20 Chapter 18: The Curse (2/2)

”Can you save her?” Cassandra desperately asked

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”That is why I'm here” Hecate floated over to Ivery's body

”Poor girl...” Hecate looked at Ivery with gentle eyes

”You'll always be fine as long as I'm watching over you” Hecate touched Ivery's cheek

A bright purple light covered Ivery's body...

”A small curse like this is easy to dispel” Hecate clapped her hands together and a bright flash surrounded the room

The light died down and all the blood was gone, not a speck of blood was seen anywhere, not even on Ivery and Loki's clothes.






Ivery opened her eyes and slowly sat up.

”Goddess Hecate?” Ivery saw Hecate floating above her

”You are healed” Hecate smiled

Without warning Ivery was attacked with a group hug, Cassandra was first to hug Ivery, Julian was second to hug them both, Luther was third to give Ivery a good squeeze, and Loki was fourth to hug everyone.

”I don't know how I would have lived if you were gone” Luther kissed Ivery on her head

”Thank god” Julian kissed Ivery on her head as well

”You are my only daughter...I could also never live if I had lost my last one” Cassandra kissed Ivery on her cheek

Ivery felt jumbled emotions..

”Thank you Goddess” Julian looked up at Hecate

”There is no need for thanks, I chose her for a reason..she shall not die as long as she's under my watch” Hecate smiled as she faded away

”You really have a goddess looking after you, that's a true blessing” Cassandra rubbed Ivery's cheek

”Luther, let's go deal with that woman's body” Julian said

”Alright” Luther agreed

Julian and Luther walked out of the room.


Luther and Julian walked down the stairs.

”I was wondering, why do you not have many lights in your castle?” Luther asked

”We do, our lights are triggered by magic” Julian snapped his fingers and all of the lights turned on

The room was enormous, you'd never know how huge it was in the dark.

And with the lights turned on, you could clearly see Judith's body.

”What a sad woman, she ultimately met her fate, died because of her own child's mouth” Julian scoffed at Judith and Xia

”And Luther, I allow you to punish Xia however you see fit, I honestly don't care anymore about what happens to that girl, she's arrogant, and spoiled, the worst qualities of a princess, I'll soon be stripping her of her title as princess and I might as well send her to live with a commoner family if she doesn't end up dying, it's where she belongs anyways, it's her blood” Julian chuckled to himself

”So you knew her mother was a commoner?” Luther asked

”Of course, and just between you and I, Xia isn't really my daughter” Julian said

”What?” Luther felt like he didn't hear him correctly

”Her mother was already pregnant with Xia, maybe about a month or two, after we slept together once, she told me she was pregnant a few weeks later and said that the child was mine, to entertain myself, I acted as if I believed her and let her enter the castle, Xia was born and raised as a princess” Julian laughed

”You're a cruel man” Luther laughed along with Julian

”You're a cruel man yourself, you'll be worse than me as you get older, if this is the result of your anger” Julian pointed at Judith's corpse

”Perhaps” Luther smirked

”But don't take any other wives, you'll hurt Inanna....commit yourself to her fully, I was forced to have a harem and concubines by my parents, I didn't want any of those women, I only ever wanted Cassandra...and I know it hurt her when I wedded and had children with those other women, but I reassured her that they mean and meant nothing to me” Julian sighed

”I'm never going to have anyone other than Inanna as my wife and the only woman that will ever bare my children will only be her” Luther declared to Julian

”....” Julian looked at Luther

”Good, I'm glad” Julian patted Luther's back

”I know what happened to Inanna wasn't intentional, I know you care about her, so I won't cancel your engagement over this incident, but to make up for this happening, make sure nothing like this ever happens again, even if Inanna has a God watching over her and to save her from death, she shouldn't be anywhere near-death or experience the pain of forced death as she did tonight” Julian earnestly looked at Luther and put his hand on Luther's shoulder

”I will and thank you” Luther bowed his head down

”No need for that son, now let me go put her in a wooden casket and I'll have her burial tomorrow morning, I suppose she deserves at least that much” Julian grabbed Judith's arm and dragged her

”And get someone to clean that blood up” Julian ordered as he continued to effortlessly drag Judith's corpse

”Okay” Luther pointed at the pool of blood and the blood trails

The blood dissolved and not a drop was seen.

Luther walked up the stairs and thought about what he just learned..

Xia wasn't even a Castiell, with permission from her ”father”, he was allowed to even kill Xia if he wanted to. Xia's mother was dirtier than he thought, she tried to trick the Emperor into thinking she was having his child after sleeping with him, and managed to get into the castle by deceiving the Emperor, but in truth, the Emperor knew about her scheme and played along with it and saw Judith and Xia as toys, but he soon got bored of those toys and tossed them aside.

What was his relation to the two of them anyway if Xia wasn't really his child?

Judith used her own child as a pawn to get what she wanted. And what she wanted was to be Empress and have power. She thought by using Xia, she could reach that goal, Xia was about to be Crown Princess and be married off to Crown Prince Luther and become Empress of his country. Everything was going amazing for Xia and her mother.

That was until Ivery came along.

Ivery is a pure difference from Xia, Ivery is a true blood Castiell, she inherited the demon blood curse from her father and demon red eyes, which is proof she is blood related to Julian Castiell. Her mother is the Empress, and lastly, Ivery was the prophesied infinite attribute holder of Golden Infinity, favored by a God. Gifted with a Gods power and forever holding a Gods blessing.

Ivery is a Princess of the Lilith Kingdom, Xia is not.



”What a hilarious situation..” Luther laughed

