93 Chapter 93 Experimenting With Advanced Technology (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 24960K 2022-07-22

<stella's perspective=””>

Stella watched as Joseph dived into the trance. Derek and Stephan were watching him expectantly. She wondered if she should get on to them about not watching for dangerous magic, but she honestly didn't know that much about magic, so decided not to say anything, in case they already were.

”Only the strongest mages can do this,” whispered Derek, as if to keep from distracting Joseph.

Stephan only nodded in agreement. This was apparently nothing like when he fell into a mage trance.

Suddenly, a tiny flame appeared above him. Stella examined it, wondering if it was something dangerous, but then it started to change its shape. It began to look like Joseph, only, it was aging. It didn't look like any of the older Joseph's in her memories, perhaps it was what he would look like in this life?

He was wearing a very nice suit, complete with b.u.t.tons down the front of the coat. It was very odd to see such detail in a flame. She watched amused, as he even combed his hair. Master Joseph was so meticulous in everything.

The figure started to speak, and she a.s.sumed he had managed to find Selena. That was good. Perhaps she could get a message to his father for him. Stella knew that he was concerned about them.

Her mind wandered, very briefly to her mother, but then she shut the thought out. She hoped to never see that woman again. Nothing she had done, in Stella's entire memory, could be considered nice, much less motherly. She was very glad that Joseph had a good life here, with loving parents. His happiness made her happy.

Stephan and Derek were whispering like mad to each other, and she had to shake her head in amus.e.m.e.nt. They had become fanatics. Joseph infected them somehow with a desire for magic. Despite that, she knew she was his best friend. Joseph was very important to her.

The figure over Joseph, said something, and suddenly the lamp flame started to flicker crazily, as if a strong breeze blew through the room. The two mage apprentices jumped to their feet and stared around the room amazed. She saw that their shadows on the wall were very odd, and got a sick feeling in her stomach.

There was a knock on the door, and she rushed to answer it.

”Is everything alright?”

”The campfires have started going crazy! Everyone's in a panic!”

”Calm them down, Master Joseph is working on it.”

Justin, the slave Master Joseph had a.s.signed to report to her anything strange, nodded as he realized what must be happening.

”Don't worry, ma'am, I will ensure everyone remains calm.”

Thankfully, the area of effect didn't reach the mages. Stella informed Joseph's people not to speak of the weird activities when the mages started talking about feeling a weird vibe.
