Part 4 (1/2)
”Ahhhh you had a look at your new contract.” He says as he leans backwards in his chair and then slowly crosses his arms in front of his stomach. A stomach I am sure is firm and hard with muscles. Stop it, Grace, not now, you're here to tell the idiot what for.
”New contract?” I take a breath.
”What makes you think I will take this said contract?” Try not to give yourself away, Grace, don't give the b.a.s.t.a.r.d the satisfaction I keep repeating to myself, but it does nothing as the handsome G.o.d in front of me just watches me, undressing me once again with those beautiful grey eyes that just seem to entrap me as soon as I look at them. I shake my head trying not to let his bewitching good looks distract me from my real purpose, but it is so hard when every one of my senses is awoken to this man's presence. My lips remember the touch of his kiss, the feel of his fingers when they made contact with my skin. My sense of smell only breathes in the musky scent he empowers around me, leaving me weak in the knees. I could go on and on, how Samuel seems to imprison my very being just being him, but I am distracted by his words and answer.
What a jerk but, oh G.o.d, a handsome jerk.
”They normally do,” he says, with a shrug of his shoulders and with that one action I am given a new lease of life and I am ready to fight again.
”Oh my G.o.d, I can't believe you.” I say, as I step away from his desk and start pacing up and down the floor trying not to look at him.
”You really expect me to sign it?”
”Oh G.o.d, Samuel where are you from? This is so ridiculous.” I stop in front of him so he actually sees the seriousness in my face, but all he does is shrug his shoulders at me again. I can feel the hatred I hold for him at this exact moment grow as I watch him just look at me like he expects me to just give in, to give way to him. If he thinks that's what I will do then he will be sorely disappointed. I do not give way to anyone. I should say that, that would take that look right off his smug face, but man it's such a handsome face, a face I could look at till the end of time.
”s.h.i.+t.” s.h.i.+t, did I just say that out loud, oh G.o.d, another wonderful moment in this man's presence. Please world can't you just do as I ask and eat me whole before I make another fool of myself. I take a glance at him through my lashes. I can tell from his look that I did say s.h.i.+t out loud and then just to confirm it he says.
”Did you say something, Miss Ford?”
”You know I did.” I whisper just barely as I continue to walk across his office again, as I go to h.e.l.l with the pulling and releasing of my band, but the burn does nothing to relieve the hate I can feel just brewing, gaining closer to its boiling point. And then just like that it's reached and I stop dead in the middle of the floor and tell him exactly what I think of him and his stupid contract.
”You know what, Mr. Harding, you may be used to people doing exactly what you want them to when you want but I, sir, am not one of them. I do not follow the rules of a rich boy.” As soon as I say the word rich boy I can see his whole face turn into disdain and I can't get rid of the feeling of badness that takes over my whole body. I'm the worst person in the world.
”Don't call me that.”
”I'm sorry.” I say as I step towards his desk.
”Take a seat, Grace, I think we need to talk.” Oh gosh, well done Grace, you've really done it now you idiot, the first chance of a real job and you blow it.
”O...ok.” I say as I pull out the chair and take a seat, trying not to give away the fear I have as I watch his p.i.s.sed off look devour me.
”What don't you like?”
”All of it, Samuel. You may be used to getting your own way, but this” And I place a finger over the envelope so he knows I'm definitely talking about it ”is so stupid it's ridiculous.” He raises his head with his arm still over his stomach.
”Ridiculous.” He says with such coolness it's unnerving.
”I'm used to getting my own way, Miss Grace, and I go to all means to get what I want.” He drops his arms, stands up and then leans forward over his desk, with his face mere inches from my own so that I can taste the coffee on his breath. He has a forceful look in his eyes that is focused solely on me and all I can do is swallow the nerves that threaten to surface.
”Tell me what you don't like?” And with that he moves away from my personal s.p.a.ce back to sitting in his chair and it's as if I can breathe again. I take in quick breaths as if I have been starved of the oxygen my body needs to survive and it burns as my lungs take in the much-needed air.
Why oh why does he affect me so? As I look at him he knows exactly what he does to me and the smile that he bestows on me tells me he likes the effect he has. That's it, I have to just get my big-girl knickers on and give him what for, and he thinks the whole thing is funny.
”Oh right, rich boy. Number one the amount of money is too high. Number two give up my home, are you crazy?” I look over and he's still wearing that smile. The man is completely unaffected by what I'm saying, he doesn't care as long as he gets his own way and it makes me so angry that I can feel it erupt around me and I can't help the words that come out of my mouth.
”Oh my G.o.d, Samuel I'm being serious. For once can you take the smile off your stupidly handsome face and stop looking at me like you want to eat me whole. I am trying to negotiate, dammit.” There, you told him and as I look he's trying to hold in his laughter and I slump back into my chair feeling completely deflated at the whole situation. I don't even look at him as I hold my face in my hands as I control the need I have to cry and just let all my mixed-up emotions out.
”Grace, I meant what I said. I really do think you are the best for the job. I need someone I can trust to tell me what they think without getting scared of the repercussions. You and I both know you have no fears there.” I look up through my lashes and I can see he is still in his chair, but the smile has disappeared to be replaced by a serious look I have never seen on him before.
”The money stands, believe me when I say you will earn it and, besides, I think you will be worth it.” I look up to him ready to say something, but he places a finger over his lips to quiet me. It drops as quickly as it was placed and he continues to talk.
”Over the next couple of months we will be working all the time whether here in the office or at my hotel room; it makes sense to have you there so we can crash when we need it.” I attempt to say something, but he doesn't give me a chance.
”Besides, I had the pleasure of seeing where you live and to say it concerns me, would be an understatement.”
”Excuse me Mr. Rich boy, but that's what I can afford.” He gives me that look again that he's not impressed.
”Not any more sweet cheeks. As I was saying, after we sort this company out we will be doing some traveling around to find some new properties. You won't have the chance to sleep in that old place.” He picks up the envelope and pulls out the sheets of paper and places them right out in front of me.
”As we both know I'm a man that gets what he wants, I want you and I will not rest until I have you sign this and work directly for me.” I roll my eyes at his words.
”You're so sure of yourself, aren't you?”
”Of course I am, now do us both a favor and sign it already. I won't rest till you do and as you know I always get what I want, no matter what.” Arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I pick the doc.u.ment up and look quickly through all the words.
”If I don't like how this goes. I give in my resignation.”
”Of course. But you won't.”
”Arghhh. Hand me a pen.” He reaches to his side and picks up a pen which he hands to me. It's black with gold lettering that states Harding Inc and as I sign my name it glides across the paper with such pa.s.sion I can only tut when I think only he can have such a pen. The best of everything in the market and he wants me. I know I can do the job, I've been waiting for this kind of opportunity for so long that the least I can do for myself is give it a go even if it means working for the devil himself. He doesn't even wait for the ink to dry before he takes the signed contract from the table and puts it in his drawer. He places his hands on top of the table and leans forward ever so slightly.
”Now that's all done I want you to go home and pack up some essentials and come in bright and early tomorrow morning.”
”You're just going to boss me around?” He doesn't answer me, just gives me a nod of the head as he reaches for his phone and I take that as my dismissal.
Oh my G.o.d what have I done?
I must be completely insane to have signed that contract.
I'm mad, that's the only explanation. The fact that he used his good looks and charming personality on me is neither here or there.
I gave in to the devil, plain and simple, but the thought of spending more time with him is compelling.
As I had been told I make my way back to my pathetic home and pack my clothes and the few belongings I have in a bag. I have just signed my life away to a man that is every woman's dream and the devil all in one. For some strange reason, though, I am actually quite excited by the prospect. I mean, hopefully it will mean that I will be that much closer to my dreams of actually doing something meaningful with my life. I have gone through so many years just waiting and holding my breath that my hard work will be finally recognized and now it has been, but I have the feeling that maybe Samuel has another motive entirely. Should I be concerned by that? A part of me thinks I should, but then the man just reeks of s.e.x appeal like it's going out of fas.h.i.+on. Maybe for once I can just allow myself this little bit of fun.
For the first time in what feels like ages I actually sleep like a baby. When I awaken the following morning I feel so refreshed and ready for the amazing challenge ahead. I can't wait. I walk to work with a spring in my step that I have never had before. Is this amazing feeling due to Samuel and the job or is it just me? No, it is the job. I am finally being recognized and I am going to seize it with both hands.
The building is quiet as I step through the doors and make my way as normal to the elevators and I can't help, but smile as I ride the elevator up to my floor. The doors open with a ping and Samuel is there waiting for me, looking like sin just as normal. He wears a dark grey suit that fits his manly curves to perfection, with a crisp white s.h.i.+rt and black tie and there I stand with my tatty coat and badly-shaped trousers that leave nothing to the imagination. I force myself to remember that Samuel sees something in me that made him choose me for this position, and it has nothing to do with the way I look. It couldn't anyway I think, as I look at Samuel and then down at myself. I take in a deep breath as I step out of the elevator.
”All ready, boss.” He looks at me with a smile.