129 Chapter 127 Waking Up (1/2)
Joseph knew that he needed to let everyone know that he was awake. He really wanted to tell them he was sorry for making them worry for so long.
Whispering, so as not to wake his mom, he said, ”Hey, Stella.”
Opening her eyes, she smiled at him. ”Good morning, Master Joseph.”
”I'm back. I learned a lot of new spells. Also, I think I may be a nerd. Joe decided, while I was out, to just make use of BODY OF STONE and study magic instead of walking us around.”
His mom looked up. ”Joe? Who's Joe?”
Obviously, he hadn't been quiet enough. ”Hi mom.”
Joseph smiled at her, and she smiled back, relief obvious on her face, but she wasn't about to let his comment go. ”Who or what is Joe?”
”Well, the G.o.d of magic gave me a second mind so that I could study magic faster. I named him Joe so we could keep ourselves separate.”
His mother stared at him for a moment, unable to come up with a response to something the G.o.d of magic had done. She did not let go of his hand though.
”I am grateful, that this time, you didn't require any more a.s.sistance,” said Stella, apparently trying to distract his mother, but Joseph winced inwardly, not sure that was the right way to do it.
”Yeah. Needing someone to clean up after you, and feed you, while you're unconscious is really embarra.s.sing when you wake up.”
His mom opened her mouth again, then closed it with a small shake to her head, as if she wasn't sure how to comment about that either.
”It was weird leaving the magic realm this time. EARTH has a really strange sense of time.
”Hey Derek you can come in,” he added, turning his head towards the door.
Derek entered from outside. His aura was stronger. Apparently, being near Joseph while he was in the BODY OF STONE was beneficial to his studies in EARTH.
”Derek, have you been taking advantage of me while I lay here? I reached intermediate EARTH, and can tell you've gotten stronger as well.”
”Oh... of course, not master I …”
”Derek, I'm just messing with you. It's fine. I'm glad to see you become stronger. Don't get so pale. Stella it was a joke. Put that back up. I know you wouldn't let him do anything.”
Stella slid her dagger back from where ever she had pulled it, and glared at Derek, sending s.h.i.+vers down his spine.
”Well, I did gain quite a bit of insight, by seeing your transformation, Master Joseph.”
”Yeah, of the options between stone and fire I figured stone was the better choice.”
”Fire?” whispered his mom. Everyone was staring at him.
”What? Selena could have still carried me somewhere, I'm sure. Was I super heavy as stone?” he asked, turning to Stella.
”You waited until you were in bed, but yes.”
Joseph ran through the past month quickly in his head.
'Good thinking Joe,' he said. Joe did the equivalent of nodding back, and continued with his studies.