130 Chapter 128 A Date (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 30270K 2022-07-22

”Dad, I'm awake. Want to talk whenever you get a chance?”

William quickly sent everyone else away. Joseph looked curiously at him. The people didn't call him Master William, but sir?

As if reading his mind, his dad nodded and said, ”Yes, everyone is free now. All of the contracts stated that they only continued while the current kings were in charge.”

”WHAT!? I know the western kingdom lost their king, but the central and eastern kingdoms, too?”

”The central kingdom was overthrown, though we haven't confirmed the death of the king. The eastern kingdom is still being ruled by the king, but it's in name only. At least it was so weak the contract decided it counted as having lost control of the kingdom, and ended itself.”


”Furthermore, the group responsible for taking control of each kingdom, appears to be the same, though they claim different names. They have sent people and resources between the kingdoms to a.s.sist the revolts, whenever needed.”

Joseph thought quickly, 'hey system, if I take over the current human kingdoms, will that count?'


'Fair enough.'

”Well, we killed a group of demons wearing human skins, that were torturing a magical creature in order to siphon mana for some other goal. So, the magical creature thanked me and taught me a lot of spells, which pushed me into a mage trance, and while I was there, time was weird, so it took a while to come back. But I've learned a lot of spells in the last month. Twenty-two new spells, including what the creature gave me directly. I know it was intelligent, but I couldn't actually speak it's language, so I don't know its name.”

His mom suddenly let go of his hand, and let out a scream. Joseph turned quickly enough to see the gator emerging from behind him.

”Oh, this guy is the one they were killing.”

Dozens of other alligator spirits emerged from his back as they sat there. Tekaun started mumbling what kind of sounded like a prayer, as they wandered around. The king went back into him and he felt it heading back to EARTH.

'Hey dude, I am not a revolving door,' Joseph thought at it.

[They wanted to see your people.]

Screams erupted outside as the spirits explored the town. Several people who hadn't contracted spirits yet, fell to their knees and began the contracting process. It seemed that the creatures weren't willing to contract with anyone who already had a spirit. Contracting a magical creature must have been more taxing. They only knew EARTH spells and abilities, but they knew far more abilities than normal spirits.

'Hmm. Well that will be helpful,' thought Joe.

”Hey, Stella? What's to stop us from both using BODY OF STONE and teleporting into s.p.a.ce? I want to look down on the planet and the wasteland, and maybe see the world tree. I'm still not sure how the wasteland kills people, but surely the effect can't extend into s.p.a.ce, right?”

”I don't know, Master Joseph.”

”Want to go after breakfast?”

”Into s.p.a.ce?”

”Why not?”

”Um, I suppose.”


Both his parents were too distracted by the spirits to have noticed their conversation.

”Ever since I saw my last life's memories, I've been trying to figure out how I would get giant robots, and to fly in s.p.a.ce. It's a man's romance, Stella.”

”Master Joseph, sometimes I have no idea what you are saying, despite being certain you are still speaking common.”

”Maybe even a super combining robot.”

”Why would you do that?”

”Coolness factor obviously. It's terribly inefficient.”

”Yes, Master Joseph.”

”Don't worry, a golem army will be plenty. I don't need to make a super combining golem to pilot.”


”So, now that we've got that all figured out, should we go get breakfast while everyone is zoned out?”

”Sounds good.”

Breakfast was wonderful, with hot flaky biscuits and rich gravy.


After breakfast Joseph took Stella's hand.


'Joe, I may need you for extra power.'