Part 6 (1/2)

Unworthy Elaine May 88950K 2022-07-22

”I'll be there in a minute.” I quickly put my mobile back into my pocket and look back at the scared face that is looking at me. I give her a comforting smile as I place a hand on her shoulder.

”You'll be OK. Why don't you carry on with this and I'll be back later to see how you're doing.” She gives me a timid nod as I turn to go to Samuel's office. When I step into his domain he looks as powerful as ever with just a small hint of nerves. I can't help, but wonder what would have him nervous, the man I am used to never lets his nerves show, he is always so in control of his emotions, but he gestures for me to sit and once I do he begins to talk.

”Grace, as I'm sure you already know the business is doing really well, far better than I hoped. With that in mind my father and uncle would like me to go to Spain and Italy to take a look at some land we would like to buy. I would like you to come with me.” I watch as he takes in a deep nervous breath and at that moment I would do anything to help him.

”OK, so I... um.” Oh my, this is nervous Samuel and he's so adorable, I've never seen a man like this before and it makes me laugh.

”I'm glad you find this funny.” He tries to give me a firm look and then takes in another nervous breath.

”I also need to go back home for a couple of days. As you will be with me for Spain and Italy you may as well come with me. My family would like to meet you.” His family want to meet me, oh G.o.d, I'm not prepared for that and I feel the sickness rear its ugly face as my body becomes far too hot, but Samuel can see my unease as his next words comfort me.

”Don't worry, Grace, they'll love you. You're a very lovable person.” Samuel looks at me as if he expects me to agree with him, but I could never do that, it would be like living a lie that would send me to the fiery depths of h.e.l.l.

”We leave after the weekend, but before then I have a surprise.”



”Where are we going?” I ask Samuel as we drive further away from the city. The concentration on his face as he drives leaves my knickers a little damp and I have no idea why. I mean, obviously the guy is handsome and over the last few weeks I have learnt so much about him that I feel like I know him, as in I could see what makes him tick and it's amazing to see. I can see the bones and veins in his hands as he steers the car and I can't help, but continue to watch his large manly hands control the large yet beautiful machine.

”Driving on the left. It's so crazy.”

”Only for you.” I say as I give away a little giggle and I watch as Samuel glances over at me with an annoyed look.

”Would you like to drive?” I quickly turn to look away from him and to the door window and I can see the beautiful countryside pa.s.s us by. It does look beautiful with the blossoming color of green everywhere you look.

”Please, Samuel, where are we going?”

”Miss Grace, you're so quick to beg.” He looks over at me again and I rustle within the confines of my belt and chair as I feel my body heat from within myself from his words.

”No quick reply. Interesting.”

”Oh my G.o.d, you're so annoying.”

”That's me, sweet cheeks. That's why you love me.”

”You're mad.” I say, as I shake my head and all I can hear is his laughing. To be so confident must be so nice but, man; it's b.l.o.o.d.y annoying when you're on the receiving end. I always seem to be on the receiving end of something and now I am on Samuel's, although if I am honest it's kind of nice being there, being so close to him. I can't help, but shake my head again as I think how stupid I am, you're allowing yourself more heartache, you silly cow. Stop it now before you succ.u.mb completely and lose yourself to him.

”Where are we going, Samuel?”

”Where are we going? I don't like surprises.”

He still doesn't answer me and he turns off at a junction and we leave the motorway, going further into the countryside for another twenty minutes until we get to a pebbled road which leads us to a ma.s.sive field with small planes dotted around. There are two sheds situated together just in front of where Samuel parks the car. Samuel unbuckles his seat belt and opens his car door and gets out walking around the front of the car and I can see his muscles flex through his light clothing as he moves with grace and strength. He reaches my door and opens it and he looks down at me with that cheeky grin of his. I can't help, but look at the way his whole face just seems to light up as he does it. He takes my hand and the fire shoots up my entire arm, heating my body as it travels through every vein that holds my blood and leaves me breathing more heavily than normal.

”W...what are we doing, Samuel?” He pulls me up so I am out of the car and on my shaky feet as I contemplate what he may have in store for me.

”We're going to have some fun.” Before I can ask him what kind of fun I am disrupted by another voice which sounds far too bubbly for my nervous state of mind.

”Mr. Harding, it's nice to finally meet you. We have all your equipment and plane ready.” I look up and watch the two men, but neither of them seems willing to share any more information on the planned day's activities. Samuel takes a hold of my arm and then pulls me as we follow the other man into one of the sheds. I can see all the planes on the field and as we enter the shed there are three men folding away material that looks like tents of some sort. All the men are dressed head to foot in blue and grey protective gear and I suddenly get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I stop dead as I continue to look around me.

”Plane?” Samuel looks back towards me and must see the fear in my face as he gives me a gentle smile and my heart melts a little.

”Yes a plane.” He gives my hand a squeeze.

”We're going to jump out of it.”

”W....what?” I must shout the words because all five men in the room look towards me and I can feel my cheeks heat from the embarra.s.sment. Samuel takes a hold of both my hands as he continues to give me his smile.

”Yep. Don't worry; I've done it loads of times so you're completely safe with me.”

”I don't understand.” I say, looking at Samuel and then going to eye the other man, but he looks like he has seen this many times before. He steps towards us and concentrates solely on myself.

”There's nothing to worry about. Mr. Harding has done this many times before. He knows when to release the 'chute. You'll be attached to the best.” I look between them both, still not really understanding what's going on and Samuel seems to be oblivious to my fear. Samuel steps away from me to where there is a collection of more uniforms and our guy is standing in front of me trying to get my attention, but I'm too scared. Oh G.o.d, what is Samuel going to make me do.

”Now, Miss, when you and Mr. Harding are at the opening of the plane you have to make sure you have your knees bent and your feet up as if they're under your b.u.m. Keep your arms into your body and once you are out of the plane you will feel a tap on the shoulder and you pull your arms out to the sides as if you're flying.” I nod my head, but I am so overwhelmed that I don't think all the information is sinking in.

I'm going to be jumping out of a plane.

s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t s.h.i.+t and double s.h.i.+t.

With Samuel, oh G.o.d.

I can't do this.

”When the shoot has been released you can let your arms relax and enjoy the ride. When you are landing you must keep your legs up as far as you can, OK.” The man sits on the floor and gestures for me to do the same thing so we can both do the move he's just described and the whole time I can feel Samuel's eyes on me.

”Well done, that's great. I think you're ready, let's get you suited up.” I walk behind the man as he leads me over to where Samuel is standing with the other men.

”You're very quiet, sweet cheeks, are you OK?” I just look at him with a disgusted look as the other man gestures me to dress in an overall. When I'm done I'm pulled and tugged as they attach the safety gear around my middle, shoulders and between my legs. Samuel watches the entire time, but I'm far too nervous to do anything except to allow the man to prepare me for this stupid activity which is making me feel sicker by the minute. I can't see him as I keep my eyes down, trying to take in deep breaths, but I can sense Samuel by my ear. His smell that I have learnt to love calms me as he talks in my ear so that only I can hear him.

”It will be alright, Grace. Trust me to take care of you.” I am s.h.i.+tting myself, but his words have soothed me and calmed me in such a way that I can only answer with one word.


”Good girl.” He gives me a gentle kiss on my forehead which leaves a spark in its wake and at that moment, as I watch his beautiful eyes convey my emotions, I know that I would do anything for him. I'm sure that if I saw a man look like that to any other woman I would say he was in love; the depth of emotions is so deep that even I who am inexperienced can see and feel it. But we are talking about me and things like that don't happen to people like me so I quickly try to push it to the back of my mind. It works as all of a sudden I have a helmet pushed on my head and attached just before Samuel takes a hold of my hand again and we are led to a little white plane. Samuel gets in first and sits at the back of the plane and I am told to sit in the middle of his legs. I try to settle in as comfortably as I can, but I'm in the middle of a man's legs and I can't help, but feel nervous. I have spent my whole life trying to keep myself away from being to close to any other person but as I sit there and I can feel Samuel attach me to him and the 'chute I can't help the thoughts of feeling like I'm home. My ears begin to pop the higher we go and I take a quick look out the window and all I can see is the greenery of the British countryside. It looks beautiful from all the way up here and in the safety of the plane.

”As much as I like to feel you between my legs we need to get closer to the door, Grace.” Did he just say what I thought he did? We're about to jump out of a b.l.o.o.d.y plane and that's what he says to me. I can feel my anger brewing and then I remember he also said we had to move closer to the door and that sick feeling rears its ugly head yet again.

”Oh my G.o.d! Did you really just say that to me?”

”You better believe it, sweet cheeks, but you've got to move for me.” We move to the front of the plane and then I see our guy open the door just as we get to it and I am confronted by one of my worst nightmares. The world is beneath me as peaceful as can be while I'm getting ready to fall to my death.

”Oh my G.o.d, I can't do this.” I scream as loud as I can, but all I get in response is Samuel's laughter and all I can do is shake my head.