131 Chapter 129 The Eastern Kingdom Castle (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 26380K 2022-07-22

She jumped and let out a small scream.

”Who are you?” she asked fearfully, drawing away from them.

”I'm Joseph, son of William, and this is Stella. What happened here?”

She looked at him, then at Stella, unconvinced about how safe they were.

”The king and n.o.bles fled a week ago, leaving us trapped here when the army arrived. The general turned against the king, and the army followed him.”

He looked at Stella, and she shook her head.

”That means the king is either being controlled or already dead and replaced.”

Joseph nodded in agreement.

”How did you get here?” asked the maid, glancing behind them, at the stone wall.

”I was sent to rescue anyone who was still in the castle, and to take them back to my father's town. You'll be safe there. Are there other survivors?”

”Of course! Most of the servants were left to fend for ourselves. We all hid when the looters came and took most everything. They didn't find us here, in the secret pa.s.sages. None of us have been able to leave the castle because of the fighting.”

”If you can get everyone together, then I can get you all out of here,” he said. These people might be able to answer some of the questions he was sure his father would have.

”Oh!” exclaimed the maid, hurrying off.

”How are you going to get them all back?” asked Stella. ”If you open a portal, it might give away to the enemy where home is.”

”I can teleport large groups now, remember?” he said, then remembered that she hadn't been with him when he teleported his father's people.

Nodding as she remembered him explain it earlier, they left the hidden pa.s.sage where they had met the maid, to find themselves in a large dinning room. The great table had been broken, and the chairs smashed and thrown onto it. There were no dishes left in one piece, and rotting food and bones were scattered amid moldy straw. The smell was awful, as the people began to trickle into the room.

They came in twos and threes, from where ever they had been hiding, until the maid finally returned to let them know that was everyone. It looked like half the staff had been stuck here. Judging from their sunken eyes and hollow faces, they hadn't had much to eat or drink in the past week. Joseph was impressed they were still able to move.

”I was sent here to investigate what had happened by my father. I didn't realize there would be any survivors, but I will take you back home where you will be safe. I'm sure my father will have many questions for you.”

”Who are you?” asked an old man, leaning heavily on a cane. His clothes gave his position of butler away.

”My father was a famous slave owner, who traveled between the three kingdoms, before the war started. His name is William. I am Joseph, his son, and this is Stella.”

”Why would any man send a boy as young as you to such a place as this?” asked another woman, incredulously.

”If you will all gather together here, I will teleport us all at once.”

At the mention of teleporting, the people began to murmur and glance at him, as if he had lost his mind. The many years of following orders, though, had them gathering together despite their obvious doubts.

