Part 7 (2/2)

Breonni put a smile on her face then pulled back. ”Yes, I can't wait to have you all to myself. I need to see if your actions can back up your tongue.”

”I love when a woman has doubts. It makes her screams sound even sweeter.”

”We will see,” Bre said as she slid past him. ”This way?” she pointed the double door.

”Yes, take your time; they are preparing lunch.”

Magic walked behind her watching the jiggle of her a.s.s in her jeans. He stopped at Ledger and relieved him of his post.

”You sure? We didn't find s.h.i.+t yet, but I don't feel safe leaving you here with her.”

”It's all good. I got it. I will see you in two days. Have fun and try to get that nut off your back; you're starting to get bitter, n.i.g.g.a,” Magic joked.

”I like being bitter; that way I don't have to worry about putting my d.i.c.k in something lethal,” Ledger responded.

”I have seen those b.i.t.c.hes you f.u.c.k with. I'm surprised you don't have to p.i.s.s sitting down,” Magic joked. ”See you in a few days,” he dropped his smile and moved toward the cabin doors.

Ledger stepped off the boat and on to the dock feeling like he was signing his boy's life away. He watched as the boat took off, then he picked up his phone to make his last call. It was something about Bre that he didn't trust and he was going to find out what it was.

Breonni moved around the room opening drawers and checking under the mattress. She needed to locate something she would be able to defend herself with in case the n.i.g.g.a got outta line. She sifted through her purse and came up empty. She had to admit, the n.i.g.g.a was on point. That commercial flight stopped her from being able to carry anything; giving him the edge. She sat on the bed and looked over at the bathing suit and silk wrap that he had laid out, and then she reached for her phone and dialed KoKo.

”h.e.l.lo,” she whispered.

”What's good, ma? You straight?”

”Yeah, I'm good,” Breonni said, rising to her feet and continuing to walk around the room.

”Where you at?”

”On a boat.”

”A boat? Where?” KoKo sat up in her seat.

”Florida. I'm good for now. I will hit you back in a few. I'ma turn this phone off, you know he's on my a.s.s.”

”A'ight. Be careful,”

”I will,” Breonni said, then erased the call and turned off her phone.

She gathered the items from the bed and headed to the bathroom. When she entered and saw the gla.s.s and gold shower with several showerheads, a calm came over her mind. Breonni stripped down, regulated the water, and then hopped inside. As the warm water rained over her body, she fixed her mind for the journey ahead.

KoKo sat her phone down and looked over at Baseem.

”What's up, sis?” he asked picking up on her sudden mood change.

”It's nothing; just weighing some s.h.i.+t,” she said, turning her seat to face the wall.

Baseem sat there for a minute then spoke plain. ”I know you got some s.h.i.+t brewing. I need to caution you that Kayson is not playing when it comes to you staying away from this war,” he got quiet allowing his statement to sink in.

KoKo turned back to him and took in the seriousness on his face.

”Look, I fully understand what is at stake and I won't risk mine or the family's safety,” she a.s.sured.

”Are you sure about that?” Baseem asked, knowing that KoKo had been sneaking around and using Goldie to help her do it.

”What is that supposed to mean?” she sat forward holding his gaze.

Baseem thought for a minute then answered. ”KoKo, I love you. You are more family to me than the bloodline I was born into. However, I am most loyal to your husband and I will be slow to speak about what I can, but I will not hide anything from my brother,” he spoke firm then stood up.

”I won't cause you to have to make that decision.”

Baseem nodded his head then headed to the door. ”Let your husband lead, ma. There is a dark side of that man that you never want to see,” Baseem said, giving KoKo no time to respond as he opened the door and walked out of her office.

KoKo turned back around in her chair and watched the monitors. She couldn't help but think about the possible danger she had put Breonni in, but she had to tuck that s.h.i.+t; each woman had made their choices and she had put too much into the mission. She also had to acknowledge Baseem's warning. There was definitely a side of Kayson that she didn't want to see; however, she too had a side no man wanted to run into.

Chapter 12.

Never Cross the Line Goldie moved around her apartment cleaning and packing her and Jarod's bags. She had to drop him off at KoKo's house with the nanny then catch a flight to Atlanta. She had just placed her swifter and cleaning supplies in the hall closet when she heard a knock at the door. She turned the radio down, cranked up the baby swing, and headed to the door. When she looked out the peephole and a smile came across her face. Goldie pulled the door open and a bigger smile was on Baseem's face.

”Why yo a.s.s always take so long to open the door?” he asked moving through the s.p.a.ce she provided. ”You better not have no up in here,” he joked looking around.

”Boy, please...the only man in my life and my bed is six months old,” she stated, closing the door.

”Yeah, a'ight,” Baseem said, taking a seat on the couch.

”You always starting something. Don't you have some work to do, trouble maker?” she asked, taking a seat across from him on the loveseat.

”You are my work. I gotta make sure you and my little friend are straight,” Baseem said looking in her eyes.

”Well, don't worry...we're good. You want something to drink?”

”Yeah, hit me with some hen and,” he said, rising to his feet. ”Let me run to the bathroom real quick.”

”Make yourself at home,” Goldie responded heading to the kitchen. ”Oh, and the spray is under the sink,” she giggled.

”You got jokes. I didn't even say anything when you farted in my car,” he said heading down the hall.

”Shut up, I did not. That's nasty,” she yelled back, grabbing a gla.s.s from the cabinet.

When Baseem returned his drink was on the coffee table on ice. He took a seat and began to handle his afternoon pick-me-up.
