Part 11 (2/2)
See Dagor Bragollach. Dagor Bragollach.
Brandir .
Ruler of the People of Haleth in Brethil when Turin came; son of Handir.
Bregolas .
Father of Baragund; Morwen's grandfather.
Bregor .
Father of Barahir and Bregolas.
Forest between the rivers Teiglin and Sirion; Forest between the rivers Teiglin and Sirion; Men of Brethil, Men of Brethil, the People of Haleth. the People of Haleth.
Ford over Sirion north of the Forest of Brethil. Ford over Sirion north of the Forest of Brethil.
Brodda .
An Easterling in Hithlum after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Cabed-en-Aras .
'The Deer's Leap', a deep gorge of the river Teiglin where Turin slew Glaurung.
Cabed Naeramarth .
'The Leap of Dreadful Doom', name given to Cabed-en-Aras after Nienor leapt from its cliffs.
Celebros .
Stream in Brethil falling down to Teiglin near the Crossings.
Children of Iluvatar .
Elves and Men.
Cirdan .
Called 'the s.h.i.+pwright'; lord of the Falas; at the destruction of the Havens after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad he escaped to the Isle of Balar in the south.
The mountain peaks south of Gondolin, where were the eyries of Thorondor. The mountain peaks south of Gondolin, where were the eyries of Thorondor.
Crossings of Teiglin*
Fords where the old South Road to Nargothrond crossed the Teiglin. Fords where the old South Road to Nargothrond crossed the Teiglin.
Cuthalion .
'Strongbow', name of Beleg.
Daeron .
Minstrel of Doriath.
Dagor Bragollach (also (also the Bragollach the Bragollach) .
The Battle of Sudden Flame, in which Morgoth ended the Siege of Angband.
Dark Lord, The .
Deer's Leap, The .
See Cabed-en-Aras. Cabed-en-Aras.
The land between the rivers Sirion and Mindeb. The land between the rivers Sirion and Mindeb.
Dimrost '
The Rainy Stair', the falls of Celebros in the Forest of Brethil, afterwards called Nen Girith. Nen Girith.
Dor-Cuarthol .
'Land of Bow and Helm', name given to the country defended by Turin and Beleg from their lair on Amon Rudh.
The kingdom of Thingol and Melian in the forests of Neldoreth and Region, ruled from Menegroth on the river Esgalduin. The kingdom of Thingol and Melian in the forests of Neldoreth and Region, ruled from Menegroth on the river Esgalduin.