Part 5 (1/2)
”What would you like to eat?” I can't believe out of all the places to eat this is where Mr. Samuel Harding had taken me, I can't help, but wonder how many journalists would like this story. I tell him what I want and I watch as he goes to order and pay. From the distance available I can still get a good view of him. He has taken off his coat and I can see his broad shoulders and how his waist goes in to only show off his firm b.u.m as they are hugged nicely by the jeans he wears. The look is even better after he has turned around and I am faced with the front of this fine body and handsome face that could melt any girl's heart.
”Including mine.” As I look down, pulling and releasing my band, I see the tray placed on the table and as I look up I see Samuel's grin.
”Did you say something?”
”Just talking to myself.” He seems happy to just leave my disturbed moment unsaid as he sits down in front of me and we both sit in silence as we eat our meal, although I can't help, but moan as I take a bite out of my chicken mc sandwich. I have never eaten something so bad, but oh so good, before and I can't help the smile as I put down my hands once the last bite has been eaten.
”You enjoy that?”
”Oh G.o.d, yes.” He looks at me and I can see that he is trying to fight with himself to say something and then, like magic, it disappears to show the confident man I feel I know so well.
”I can't help, but wonder all the other ways I could get you to say those words or moan like that.” I think I actually stop breathing as I try to digest what he has just said to me, and as I look at him he gives nothing away. With that I can't help, but yawn as Samuel begins to put our rubbish back onto the tray.
”Come on, let's get you to bed.” He picks up the tray with one hand and then holds on to mine with the other.
Within half an hour Samuel is opening the door into the penthouse.
”Are we staying in the same room?” I ask, with what I can only describe as questioning yet concerned all in one.
”Yes, but don't worry it's the penthouse so it has two rooms.” Oh G.o.d, I can't stay in the same suite as him, when he said about staying here I thought we would have separate rooms. Oh G.o.d, what have I done, he's probably already informed my landlord and I'll be homeless. I can feel the walls closing in around me as I just stare at the door, not knowing all the threats it may possess.
”Hey, Grace, you don't have to look so scared. I won't bite. Only if you ask me to.” There's that wink again and I'm quickly drawn away from my thoughts as Samuel opens the door and I get a glimpse into Samuel's world. If I was scared at the thought of his world then it is nothing compared to how I feel as I take a step into the suite. It is like nothing I have ever seen before; the grand scale of the entire suite is unbelievable. Pale paint covers the walls with a gold trim round the edge, the floors are a deep wood, and there is a fireplace on the back wall with a mini bar just to the left of that. Just to the front of the door there is a small upscale kitchen with a ma.s.sive dining table just off from that. In the middle of the room is the mounted TV with leather chairs around that area and a coffee table in the centre. I am speechless as I look around, the bedrooms are just as nice and when I walk into the bathroom I know I will not be going to sleep.
”Do you mind if I have a bath?”
”Go ahead.” He steps through the door and I step up to the pool-like bath and begin to turn the waterfall taps. I pour the luxury bubble bath and I am surprised when it doesn't take too long to fill. The water is just perfect as I step into the hot water. As I lie back into the water it is as if the steam and the bubbles are melting my stress away. My whole body feels like it is encased in the softness of blankets and I feel so calm and relaxed as I just lie there trying to think of anything other than the man that is in the other room. Once out of the bath and dried I get dressed into my most comfortable pajamas. The fabric is warm after being on the heaters and I brush my hair as I look at my relaxed face in the mirror. I feel and look like a completely different person, I guess I have spent so many years neglecting myself to the simple things in life that I have forgotten what they are like and their effect on the human body. I open the door and begin to make my way to my bedroom when Samuel comes right up in front of me.
”What are you wearing?”
”Pajamas. What does it look like?” I see him roll his eyes and then look up and down my body to only land back at my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I can feel the nipples come to life under his stare and I can only hope they aren't erect so he can see his effect on me and my stupid body.
”I know that. What I mean.” And he takes in a deep breath as he tries to look at anything other than me.
”What I mean to say is that a body as beautiful as yours should be wrapped in silk or nothing at all.” All I can do is swallow the liquid that has pooled in the back of my mouth as I watch him walk away and I try to regain some sort of composure.
What did he mean by that? Don't be stupid, Grace, you're going to be working with the man. He's obviously just trying to be nice so you do a good job for him. Yes, that's it, there is no way that he could have really meant what he said. I slowly make my way to my bedroom and get into my bed and before I know it I have succ.u.mbed to the tiredness that has taken over my body.
I have spent the last couple of days in a complete daze. I was spending those days with the most amazing woman I have ever met. The way she carries on with her work is intoxicating; I have never seen anyone else work, apart from my father or uncle, with the pa.s.sion she is showing. Just like me, she is determined to find out what is going on within my family's business. We both work tirelessly throughout these few days, only resting for a few hours' sleep each night. Each time Grace is nestled on the sofa I can't help, but watch her sleep. She looks so beautiful and peaceful and I have never had the urge to protect something more than my family in my life. Her lips are full and plump and are begging me to kiss and take them into my teeth to bite and suck. Her chest rises and falls with the breaths she is taking and they look so inviting, her skin looks as soft as silk and I want to feel my c.o.c.k in between the valley of those round, full b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her shaped eyebrows screw in as if she is having a nightmare and as I watch her I can't help, but allow the need to protect her overtake me. I don't know what plagues her, but I want her to have the courage to tell and trust me so I can attempt to make it better. I am so confused at my thoughts for this woman, a woman I have only just recently met, but who is working her way into my every thought.
On Monday morning I wake up early and head to the gym. I am worked up by the female I am spending my time with, am agitated s.e.xually and with what I have to do later on that morning. I run on the treadmill and then take all my aggression out on the punch bag till I am wet all over with my own sweat. When I get back to our suite I can hear her moving around within her room and head off to take a shower. When I am shaved, clean and dressed I step out into the main room where I can see Grace sat at the dining table eating breakfast. She hears me approach and with a mouth around a watermelon she looks up at me and I feel my c.o.c.k come to life at the sight ahead of me and I can't help, but wish it was my c.o.c.k wrapped around those delicate fingers, gaining closer and closer to that delicious mouth of hers. I have to mentally shake myself back into reality before I gave my situation away. I am already doing that enough and I can see from her reactions that she is not ready for any type of relations.h.i.+p. I'm not sure if I am ready, but if it means being able to spend more time with her outside of work then I will be more than willing to give it a go. Don't get me wrong, I still want her in my bed, but the need to get to know her more is begging to become more important, and for some strange reason I am more expectant of this new development. I sit with her at the table, trying not to keep watching her, although I can feel her eyes on me.
”Did you sleep well?” I ask her. I have to cover a common ground rather than the s.e.xual thoughts that are a constant thought whenever I am in her presence.
”Yes, thank-you, and you?” She gives me a gentle smile that just lights up her entire face as she waits for my answer.
”Yes.” I reach over for some toast and watch her as I eat it, just watching her become more self-conscious and I want to laugh at how cute she looks. s.h.i.+t, did I just think she looks cute? This woman is completely f.u.c.king with me.
We finish our breakfast in silence and I'm just content to sit there and watch her eat. It's as if I'm completely fascinated by her, I want to watch how she runs her everyday life. The way her mouth moves around the food as she eats, or how those full lips rest on the rim of her gla.s.s. I find that I could, or rather, I need to watch her all day. It's so unnerving for me, I've never been like this, but I'm finding it completely compelling. I force my eyes away from her as I look down at my watch and realize that we should get going. In the back of the limo her light fragrance invades me and I want to use my tongue up that long neck she tries to keep hidden with a scarf. She looks so sophisticated and unsure of herself all in one, and I can't help but wonder why, but G.o.d d.a.m.n it, I will find out. She's becoming important enough to find out. If I allow myself, I'm sure these mad feeling could grow into something deeper and that would normally scare the s.h.i.+t out of me, but looking at her now I can't feel anything, but hope.
”Grace, could you go get those folders from my office, please?” I ask her as we make our way across our floor to the conference room. It's very quiet in the building as it's still quite early so when Grace comes in with the folders we have time to go through them before I get buzzed from the front desk to tell me that the family lawyer has arrived. Before I leave for my office I ask Grace to send an email out to all the management staff members to inform them that there will be a meeting at ten that morning. I make my way to my office and I see the security guard walking the lawyer to the room as well. Even after all this time the man standing before me with his hand out for me to shake scares the s.h.i.+t out of me. My father and uncle have used him ever since they started their company; they trust him completely with anything in regards to the company and our family. With that being said, I've known the man since I was a small boy and the fears I had then have never really gone away, he's a fireball in any situation, no-one confronts him and wins. He speaks of a power and confidence I have never ever seen apart from the two main men in my family. I know the females of the family are my uncle and father's weakness, but I have never found out what the lawyer's is and that is what makes him more frightening. I show him all the evidence Grace and I have found throughout the course of the weekend and all he does is smile at me while he tells me not to worry. Before I know it, it's nearing ten and Grace knocks on my door.
”They're all waiting.” she says, as she stands in the doorway looking alluring in her grey, but cheap suit. The woman should be nothing, but couture. I look between the two of them as I take my own folder from my table top.
”Show time.” We make our way to the conference room, and as I step in the door I can't help, but notice the worried faces that look back at me. That's right, you stealing f.u.c.kers, you should be worried and I decide to keep them waiting as I take my time to take my seat. Grace and the lawyer take their seats next to me, Grace with a notepad and pen in both her hands ready for the action. I take a sip of water as I watch each and every one of them as they sit around the table and I swear I can hear the rapid beating of each of their hearts.
”Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.” I take another sip of my water, just to prolong the anxiety.
”We were already here last week, but none of you were forthcoming with information so I had to make my own with some help. Do you know what I found, ladies and gentlemen?” I take a look around at all the faces and just like me they are all looking around at each other waiting for anyone except themselves to answer my question. I hate people like this. They did the deed, but now that I'm asking questions they won't open up and tell the person they have wronged what they did. f.u.c.king wimps all of them, and they have no place within these walls. I take a look at each and every one of them and when no-one offers to speak I take the opportunity, like a true Harding male.
”OK. If you would all like to take a look at the folders that my new a.s.sistant, Grace,” I gesture a hand towards her and all she does is nod her head as she continues to look down. Her head should be up high with pride, but these f.u.c.kers have helped to keep it down.
”Has done up for you, you'll see that we have both been very busy. The business has done very well, but not nearly as well as it should have done. In all the years you ladies and gentlemen have been in charge there has been no progression into other areas of the business. There should be enough money to at least build a new hotel here and there within Europe like my father has suggested, but there has been nothing. Would anyone like to guess a reason why?” Again, they all look around the table at each other with nervous glances. They know I have them and they're s.h.i.+tting bricks. Good. I look around the table at each of them as they plead with their eyes for me to save them from their own making. I can't do it, though; they have messed with the wrong family. As an employer we are always fair and give rewards to our valued staff and these f.u.c.kers have been taking the p.i.s.s.
”OK.” I bite my bottom lip and I begin to nod my head as I cross my arms in front of my stomach.
”I'll let my lawyer tell you.” I take a seat as the lawyer stands up and I don't even listen to him, I just look at the faces around me go into complete shock as they realize they've lost their jobs. There are a few looks of hatred centered right at me, but most is just of sorrow and regret and I could almost feel sorry for them and I'm glad the lawyer and I came up with the agreement we have. We won't press charges as long as they return the money and leave here with no issues. Time goes by and then they have all left and I am in the room with Grace and the lawyer. I look towards him as I shake his hand.
”Thank you Mr. Jones.”
”You're more than welcome, Mr. Harding. I'll see you soon, I'm sure.” And with that he exits the room and it's just me and Grace left. I can feel her unease radiate throughout her and all I want to do is comfort her, but this I have to admit is too much fun. I really am a b.a.s.t.a.r.d, but her innocence speaks louder than any musical instrument. Her body language is just begging me to save her from herself and her past and I would be an idiot not to help. The more time I spend with her, the more I become entrapped within the web she is weaving around me and I can't ask to be in a better place. As I watch her I feel the anger rolls over me in waves as she continues to keep her head down. I sit back down so I am less of a threat to her; I've never cared s.h.i.+t for that before. That's what she is starting to do to me and I can't help, but like it.
”Do I intimidate you that much that you can't even look at me?” She slowly raises her head and I am greeted by that beautiful face. I can see the sadness that hides within the depths of her very soul as I look into her eyes, such a beautiful color that holds too much emotion. It's then that I realize that I could really care for this woman who sits before me like a scared animal.
”Y...yes.” She says, just barely loud enough for me to hear it.
”Most people do, so you're not alone. But maybe just once I want something different.”
”W...what?” I've panicked her; best keep this as low key as I can. G.o.d, I'd love to know what's messed her up so much that she's so nervous and uptight. The challenge of unraveling her would be amazing and the rewards would be even better.
”Calm down, sweet cheeks, don't get your panties in a twist.” She looks at me a little confused and I can't help, but laugh as she slowly shakes her head at me.
”Panties? Do you mean knickers? You're not going anywhere near my knickers, rich boy.” There's that fire that she every so often lets me see and it entraps me every time it comes out of her mouth, but she has to ruin it by saying rich boy. I've always been known as the rich boy, people are only ever interested in what I can do for them, but even though Grace says it I know that it is not meant in the same way. She is not like any other person I have met before. She doesn't care about the money I have and it couldn't be any more refres.h.i.+ng. I stand up again and hold out my hand for her to take.
”Where are we going?” She asks, with both her hands still placed on the table.
”Out. Anywhere, but here.” I take her hand that is nearest to me and I pull her up from the cage of her seat. I can tell her legs are like Jell-O as she is slightly unstable on her feet, so I have to place both my hands around her waist to steady her. She feels warm as I close in towards her and I can feel her body mould around mine. It's as if we are made to fit one another. I've never believed that rubbish, but that was before I met someone who I could see a future with.
What the f.u.c.k? I pull away from her and grab a hand and lead her away from the conference room and the floor.