Part 14 (1/2)
Eldest son of Feanor, with lands in the east beyond Dorthonion.
Maeglin .
Son of Eol 'the Dark Elf' and Aredhel Turgon's sister; betrayer of Gondolin.
A tributary of the Teiglin. A tributary of the Teiglin.
Mandos .
A Vala: the Judge, and Keeper of the Houses of the Dead in Valinor.
Manwe .
The chief of the Valar; called the Elder King. the Elder King.
Melian .
A Maia (see entry Ainur Ainur); the queen of King Thingol in Doriath, about which she set an invisible barrier of protection, the Girdle of Melian; mother of Luthien.
Melkor .
The Quenya name of Morgoth.
'The Thousand Caves', the halls of Thingol and Melian on the river Esgalduin in Doriath. 'The Thousand Caves', the halls of Thingol and Melian on the river Esgalduin in Doriath.
Menel .
The heavens, region of the stars.
Methed-en-glad .
'End of the wood', a stronghold of Dor-Cuarthol at the edge of the forest south of Teiglin.
Mim .
The Petty-dwarf, dwelling on Amon Rudh.
Minas Tirith .
'Tower of Watch', built by Finrod Felagund on Tol Sirion.
A tributary of Sirion, between Dimbar and the Forest of Neldoreth. A tributary of Sirion, between Dimbar and the Forest of Neldoreth.
The south-eastern region of Hithlum, separated from Dor-lomin by the Mountains of Mithrim. The south-eastern region of Hithlum, separated from Dor-lomin by the Mountains of Mithrim.
Morgoth .
The great rebellious Vala, in his origin the mightiest of the Powers; called the Enemy the Enemy, the Dark Lord the Dark Lord, the Black King the Black King, Bauglir. Bauglir.
Mormegil .
'Black Sword', name given to Turin in Nargothrond.
Morwen .
Daughter of Baragund of the House of Beor; wife of Hurin and mother of Turin and Nienor; called Eledhwen Eledhwen 'Elfsheen' and 'Elfsheen' and Lady of Dor-lomin. Lady of Dor-lomin.
Mountains of Shadow*
See See Ered Wethrin. Ered Wethrin.
Nan Elmoth*
A forest in East Beleriand; dwelling-place of Eol. A forest in East Beleriand; dwelling-place of Eol.
'The great underground fortress on the river Narog', founded by Finrod Felagund, destroyed by Glaurung; also the realm of Nargothrond extending east and west of the river. 'The great underground fortress on the river Narog', founded by Finrod Felagund, destroyed by Glaurung; also the realm of Nargothrond extending east and west of the river.
The chief river of West Beleriand, rising at Ivrin and flowing into Sirion near its mouths. The chief river of West Beleriand, rising at Ivrin and flowing into Sirion near its mouths. People of Narog People of Narog, the Elves of Nargothrond.
Neithan .
'The Wronged', name given to himself by Turin among the outlaws.
Nellas .