting red out of anger, Kane-san didn’t yield.

Well, the treatment was not bad from the convenience point of view. With three meals and siesta just like at an inn, days pa.s.sed like seconds.

To Lim, who must still be at Feeder Pops’, I sent a verbal message. There was no problem with it. As you would expect, I expressly forbade her from coming to see me as I didn’t want to be seen in jail.

As for the seized Group in Black, they had apparently been taken to the Royal Capital… as for Logins-san, there was no news on him.

「――Ou, aren’t you in high spirits? It must be your s.h.i.+ft.」

Whom I spoke those not-so-sarcastic words to, was none other than――The Sentinel, Nicholas-san.

He was the very first person whom I met in this world, and he was the one who helped me settle in Merville. Because we had such a relations.h.i.+p, he was worried at this incident.

「Even if it is, what the heck am I supposed to do? First, they say you rescued Marita-sama. Then, they put you in jail… And then, they tell me not to treat you like a prisoner. I don’t know what to do anymore.」

「Well… things happened.」

The matter of the demon seemed to have been covered up. Only those present at the site seemed to be privy to the information. I was glad for this consideration.

「This is the last time I’m seeing you. Forgive me, okay?」

「…Sto- Don’t say such frightening words. It’s all good… maybe…」

For the very first person whom I met in this world to bid me farewell… it was too early.

――Although I had no idea where I was being taken to, it had been G.o.d knows how long since it felt so pleasant walking under the sun. Where I finally arrived at was the Lord’s mansion.

I parted with Nicholas-san at the entrance. Thereafter, I was guided by another guard to the office.

When I scanned upon entering… There were same members present as on my last visit.

Sitting across the work desk was Albert-san. Next, in an imposing manner, to the Knight Kane-san and the Elf Ilii-san was… The King.

He was as big as ever. His rufous hair and sideburns gave off a wild charm.

However… Because I had expected it, I was not greatly surprised.

I was required to recount the details of the matter to the king; I wouldn’t be acquitted based merely on Kane-san’s account.

「…Lad, you wanna say something?」

Those brief words were the king’s question.

A question that would make one speak too much without thinking if one were at fault.

The King――Hardin had <charisma> listed in his ‘Unique’ field. I grasped it when I checked his status. Even if he didn’t possess any such thing, he had an intimidating air of a king about him.

…My answer, however, was simple…

「To rescue Marita, I moved how I deemed fit.」

I awaited the king’s reaction without averting my eyes.

After several seconds… Although the time seemed longer to me, the king’s laughter broke the silence.

Not exactly elegant, but lively nonetheless.

「――Ahahahahaha… I see. I did tell you to move as you deemed fit. So, when you said you would save her, those were not empty words. Thanks to that, the signing ceremony concluded uneventfully… I’m liking you more and more.」

「Your majesty, you must first ask him for the details. 」

「Aa, yeah. But… before that. Lad… your name is Seiji, right?」

Reproved by Kane-san, the king turned to me with a serious face.

Moreover, even Albert-san stood up from his chair. The two spoke to me at the same time.

――”For rescuing Marita, thank you.”

Afterward, even I was able to recount the details smoothly.

Counting the spots on the ceiling of the jail was not in vain.

Why did the demon attack that place? The explanation did not contain any lie.

I didn’t touch on my skill, though, and I covered up the fact that Lim fought together with me against the demon. Other than that, what I told was not a lie.

It had already been exposed that I was somehow connected to the demon. Untactfully weaving lies would only bring trouble.

「Ah, I see.」

「It’s unbelievable. Hesitating to deliver the final blow despite getting nearly killed. Besides, what was the reason for the act of soliciting a.s.sistance from a demon――」

「――Kane, keep quiet for a bit.」

The one interrupting the agitated Kane was the king.

Even though the words that leaked from his mouth seemed to continue, Kane-san rea.s.sumed the posture of standing upright.

「You played a good card. They would have never expected to be invaded by a demon.」

Nodding while playing with his moustache, he continued.

「There’s one thing I want to ask. According to the report, lad, you battled the man suspected to be their captain and a few others… but killed none of them? Also, those inside the building who fought the demon, albeit on the brink of death, were left alive.」


「Had you killed everyone, your connection with a demon wouldn’t have come to light. Marita wouldn’t say something detrimental to you either.」

Although the king was speaking in a tone that contained a hint of laughter, his eyes were serious.

「…Even though I can’t forgive them, is it that unusual to catch them if I can? 」

「…Too soft. With that kind of thinking, you might someday get the carpet pulled from under you.」

「I will… bear that in mind.」

The smile receded off the king’s face.

His next words were imbued with a never before seen intimidation.

「――From now on, do not try to come in contact with the demons. If you are found to not comply, I will not hesitate in ordering your arrest.」

「…I understand…」

A presence that didn’t allow one to speak, that was exactly it.

I could move the muscles only to the extent of nodding.

「Umu, that’s all.」

The intimidating air, pervading inside the room, incredibly dissipated as a smile floated on the king’s face. Just then, the king stepped toward me, put his hands on my shoulders and brought his face closer.

「By the way, let me ask once more. Do you want to work under me? I said whatnot, but I’m not so generous as to leave the person I’m interested in alone.」

「Erm… I-I will think about it.」

「Fumu. Should you not accept, lad… I will order your arrest.」

No way!!

「Hardin-sama, that’s enough playing. He… seems to be troubled.」

Looking at me with her jade eyes, the one who remonstrated the king was Ilii-san.

「Can’t I even joke a little? Still, you should visit the Royal Capital once. It has the same eccentric liveliness as Merville. It won’t be a loss.」

When I was troubled to reply to such a king, Albert-sama turned up in front of me this time.

「Seiji-kun, I want to offer words of grat.i.tude to you… Thank you. Later, I want you to meet with Marita. She has been quite worried.」

「Ah, alright. I understand.」

Saying so, I sought to shake hands with Albert-san. His fist, however, was bandaged. Did he receive an injury? It looked painful.

「Your hand, is something wrong?」

「N? Aah… I was doing something I was not used to. It’s hindering my work.」


「Elder brother, please respect the decorum of a king a little. Ah, yes… I have a letter from Logins for Seiji-kun.」

「Eh… is it addressed to me?」

Albert-san pa.s.sed a letter from the work desk to me.

Logins-san… what choice did he make?

Although I wanted to read it right away, I had better mind the time and place.

I bowed out. First, toward Marita’s room.

I heard she was worried. I had better turn up.

The moment I opened the door, a short silhouette charged at me rapidly. I allowed the attack to reach as close as sticking to my body. Due to the arms locked around my neck, I was unable to move.

In other words, I was embraced.

A sweet fragrance could be whiffed from her gold dust like hair. She, whose height was considerably shorter than mine, was embracing me unnaturally. It looked more like dangling.

Wai… she was in her growth phase, after all. As you would expect, this posture… was…

Funny. I had better not leave it as is――

「――Welcome back. I’m glad you’re safe.」

Although it was an exceedingly familiar voice, it did not belong to the girl before me… it came from the side.

When I slowly turn my line of sight, I found Lim’s smiling face.

I lowered Marita as calmly onto the floor as I could and turned to the beastkin girl.

「――I’m back.」

Lim was just as worried as Marita. They seemed to be waiting together for my return.

After apologizing for making her worry all this time, I recounted the details. However, she, having seemingly heard most of it from Marita, just nodded.

「By the way, Marita… what happened to Logins-san?」

Although Marita had a clouded expression for an instant upon my enquiry, she regained her brightness the next instant.

Reason――Logins-san seemed to have confessed everything to Albert-san.

Although the details of the exchange between the two adults were unknown, it resulted in Logins-san leaving this place and starting over.

The one whom Marita valued the most was not here anymore… so she must be feeling lonely, but she was putting up a brave front.

「It’s fine. After all, I got to say goodbye to Logins. Besides… I’m not alone. I have father. I also have such good friends in Seiji and Lim. I’m not feeling lonely at all.」

I was stretching my hand to caress the head of the girl, who was puffing her tiny chest, when I recalled something.

「Ah, I forgot… thanks for this.」

What I took out of the tool bag was a pendant with a White Magic Crystal.

It was something Marita dropped from up in the air at the crunch moment. Since I had used the magic contained inside, it was now empty.

Although I tried to return it, Marita didn’t receive it for some reason.
