92 Chapter 92 Compensating... (1/2)

Abuse Of Magic Sdrawkcab 26230K 2022-07-22

”What do you intend to do today, Master Joseph?” asked Stella as she sat his breakfast plate down in front of him.

”I want to try and see if I can find Selena in the world of flames. She should be with dad now,” he said, taking a large bite of eggs. The chickens were laying much better now, since he had shown the people in charge of taking care of them how to sprout the seeds so they were easier to digest and had more nutrients available. It was pretty labor intensive, but they had enough people.

”How dangerous is that?” she asked, stirring her crumbled sausage in with her eggs.

”In theory it shouldn't be dangerous, but I'll be in a trance and waking me up from it might not be a good idea.”

”I'll let the guards know. Should I notify Derek and Stephan?”

”That would be good. They can watch for outside magic to make sure I'm not attacked by any of the other mages.”

Setting her plate down, she immediately went to the door, and spoke quietly to whichever guard was there. A few moments later, she returned and picked up her plate.

Finis.h.i.+ng his plate just as Derek and Stephan arrived, Joseph explained to them what he was going to be doing. They quickly decided to take turns watching for the outside magic and watching him.

Joseph sat down on the floor, so that if he needed to lay down, it was safer, then focused on FIRE. The thought of how embarra.s.sing it would be if he couldn't enter the realm after all these preparations, popped into his mind and he had to take a breath to calm himself. Circulating his mana through the rune, he opened his eyes and found himself floating in s.p.a.ce.

Below him floated the realm of FIRE. To either side was AIR and EARTH. In front of him was WATER. His initial confusion faded as he realized this was the realm that had been foggy before. Because he had learned so many runes, the area had cleared up nicely.

Taking a moment to enjoy his progress, he finally dived towards FIRE. The realm of flames spread before him and when he looked down at himself, he found that he was almost a blob. This form was nothing like the beauty of Selena's form. Even though he was almost an intermediate FIRE mage, he still didn't compare to her. He had only to learn two more spells and go through twenty hours of FIRE practice to reach intermediate.

The realm was less aggressive this time, more curious than anything.

Using SHAPE FIRE, Joseph decided he wanted to be closer to twenty rather than seven. Giving himself a long coat with tails, he decided he needed to be a cla.s.sy king. After his experience with Dominic, he really didn't want robes any more.

He gave himself just enough muscles to look nice, and absolutely no flab. He still needed to be able to dance with Stella. There, he was done. Looking down, he was rather pleased with himself.

”Are you done making yourself pretty, little Joseph?” asked a voice beside him.

Turning, he smiled as he saw Selena watching him, amused. He was glad his face was already too red to show his embarra.s.sment.

”Miss Selena, a pleasure,” he said very proper, and bowed a slight bow.

”You are much more comfortable this time. I can't even imagine what you must have gone through to have advanced this quickly.” A slight look of concern flashed over her face.

”I killed a creature of evil and ice, the Cthulhu-sKreT. An avatar of the G.o.d NURKONG that had been sealed and was released.”

The entire world of flame reacted to that name. Selena smiled.

”Excellent. It was a corrupted thing that should not have existed. FIRE and ICE are normal but what NURKONG did was twisted and dark.”