129 Chapter 127 Waking Up (2/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 25410K 2022-07-22

Joseph crawled out of bed, letting his mom continue to hold his hand. It wasn't too bad to have his mom worry about him and want to hold his hand.

”I need to talk to dad. Let's go. Derek, fill me in on everything, along the way.”

Derek started talking about what happened over the month, glancing at Stella as she moved to follow.

”Nothing critical, or catastrophic, which is really nice, but now that official leaders of each rune have been decided, it makes teaching the incoming students much easier. Those with magery, at least to 1, were told, among William's people, and it has been left up to them to decide if they wanted training as mages.

”The cla.s.s ready to move to the next phase of training is roughly 2,000, and another 62 candidates have stepped forward. Of that, 54 decided to become mages. We also opened up to the former barbarians, if they wanted to learn after Theon became head of necromancy. Tekaun said that any women who wished to learn spirit magic, and pa.s.s their tribes' tests, may attempt it as well. So far, only three girls have tried though. They are still in the middle of the preparation before trying to contract a spirit.”

As he continued, it became apparent that one of the shamans saw the spirit of the king of the swamp before he fully returned, or at least felt his presence, which started another round of discussions. Joseph wished him well in EARTH though. He had no intention of forcing the king of the swamp to be his contracted spirit. None of the former barbarians, currently living, had ever contracted a magical creature as their spirit.

Seeing Selena walking around, he waved and called out, ”Hi, Selena!”

”h.e.l.lo, little Joseph. I see you have awoken.”

”Yeah. I probably would have woken up quicker, if it had been FIRE instead of EARTH. You could have come said hi.”

”FIRE understands. Though he has mentioned giving you kindling.”

Joseph laughed, not really wanting to know what that meant.

”FIRE seems like a hot lover for you, but I'm sure he would burn with jealousy if you came over to EARTH to pick me up.”

Selena laughed.

”I know I won't ever be drawn to a single rune as closely as you, Miss Selena. I'm just happy with everyone being friends. Except FOOD. FOOD seems like what would happen if I had a grandma going, 'Come have a snack, you look famished.'”

Everyone laughed at that, even his mom.

”Do you really talk to the runes like that, Master Joseph?” asked Derek after a moment of thought.

”Of course. It's how Selena taught me. Though I had to learn origin words in order to really start holding conversations because Selena is special.

”Ah, Selena, I was heading to talk to dad.”

”I won't keep you anymore then, young Joseph. I have found many similarities between how I converse with FIRE and how the spirit mages converse with their spirits, though I have never formed a contract from what I can tell.”

”That actually makes a lot of sense in hindsight.”

She smiled.

”I am on my way to continue a discussion I was having with one of the shamans yesterday. Good day, young Joseph.”

”Good day, miss Selena.”

They finally arrived at the building William ruled from. It was a bit weird to not see him in a carriage or a tent. He was having a hard time adjusting as well, after being a traveling merchant for so many years.
