131 Chapter 129 The Eastern Kingdom Castle (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 26380K 2022-07-22

”Hey, why are you outside?” asked a guy, standing from a recessed doorway, where he had been sitting out of sight of any of the fighters in the street.

”What are kids doing out here?” asked another guy, joining the first one. They were both wearing dirty and stained clothing. Joseph could smell them from where they were standing, and it was obvious the two of them had not bathed in a long time.

Stella was patting herself down to make sure she was in one piece, completely ignoring the two as they pointed at them and softly laughed. Joseph didn't miss the fact that they kept a close eye on the street to make sure they could disappear should any of the soldiers appear.

”The boy looks wealthy. Think we could make some money off him?”

”The girl's a bit young, but I'm sure we could get something for her…ugh.”

Stella had turned and thrown two daggers, as the words left the second man's mouth. One hit the first man in the eye, and the other hit the second man in the throat. They both went down fast. The first one was dead before he landed, but the second clutched at his throat, in panic, as he bled out.

”Feel better, Stella?” asked Joseph, shaking his head at the stupidity of the two.

Stella retrieved her daggers, wiping them clean on a cloth she pulled from her purse, then dropped on them, not even sparing a second look at the man who lay dying.

”Follow me, Master Joseph.”

He followed her as she moved silently through the alley, checking every shadow for others who might be hiding and laying in wait. He was pretty impressed, because she even checked the walls above their heads, in case there were a window someone might attack them from. This was her element, and Joseph was willing to let her have a little fun.

As they peeked around the corner, they could see that the streets were full of soldiers.

”Please, take us back to the rooftops. They are watching the streets and shooting everyone.”


As they arrived on the tallest building, crouched to not be seen, they gazed out over the city's roofs. There were archers from both sides of the battle, ready to shoot anyone they saw.

”Hmm. Stella, let's go to the castle. We might be able to figure out what's going on.”

She nodded.


They were on the wall that surrounded the castle. As they looked out over the castle grounds they couldn't see a single person anywhere. There were dead bodies scattered to show that a fight had occurred, so neither of them had much hope for any survivors.

Stella pointed to a window on the ground floor and said, ”Master Joseph, there are people inside.”

She had seen someone move past it. Joseph teleported them to the grounds and walked up to the wall near the window.


He grabbed her hand and pulled her through the stone wall.

He hoped to see mages fighting, but there wasn't any magic anywhere. Whoever had started this fight was long gone, and the poor people who were caught up in the fighting continued because they didn't know any better. The mages were probably the first to be killed, anyways.

Joseph pulled her through another wall, finding them behind a maid who was chewing on her fingernails nervously.

”h.e.l.lo, ma'am.”