Part 14 (2/2)
Elf of Doriath, friend of Turin in his boyhood.
Nen Girith .
'Shuddering Water', name given to Dimrost, the falls of Celebros in Brethil.
Nen Lalaith .
Stream rising under Amon Darthir, a peak in Ered Wethrin, and flowing past Hurin's house in Dor-lomin.
River in West Beleriand, reaching the Sea at the Haven of Eglarest. River in West Beleriand, reaching the Sea at the Haven of Eglarest.
Region west of Dor-lomin, beyond the Echoing Mountains* ( Region west of Dor-lomin, beyond the Echoing Mountains* (Ered Lomin).
Nibin-noeg, Nibin-nogrim .
Nienor .
'Mourning', daughter of Hurin and Morwen, and sister of Turin; see Niniel. Niniel.
Birchwoods in Arvernien; named in Bilbo's song in Rivendell. Birchwoods in Arvernien; named in Bilbo's song in Rivendell.
Niniel .
'Maid of Tears', name that Turin gave to Nienor in Brethil.
Nirnaeth Arnoediad .
The Battle of 'Unnumbered Tears', also the Nirnaeth. the Nirnaeth.
Nogrod .
One of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains.
Noldor .
The second host of the Eldar on the Great Journey out of the East to Beleriand; the 'Deep Elves', 'the Loremasters'.
Nuath, Woods of*
Woods extending westward from the upper waters of the Narog. Woods extending westward from the upper waters of the Narog.
Orleg .
A man of Turin's outlaw band.
Orodreth .
King of Nargothrond after the death of his brother Finrod Felagund; father of Finduilas.
Osse .
A Maia (see entry Ainur Ainur); va.s.sal of Ulmo Lord of Waters.
Petty-dwarves .
A race of Dwarves in Middle-earth of whom Mim and his two sons were the last survivors.
Powers, The .
The Valar.
Ragnir .
A blind servant in Hurin's house in Dor-lomin.
The southern forest of Doriath. The southern forest of Doriath.
Rian .
Cousin of Morwen; wife of Huor Hurin's brother; mother of Tuor.