Part 15 (1/2)
Stream falling from Dorthonion to join Sirion in the Fen of Serech. Stream falling from Dorthonion to join Sirion in the Fen of Serech.
Sador .
Woodwright, serving-man of Hurin's in Dor-lomin and friend of Turin in his childhood, by whom he was called Labadal. Labadal.
Saeros .
Elf of Doriath, a counsellor of Thingol, hostile to Turin.
Sauron's Isle .
Tol Sirion.
The great fen north of the Pa.s.s of Sirion, where the river Rivil flowed in from Dorthonion. The great fen north of the Pa.s.s of Sirion, where the river Rivil flowed in from Dorthonion.
Shadowy Mountains .
See Ered Wethrin. Ered Wethrin.
Sharbhund .
Dwarvish name of Amon Rudh.
Sindarin .
Grey-elven, the Elvish tongue of Beleriand. See Grey-elves. Grey-elves.
The great river of Beleriand, rising at Eithel Sirion. The great river of Beleriand, rising at Eithel Sirion.
Sons of Feanor .
See Feanor. Feanor. The seven sons held lands in East Beleriand. The seven sons held lands in East Beleriand.
South Road*
The ancient road from Tol Sirion to Nargothrond by the Crossings of Teiglin. The ancient road from Tol Sirion to Nargothrond by the Crossings of Teiglin.
Spyhill, The .
See Amon Ethir. Amon Ethir.
Strawheads .
Name given to the People of Hador by the Easterlings in Hithlum.
Strongbow .
Name of Beleg; see Cuthalion. Cuthalion.
Talath Dirnen*
'The Guarded Plain', north of Nargothrond. 'The Guarded Plain', north of Nargothrond.
'Forest under Night', later name of Dorthonion. 'Forest under Night', later name of Dorthonion.
A tributary of Sirion rising in the Shadowy Mountains and flowing through the Forest of Brethil. See A tributary of Sirion rising in the Shadowy Mountains and flowing through the Forest of Brethil. See Crossings of Teiglin. Crossings of Teiglin.
Telchar .
Renowned smith of Nogrod.
Telperion .
The White Tree, elder of the Two Trees that gave light to Valinor.
Thangorodrim .
'Mountains of Tyranny', reared by Morgoth over Angband.
Thingol .
'Greycloak', King of Doriath, overlord of the Grey-elves (Sindar); wedded to Melian the Maia; father of Luthien.
Thorondor .
'King of Eagles' (cf. The Return of the King The Return of the King VI.4: 'old Thorondor, who built his eyries in the inaccessible peaks of the Encircling Mountains when Middle-earth was young'). VI.4: 'old Thorondor, who built his eyries in the inaccessible peaks of the Encircling Mountains when Middle-earth was young').
Three Houses (of the Edain) .
The Houses of Beor, Haleth, and Hador.
Thurin .