Part 11 (1/2)

Noldorin Elf who came with Gelmir to Nargothrond to warn Orodreth of its peril.

Arroch .

Hurin's horse.


The coastlands of Beleriand west of Sirion's mouths; named in Bilbo's song in Rivendell. The coastlands of Beleriand west of Sirion's mouths; named in Bilbo's song in Rivendell.

Asgon .

Man of Dor-lomin who aided Turin's escape after the slaying of Brodda.

Azaghal .

Lord of the Dwarves of Belegost.

Barad Eithel .

'Tower of the Well', the fortress of the Noldor at Eithel Sirion.

Baragund .

Father of Morwen; cousin of Beren.

Barahir .

Father of Beren; brother of Bregolas.

Bar-en-Danwedh .

'House of Ransom', name given by Mim to his house.

Bar-en-Nibin-noeg .

'House of the Petty-dwarves' on Amon Rudh.

Bar Erib .

A stronghold of Dor-Cuarthol south of Amon Rudh.

Battle of Unnumbered Tears .

See Nirnaeth Arnoediad. Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

Bauglir .

'The Constrainer', name given to Morgoth.

Beleg .

Elf of Doriath, a great archer; friend and companion of Turin. Called Cuthalion Cuthalion 'Strongbow'. 'Strongbow'.

Belegost .

'Great Fortress', one of the two cities of the Dwarves in the Blue Mountains.

Belegund .

Father of Rian; brother of Baragund.


Lands west of the Blue Mountains in the Elder Days. Lands west of the Blue Mountains in the Elder Days.

Belthronding .

Beleg's bow.

Beor .

Leader of the first Men to enter Beleriand; progenitor of the House of Beor, one of the three Houses of the Edain.

Beren .

Man of the House of Beor, lover of Luthien, who cut a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown; called 'One-hand' and Camlost Camlost 'Empty-handed'. 'Empty-handed'.

Black King, The .


Black Sword, The .

Turin's name in Nargothrond; also the sword itself. See Mormegil. Mormegil.

Blue Mountains .

The great mountain chain (called Ered Luin Ered Luin and and Ered Lindon Ered Lindon) between Beleriand and Eriador in the Elder Days.

Bragollach .