Part 12 (1/2)
Dorlas .
A man of consequence among the People of Haleth in the Forest of Brethil.
Region in the south of Hithlum given by King Fingolfin as a fief to the House of Hador; the home of Hurin and Morwen. Region in the south of Hithlum given by King Fingolfin as a fief to the House of Hador; the home of Hurin and Morwen.
'Land of Pines', great forested highlands on the northern borders of Beleriand, afterwards named 'Land of Pines', great forested highlands on the northern borders of Beleriand, afterwards named Taurnu-Fuin. Taurnu-Fuin.
Long firth of the sea piercing Ered Lomin, the Echoing Mountains. Long firth of the sea piercing Ered Lomin, the Echoing Mountains.
Easterlings .
Tribes of Men who followed the Edain into Beleriand.
Echad i Sedryn .
(also the Echad the Echad) 'Camp of the Faithful', name given to Mim's house on Amon Rudh.
Ecthelion .
Elf-lord of Gondolin.
Edain .
(singular Adan Adan) The Men of the Three Houses of the Elf-friends.
Eithel Ivrin*
'Ivrin's Well', the source of the river Narog beneath Ered Wethrin. 'Ivrin's Well', the source of the river Narog beneath Ered Wethrin.
Eithel Sirion*
'Sirion's Well', in the eastern face of Ered Wethrin; the fortress of the Noldor in that place, also called 'Sirion's Well', in the eastern face of Ered Wethrin; the fortress of the Noldor in that place, also called Barad Eithel. Barad Eithel.
Eldalie .
The Elven-folk, equivalent to Eldar. Eldar.
Eldar .
The Elves of the Great Journey out of the East to Beleriand.
Elder Children .
The Elves. See Children of Iluvatar. Children of Iluvatar.
Eledhwen .
Name of Morwen, 'Elfsheen'.
Encircling Mountains .
The mountains encircling Tumladen, the plain of Gondolin.
Enemy, The .
Eol .
Called 'the Dark Elf', a great smith who dwelt in Nan Elmoth; maker of the sword Anglachel; father of Maeglin.
Ephel Brandir .
'The Fence of Brandir', the enclosed dwellings of the Men of Brethil upon Amon Obel; also the Ephel. the Ephel.
Ered Gorgoroth*
'Mountains of Terror', the vast precipices in which Taur-nu-Fuin fell southward; also the Gorgoroth. the Gorgoroth.
Ered Wethrin .
'Shadowy Mountains', 'Mountains of Shadow', the great range forming the boundary of Hithlum on the east and south.
The river of Doriath, dividing the forests of Neldoreth and Region and flowing into Sirion. The river of Doriath, dividing the forests of Neldoreth and Region and flowing into Sirion.
Exiles, The .
The Noldor who rebelled against the Valar and returned to Middle-earth.
Faelivrin .
Name given to Finduilas by Gwindor.