93 Chapter 93 Experimenting With Advanced Technology (2/2)
Joseph was looking over some doc.u.ments. It was August 29th and Matthew, a slave he had placed in charge of a hidden village, was standing in front of him, waiting to report. The village was simply known as village 5, and none of the king's men knew about it, not even Daniel.
The doc.u.ments he was looking over were detailed reports that Matthew had brought from the expert craftsmen Joseph had sent to the village to work on new technology. New to this world, anyway.
The water driven sewing machine was a vast improvement over William's design. The workers were to prioritize safety, because he didn't want any reports of child labor and ripped off fingers from the machinery. The weave was even tighter than the highest current grade. It was slower in the experimental stage, but the promise was there. Currently, the fabric sample he had before him, was the most perfect piece of fabric in the realm.
”Excellent,” he said with a smile.
”We could improve the machines more, but we are following your orders in that everything must be able to be burned down to ash so that it can't be duplicated. Are we not staying here, Master Joseph?”
”No, this will never be our true home. I've spoken extensively with my father about this already. Consider everything you are doing now trial and error. Some day you will be in charge of making perfect machines outside the reach of the 3 kingdoms. When that day comes, we will sell them our products at ridiculous prices. Thus, we can never let them learn to make them themselves.”
”Very well. The pottery has also shown promise. This porcelain technique is significantly different from the dishes we normally make.”
”Excellent. Your goal is to have an entire tea set for four, made before my mother arrives. She loves tea.”
”I will tell the workers it is a present for the Madame. I am sure they will be pleased.”
The report continued. It was hard to smuggle Matthew in and out of the camp without him being observed, so his meetings were very infrequent.
Progress on the perfumes and paints was slower than he wanted, but probably better than he expected. The instructions he could give them came from 15 minutes of a 'how it's made' tv show, he had seen in one of his former lives.
Ironically the way to weave really complicated patterns, got a full hour, while his former self was bored at a hotel, so he watched the whole show. Weaving fantastic quilts and tapestries in volume, won't be too difficult, but they have to make more of the parts out of metal, because of the weight of what they are making. Construction of the machinery was slower.
Paper making and a printing press were coming along, but they were lower priorities. With no available smiths, because of other projects, the craftsmen were stalled. Matthew believed next month they would begin to make paper.
Joseph needed a ma.s.sive amount of paper if he was to get children's books made to pa.s.s out to the children slaves. Once he learned illusion magic, he was going to try and actually show his memory of the 'how to' shows, instead of just explaining.
Also, he thought it would be funny to watch Sat.u.r.day morning cartoons again. Maybe Stella would get more of his jokes…nope, probably not.