19 Chapter 17: A Befitting Punishmen (1/2)

[Blood] [Violence]

Ivery and Luther said farewell to the emperor and empress and left the throne room together. Ivery and Luther walked down the stairs as they exited the castle so Ivery could aboard her carriage, an intense gust of wind almost blew Ivery away. Luther held Ivery in his arms as he was unfazed by the wind pressure.

A giant shadow was cast above a large portion of the area, Ivery and Luther looked up and they couldn't believe what they saw above them.


”Master!” An enormous crystal blue dragon landed in front of the castle, looking eagerly at Ivery and Luther


”Master!?” Ivery and Luther exclaimed



”You were able to steal the Dragon's Golden Egg from my nest, and since no one has ever been able to in my ten hundred years of living, I vowed to myself that if the time had ever come, the person that manages to take the golden egg and defeat me, will be my new master” The dragon said

”Where is your old master?” Ivery asked

”He died...five hundred years ago” The dragon lowered its head and seemed as if it was saddened

”Oh..” Ivery felt like she hit a tough subject


”So because I defeated you and stole your egg, that makes me your master now?” Ivery looked up at the dragon

”Yes” The dragon quickly responded

”Is there any possible way that you could return to your nest?” Ivery laughed to herself..caught in such a predicament

”I'm afraid not” The dragon wasn't taking no for an answer

”Great...now I own a dragon...that's just great” Ivery sighed

Ivery walked down the stairs and walked under the dragon's legs to enter her carriage. Ivery waved Luther farewell as her carriage took off.

The blue dragon flapped its crystal wings and flew up in the air, slowly following Ivery's carriage.

Luther couldn't remove his eyes from the enormous crystal dragon following Ivery....he watched her depart until her carriage went out of view.

She never ceases to amaze and worry him at the same time.


Ivery's carriage arrived at the Lilith Castle, after 2 long hours. The doors to her carriage opened and she carefully stepped out and saw her parent's at the top of the stairs, waiting for her.

But she noticed their eyes were locked at something above, she looked up and saw the crystal blue dragon flying high above her.

Cassandra and Julian walked down the stairs with grace and stood in front of Ivery.

”Inanna dear, why is there a dragon here?” Cassandra asked

”It's a long story” Ivery responded

”Care to tell?” Julian crossed his arms, interested in what she had to say

”So now you have a pet dragon?” Julian asked

”Yes” Ivery nodded

”Where would we keep it..?” Cassandra looked up at the dragon

”As expected of my only daughter” Julian was highly satisfied with his daughter's accomplishments

Wait. Doesn't Julian Castiell have almost 13 daughters in the castle? And if you count all of the girls in the Hollow's Castle, together that could add up to 22 in total...how could she be his only daughter?” Ivery asked herself

”Only daughter? What do you mean?” Ivery asked

”Those children aren't qualified to be children of mine, they're only allowed to be in the castle because they have magical prowess, but they're all still weak, Xia was only acknowledged because her magic ability was stronger than the rest of the other girls, your mother didn't approve of having Xia being known as the strongest princess of the Lilith Kingdom, but since we had no one else, she was chosen by default”

”Xia only has one power, and it's poison control, that power is the strongest out of the rest which are, golden fire control which is the Castiell family power, water control, wind control, earth manipulation, fire control, fire control, super strength, basic speed control, nature control, Ice control, acid control which is common, and healing magic”

”They control those elements and have those abilities and yet the amount of prowess they have is small and have a limit, which makes their attacks weak and they're incapable of fighting with such powers”

”In the end, all of them are going to be married off to different countries anyways, they serve no use if they're just living in luxury for the rest of their lives” Julian crossed his arms, meaning every single word he said

”I see..” Ivery was disappointed to have to call this man her father

”I'll take care of your dragon problem..go get some rest, you did well today” Julian smiled and rubbed Ivery's head

But she can't bring herself to hate him...why...?


Ivery walked up the spiraled staircase and walked down the seemingly endless halls, Ivery stopped when she saw Xia standing in front of her room door.

”Can I help you Xia?” Ivery walked up to Xia

”It's Princess Xia to you” Xia looked at Ivery with malice filled eyes

”Can I help you Princess Xia?” Ivery smiled

”Yes, you can cancel your engagement to Luther for one” Xia said

”Why would I do that?” Ivery crossed her arms

”He's my fiancé! You should've just stayed in the Hollow's Castle where you belonged! You're just a dirty whor-” Xia shouted until she was interrupted

”Watch your mouth” A voice said behind her as the person pulled her hair roughly

”Wha-!” Xia exclaimed in pain

”Luther...” Ivery looked at Luther standing behind Xia, forcefully pulling her hair

”Let go of me!” Xia yelled and flailed her arms around and tried to hit Luther

”Move again and I'll pull it all out” Luther coldly looked down at Xia, as serious as serious can get

Xia suddenly recognized his voice...

”Luther?” Xia stopped moving

”You seem to not have respect for people of higher rank than you, and you are of half royal blood, I already know your mother was a commoner that deceived Emperor Julian into thinking she was a noble from a faraway country, it was a dirty trick your mother pulled, my father found out about it but he has not told Emperor Julian yet..so how do you think your father will react if he found out that your mother deceived him? An offense that large could mean a death sentence, for you and your dirty mother” Luther pulled her hair harder and told her in her ear

”You have a lot of pride for a bug that I can easily squash at any time I want, and now that you're no longer engaged to me...Emperor Julian no longer values you, Empress Cassandra had to put up with you because you were the only princess who had the better prowess than the rest, but you're not her daughter, so what's stopping me from killing you right now for insulting my future wife?” Luther smiled widely before throwing Xia to the floor

Xia started to cry as her face began to turn red.

”You can say whatever you want about me....but don't talk about my mother like she's nothing! You don't know what she's been through because of my father! She was so proud of me because I was the strongest...she was so proud that I was going to marry you and become an Empress, she was proud that I could achieve something she knew she couldn't..” Xia cried

”You say that like I'm supposed to care, your mother could never and can never become Empress no matter how hard she tried, an Empress has to come from a royal background to be a countries Empress, Cassandra's family is of high royalty that neighbors next to the Lilith Kingdom, the Triest Kingdom and the Lilith gain immeasurable benefits from Cassandra and Julian's marriage, and on top of that, Cassandra and Julian were in love before they were engaged, getting married was barely an arrangement for them”

”Cassandra was the Triest Kingdom's strongest Princess, she wields the power of Golden rage, she was the perfect match for Julian who wields the power of Golden flames, it's no wonder why Inanna wields the infinite attribute of Golden Infinity” Luther explained to Xia

”Meanwhile instead of inheriting your father's power, you inherited your mother's power, poison control, but your power can be considered strong to weak opponents, but against strong opponents, it's useless and renders you incapable of doing anything”

”You're utterly useless, mother like daughter” Luther laughed

”What does your mother do!? No one has ever seen her use her powers before! For all everyone else knows, she just sits on the throne and looks pretty, that's probably the only reason your father chose her!” Xia shouted

”.....” Luther took a few seconds to process what she said

”You're stupid...” Loki started sweating

”You dare to speak about my mother?” Luther's purple eyes glowed in the slight darkness of the hallway

”You spoke about mine!” Xia wiped her tears away

”You can be decapitated or have your tongue cut out for speaking ill of royalty, I can say whatever I wish about a deceiving country bumpkin” Luther walked closer to Xia

”My mother is an Empress, unlike yours who kisses at the Empress and Emperor's feet just to stay in the castle” Luther smiled

”But I'll give you a befitting punishment” Luther threw away his gentle mask and displayed his sadistically twisted face underneath

”It won't be you paying the price though, but believe me...it will hurt” Luther laughed almost maniacally

Luther lifted his hands up and a cloud of black mist shot out of both of his hands and flew straight past Ivery and Xia.

”W-What are you doing?” Xia didn't understand his threat

”You'll see” Luther laughed


She sat on her bed, writing in a book. Suddenly she noticed the lights flickering...

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She dropped her pen and started to tremble...

”Julian!” She cried out

”Julian!” She screamed

If she were Cassandra...he'd be to her rescue in a heartbeat...her bedroom wasn't too far from his...he definitely could hear her.

She ran for the doors and opened them, she dashed down the hall and banged on Julian's door. The hallway lights continued to flicker. She then saw a black mist with the impending doom that was slowly heading towards her.

”Julian!” She banged on the door harder

The door opened.

”What do you want? You're being rude” Cassandra answered the door

She saw Julian sitting on the bed, reading a book. Not caring a bit in the slightest about her pleads.

”There's something...out here...after me” She was shaking in fear

”You're imagining it, now get away from our door, before I send you to the Hollow's Castle to work as a maid, and don't think I won't do it...since you're the mother of that brat...I'll make sure you sleep outside in the dirt” Cassandra began to close the door

”Please! Just let me in! Just for the night, I'll even sleep on the floor!” She begged and stopped the door with her hand

”Julian” Cassandra turned around and looked at her husband

Julian sighed and closed his book, he got up from the bed and walked to the door.

One call for his name...and he doesn't hesitate to get up for her....

”You're really pushing your luck woman, you're lucky I haven't killed you yet..you're only in the castle because your Xia's mother, but now that Xia is irrelevant..what's stopping me from killing you? You have no proof of your claimed background and you have no family who supports you or benefits this country in any way, come back again and I'll kill you on the spot, this room is only to be entered by I and my Empress...anyone asking to enter or anyone who does enter without permission will be killed immediately”

”Even your own children?!” She asked

”They will be punished since they're all useless anyway, depending on their status, and currently with Xia's status, she'll be killed on the spot” Julian smiled

”Why!?” She cried

”I no longer have any need to talk to you, if you wish to speak to me again, make an appointment and I'll decide if I want to speak with you again, so that makes this our last conversation”

Julian slammed the door in her face and locked it.

”Julian!” She banged on the door again and sobbed

The black mist proceeded to move towards her.

She screamed and ran down the hall. She turned around and saw the black mist approaching her.

She wasn't looking where she was running and noticed until it was too late and tumbled down a flight of stairs.

She continuously fell down the stairs until she reached the end.

Her right leg was fractured, her skull cracked, arm dislocated and her wrist was broken from trying to stop her fall.

She groaned and tried to drag herself across the floor. Blood leaked down her face from her forehead,