189 Chapter 186 No More Heroes (1/2)
”What happened?” asked William, frowning at Joseph's apparent upbeat mood.
”That spell, that I just twisted her soul into? That hurt NURKONG so much, he disengaged from his mental attacks on me. I no longer feel the rage that I've been struggling with.”
William nodded in understanding, but was still very much unhappy, as Joseph turned back to Mona.
Injecting his mana into her, as he released her from her fantasy, he immediately trapped her into his own. She barely had time to look around in confusion before he proceeded to eradicate every single loop, node, and pathway in her mana circuit.
”You were given the power of magic, from a G.o.d. You never studied it. You never learned how to use it. My people spend years learning magic, that you were given for free. And then, you used that magic to kill my people. The children of my people. I sentence you to think about what you've done.”
He left out the ability for her to be able to move, and trapped her, fully conscious and alive, inside of stone.
”Do you see that? It's the galaxy as it spins slowly. And by slowly, I mean millions of years. In fact, it will happen so slowly, you will never be able to tell that it's actually moving. In about 400 million years, that galaxy over there, will crash into this one, and you will get to watch the whole thing. Slowly.”
He carved RELIEVE MADNESS onto her chest.
”That will keep you from going insane. I would hate for you to miss any of this.”
He turned, as if to leave, then turned back, as if he had just remembered something.
”Oh, and that excruciating pain that you're feeling right now, where I just ripped out your mana circuit? That will never go away. Maybe you'll get used to it…”
Joseph exited the new fantasy, leaving her trapped in it, and nodded to Theon.
This wasn't a spell they got to practice often, so Joseph was making this a teaching opportunity. As Theon placed the second stone in its own box, Joseph turned to the last girl, Tiffany.
Entering her fantasy, he allowed her to see him this time. She turned from her adoring crowd, and stopped, not expecting to see him.
”Who are you?” she demanded, then her eyes went wide as she seemed to recognize him, which he thought was interesting because none of them had ever actually seen him before.
”We beat you. You're the demon king. What happened?”
Joseph didn't say a word as he took his spear/staff, and dashed forward, cutting off her arms and legs before she could react.
”AGHH!” she screamed.