190 Chapter 187 Harem Crusher (1/2)
Joseph floated in the air, gazing down at the army that was invading his lands. Technically, he did steal it from them, but they never knew it, and he wasn't about to give it back now. Besides, the men below him, didn't follow the king that had laid claim to this land.
”How many do you think there are?” asked Stella, floating beside him.
”Around 80,000,” he answered, glancing over them all.
”You counted?” she asked, turning to him surprised.
”No, it's simple math,” he said with a small smile.
Stella groaned. ”You and your math.”
”Lay down your weapons and armor, and surrender. If you do, your lives will be spared. You have two minutes. I will kill anyone still holding a weapon and in armor at that time.”
”A little quick on the time, but I think if properly motivated,” said Stella with a shrug.
It was obvious to both of them that not many were actually trying to remove their armor. Those in the very front of the army, the fodder, were about the only ones, and they were attacked if close enough to the mercenaries that seemed to make up the middle of the army.
”It's disgusting that they have primitive guns. Those must have come from the duke who warned me about the heroes.”
”It's only a dozen or so percussion cap weapons. The majority are flintlocks. They also have maybe a hundred cannons, there in the middle area,” said Stella, pointing at them.
Joseph nodded.
”These guys are just p.a.w.ns. Hardly worth venting on. The heroes were the actual threat.”
”Yet, you are still going to kill and enslave them?” she asked, curiously.
”Of course! Any threat to the kingdom should be crushed. The lives they live as slaves in my kingdom will be far better than anything their current kingdom, ruled by demons, will provide them. Do you think I should spare them?” he asked glancing at her.
”No, I was curious. You shouldn't ask me if you're having a moral dilemma. Most of Sylva's memories are from when she considered men like these, a snack. Most of my memories are from hiding from men like this, when my mom brought them home. They look filthy, and the few who are taking their armor off, are starved.”
”Hmm. Well 2 minutes is up now anyway. A few SKYFALL would do it, but the earthquakes might hurt the workers on the mountain.”
Dozens of instances of the SHRAPNEL spell appeared and started firing off at the army below. Every time one was fired, another took its place. Soon hundreds of small homing darts were in the air. They intentionally went for the eyes, to ensure they were fatal.
At first the army was stunned. It took almost ten full seconds before the men in back were able to see and understand the wave of dropping bodies in front of them. Joseph had killed hundreds already, and it had only been a few seconds.
At the first sign of mana gathering, a SHRAPNEL blew the head off of the enemy mage.
Despite the obvious lack of danger to him, Stella stayed by Joseph's side, in case there were any surprises. She was fantastic against powerful opponents, or elite squads, but she couldn't hope to match him against crowds of weaklings for efficiency.
Joseph thought about it for a moment, and decided that maybe some of them might not have been considered weaklings. One of the captains parried his SHRAPNEL, so another took him from his blind spot.
”Stella, do you think raising the dead as zombies and having them finish off the rest would be too much?” he asked, thoughtfully.
She gave him a look. ”Just kill them, Joseph. You have another meeting after this, and the sooner it's done the sooner we can make popcorn and watch what Issa's group is showing tonight. I'm hoping it's something uplifting. The people watching this will need some cheering up.”
”You think so? My awesome power isn't enough to bring pride to their hearts?” he asked, in surprise.
She looked at him, as if trying to judge if he was that delusional, and they both laughed.