189 Chapter 186 No More Heroes (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 24520K 2022-07-22

Joseph stepped forward and punched her in the face, breaking her teeth, before he kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying into the wall. She hit so hard, that the breath was knocked out of her, and she stopped screaming.


He stopped the bleeding, and closed the wounds on the end of her stumps, but didn't regrow her limbs. Then, as she was recovering, he walked up to her and ripped out her tongue. It was surprisingly difficult to do, and he was glad this was in a fantasy, instead of real life.


He stopped her bleeding, again, and crouched down in front of her, while he imagined a towel into being, to wipe his hand off with.

”Tiffany, because you work for NURKONG, I'm not going to kill you. He would just send you back again, and we would have to do this all over again, and again, and again. Instead, I'm going to leave you like this.”


”There, that will keep you from dying. We're going to throw you into the bottom of a tower, and let you lie there. Someone will come by every day, to feed you, and if you ask politely, they may clean up after you mess yourself. Good luck trying to relearn how to talk. I have faith you can do it. Take her away.”

Standing up, he had imaginary guards come and pick her up, as the crowd began to boo and hiss at her.

Joseph left the fantasy, and as her despair reached its peak, he motioned for Theon to cast SOUL STONE for a third time. He was getting tired, so Joseph had to help him a little, but it was a valuable experience for him.

”Here, Nidhogg. Take these stones and guard them, as the treasurer, they are valuable items of the kingdom.”

Nidhogg took the three cases with the rocks, that had become gemstones as the souls were placed into them, and left.

”Joseph, the army is still an hour out, what do you want to happen, now?” asked William, uncertain of his son.

Joseph turned to look at his dad, and realized that the man had no clue everything Joseph had been through since he had been left to run part of a kingdom at the age of seven. He had to make some very adult decisions to keep the people around him alive. If anyone thought he was going to be lenient on those looking to cause his people harm, they were mistaken.

”I want the ILLUSION mages to place scenes in the sky, of the army's precious hero being turned into a slurpy. Then I want the SOUND mages to send out the message, 'Surrender and become slaves, or fight and be destroyed'. Everyone did so well in the last round of fighting, that I'll take this round. Hopefully, it's the last.”

William nodded, and with a frown still on his face, he turned to the mages, who were already on the move.

Joseph took Stella's hand and they teleported to the top tower of his castle, to look over the incoming army. There were thousands of people. From the looks of it, most of the farmers and innocent people were in the front, condemned to quick deaths as fodder. The middle of the army was made up of paid mercenaries, who looked very excited at the upcoming battle. The very back of the army looked to be proper soldiers, who had probably received actual training, but were doubtless hoping to not see any real fighting.

He watched them carefully as the illusion was played for them, three times, and then the demand was broadcast out over them all. Squeezing Stella's hand, he turned to her with a smile.

”Time to make an impression.”
