20 Chapter 18: The Curse (1/2)


”The body is cursed by the swords black poison, the body is unable to be healed or saved...anyone who does try to heal or save the body also is cursed by the sword, a double-sided curse”

”So, I'm cursed?” Ivery asked

”Most likely..although I'm not sure exactly what it is” Loki looked at Ivery...making sure he didn't see any abnormalities


Ivery felt intense pain in her back...almost a stabbing feeling....blood poured out of her mouth and she collapsed on the floor.

”Ivery!” Loki shouted

The curse...

Whoever tries to heal or save the body in any way, shall suffer the same fate as them...


26 stab wounds appeared in Ivery's back, blood flowed continuously out of her body.

”Ivery! Activate your demon blood, it'll keep you alive long enough for help!” Loki started panicking

Ivery felt her consciousness slowly slipping away..she focused everything she had on her activation..

Her hair slowly rooted red, from her scalp to the ends of her hair. Her eyes bloodshot red, her nails sharpened and small sharp vangs tore through her gums.

”L-Loki...I-I c-can't...h-hold i-it...m-much..l-l-longer” Ivery tried her best to keep her demon blood activated, it increased her durability to stay alive and decreased her blood flow

”I have no choice..” Loki closed his eyes

A cloud of cold white mist surrounded the area, a tall man with godly handsome features, with long white hair that almost touched his ankles, his golden pink eyes looked down at her, and he was dressed in a long tight white silk robe.

He picked Ivery up off of the ground and carried her up the stairs.

Blood continued to flow out of her back and dripped onto his white satin robe.

Loki stood in front of the two giant golden encrusted doors, he transported himself and Ivery into the room.

”What the hell!?” Julian looked at Loki and his eyes then locked on Ivery in his arms, covered in blood

”What happened!?” Cassandra got up from her bed in a haste and ran over to Loki

”She's cursed” Loki said

”Damn!” Julian got up from the bed and rushed over to take Ivery out of Loki's arms

Julian laid her down on a couch and the blood flowed out of her back slowly, and ran down the couch and dripped on the floor.

”Cursed with what!? By who!?” Julian shouted and demanded an answer

”Prince Luther” Loki said

”What!? That can't be!” Cassandra was in disbelief

”I-It's n-not h-his f-fault” Ivery stammered as she coughed up blood

”Inanna! Stop talking! Please!” Tears ran down Cassandra's face as she dropped to her knee's and held Ivery's hand

”Why did he kill her?” Julian asked

”Princess Xia insulted Prince Luther's mother, and decided that Princess Xia's mother should pay the price instead of Princess Xia for insulting royalty” Loki said

”I see” Julian didn't care that Judith was dead, all he cared about right now was his dying daughter

”Cassandra, summon Prince Luther right now!” Julian ordered

Cassandra cried her eyes out...squeezing Ivery's small cold hand, and seemed to have tuned Julian out.

”Cassandra!” Julian yelled

”I'm sorry, yes!” Cassandra snapped out of it and stood up

She gathered her magic and a golden light flashed and a golden mist covered the room.

Luther stood in front of Cassandra, confused.

Luther then noticed her reddened eyes and the tears running down her face..

”Can you fix this!?” Julian shouted at Luther

”What do you mean?” Luther walked up to Julian

Luther stopped and everything in his mind went blank, his heart dropped and exploded..

He saw Ivery laying on a couch, a small puddle of blood on the floor, blood endlessly flowing from her back, staining the couch with blood. Blood running out of her mouth...

”Her demon blood activation won't last much longer” Julian's heart started racing, his blood was boiling at the thought of losing his daughter

”Oh god” Luther covered his mouth and a single tear fell from his eye

”Do you have a way to help her!?” Julian raised his voice louder

”The curse..is permanent, it's not meant to be broken..it's solely meant to kill” Luther walked over to Ivery's side, he got on his knee's and stroked her head

”Ivery, I'm sorry, I didn't want this to happen...ever...I'm so sorry” Luther's voice cracked...tears ran down his face as he cried beside her

”I-I k-know” Ivery smiled

The red in her hair faded and slowly turned back into the light blonde color it originally was, her eyes cleared up and the white of her eyes was visible, her sharp fangs sunk back into her gums, her nails rounded themselves, and her demon blood calmed down before completely releasing.

Ivery's vision blurred..she found it difficult if not impossible to breathe, she couldn't move her arms or legs.

Ivery smiled and took her last breath.

A crystal clear tear, dropped from her eye and fell on Luther's hand.

”Damn it!” Julian punched a hole in the wall, his hair slowly turned red and his eyes were bloodshot red

”No...No!” Cassandra fell on the floor and cried and screamed

”I failed..” Loki sat down on the couch and held his face in his hands


”Don't worry, she'll be fine” A gentle voice echoed in the room

Everyone present in the room looked around in confusion. Only Luther and Loki knew who the voice belonged to.

A beautiful woman, surrounded with a bright purple light, hovered above the floor. The whole room was tinted with this purple light.

”Who...? Are you?” Cassandra looked up at the floating figure in front of her

”I am Hecate, the God of magic, I gifted your daughter her infinite attribute” Hecate introduced herself

”You're the God who favors Inanna?” Julian looked at Hecate in amazement

”Yes” Hecate nodded