Part 13 (1/2)


The hidden city of King Turgon. The hidden city of King Turgon.

Gorgoroth .

See Ered Gorgoroth. Ered Gorgoroth.

Gorthol .

'Dread Helm', name taken by Turin in the land of Dor-Cuarthol.

Gothmog .

Lord of Balrogs; slayer of King Fingon.

Great Mound, The .

See Haudh-en-Nirnaeth. Haudh-en-Nirnaeth.

Great Song, The .

The Music of the Ainur, in which the World was begun.

Grey-elves .

The Sindar, name given to the Eldar who remained in Beleriand and did not cross the Great Sea into the West.

Grithnir .

One of Turin's companions on the journey to Doriath, where he died.

Guarded Plain, The*

See See Talath Dirnen. Talath Dirnen.

Guarded Realm, The .


Guilin .

Elf of Nargothrond, father of Gwindor and Gelmir.

Gurthang .

'Iron of Death', Turin's name for the sword Anglachel after it was reforged in Nargothrond.

Gwaeron .

The 'windy month', March.

Gwindor .

Elf of Nargothrond, lover of Finduilas, companion of Turin.

Hador Goldenhead .

Elf-friend, lord of Dor-lomin, va.s.sal of King Fingolfin; father of Galdor father of Hurin and Huor; slain at Eithel Sirion in the Dagor Bragollach. House of Hador House of Hador, one of the Houses of the Edain.

Haldir .

Son of Halmir of Brethil; wedded Gloredhel daughter of Hador of Dor-lomin.

Haleth .

The Lady Haleth, who early became the leader of the Second House of the Edain, the Halethrim Halethrim or or People of Haleth People of Haleth, who dwelt in the Forest of Brethil.

Halmir .

Lord of the Men of Brethil.

Handir of Brethil .

Son of Haldir and Gloredhel; father of Brandir.

Hareth .

Daughter of Halmir of Brethil, wife of Galdor of Dor-lomin; mother of Hurin.

Haudh-en-Elleth '

The Mound of the Elf-maid' near the Crossings of Teiglin, in which Finduilas was buried.

Haudh-en-Nirnaeth .

'The Mound of Tears' in the desert of Anfauglith.

Hidden Kingdom, The .


Hidden Realm, The .