Part 8 (1/2)

”d.a.m.n, what the f.u.c.k! Did you put soda in it?” he asked, looking at his watch. ”It's one o'clock in the afternoon. Yo a.s.s be in here getting f.u.c.ked up!” he looked at the gla.s.s then sat it down.

” can't hang?” Goldie said, perching her lips to the side.

”Sheeiit...I was doing this when you were in an A cup,” he responded, taking the drink to his lips and downing the rest.

Goldie watched him take the hot liquid to the head and place it down. Her eyes roamed over his body. He was defined in all the right places and from what she could tell, he was hung like a pony and his swag said he knew how to use every inch of it. She was caught up in the middle of her fantasy when her better judgment kicked in. He was Night's friend and even more than that, he was a friend to her and that was a line she did not want to cross. Her mind and her p.u.s.s.y were in a strong argument when she heard a loud voice in her head say, b.i.t.c.h you better not. Goldie shook her head and then stood up.

”Let me go get dressed real quick. Do you need anything else?'

”Nah, I'm good,” he looked up and saw the fat print in her booty shorts staring back at him.

”I'll be back.”

”A'ight,” he sat back and rested his arms on the pillows.

When Goldie turned to walk out the room, his eyes settled on her a.s.s and his d.i.c.k pulsated against his zipper. He grabbed his little friend, ”Be cool,” he mumbled, causing Goldie to turn back around and catch him with a handful of that steel.

Goldie turned back toward the room and kept it moving. But on the inside, she died a thousand deaths. When she got to her room, she closed the door and sat on the bed. She looked over at a picture of her and Night in Vegas and a few tears welled up in her eyes. Goldie covered her face and tried to shake off the feelings that had taken control of her mind.

”Baby, I miss you,” she said out loud as she lost the fight with the water that forced its way from her eyes. ”I will always cherish what we had and I will not violate it,” she picked up the picture and held it to her lips. She gripped it tight to her chest and took a deep breath. Goldie placed the frame back on the desk and headed to shower and got dressed.

Baseem put his head back on the couch and reflected on the feelings that appeared every time he was in Goldie's presence. His loyalty to his boy was ironclad; yet his feelings for the woman he left behind could not be denied. He was at war with his l.u.s.t and his love; and on top of that, he had a special place in his heart for Night's son. Baseem played with the ideas that had taken over his thoughts and when he opened his eyes, Jarod was staring at him with a little smile.

”What's up, little man?” Baseem got up from the couch and moved to the swing.

Once Baseem had him in his arms, Jarod put his head on his shoulder and grabbed his s.h.i.+rt tight. Baseem's heart felt warm and he was honored that he could be here for his boy's son. He took a seat on the couch and began his ritual of bouncing him and making crazy faces to make him laugh.

Goldie emerged from the back fully dressed in all white. Her jeans hugged every curve and her s.h.i.+rt sat at the top of her hips, accentuating her tiny waist and curves. Goldie sat the small overnight bag for the baby and her purse next to the door as her heart, too, became heavy watching Baseem with her son. Goldie again got choked up. She smiled to push back the emotion.

”You ready?” she asked, walking over to take the baby out of Baseem's arms.

”Yeah, I'm ready,” Baseem stood up and straightened his s.h.i.+rt.

Baseem stood close to Goldie and a little heat rose between them.

Goldie moved from his side toward the door. She needed to put some much needed s.p.a.ce between them. Baseem picked up the bags and followed close behind her. As he looked over her shoulder at little man, he decided he was going to keep the relations.h.i.+p the way it was. He knew that the p.u.s.s.y would be worth it, but the trust would be compromised and the one thing he didn't want was to cause her any more pain. Baseem tucked his feelings, deciding to be a friend and continue to help as much as he could.

Goldie had a similar struggle; however, the fact that she had not had s.e.x since the day before Night was killed was clouding her vision. The ride over to KoKo's was quiet, but in those moments of silence, they both vowed to never cross the line.

Breonni exited the bathroom fully dressed and ready to give Magic the distraction he needed to drop his guard. She took a deep breath, grabbed her shades and then headed back to the upper deck. When she got closer to where Magic was sitting, she got a tingle between her thighs as she eyed his glistening eight pack. She tipped her shades and let her eyes dance over his frame. When she caught a glimpse of that print, her stomach buckled. She shook her head and moved over to where he sat.

”I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long,” Bre said, rubbing her hand along the muscles in his back.

”You are well worth the wait,” Magic eyed her s.e.xy brown curves as she took her seat.

”What's on the menu?” she asked, taking the napkin from the table and placing it on her lap.

”I got the chef hooking us up something real official. You eat seafood?”

”Yes, I love it,” she perked up thinking about the possibilities.

”Let me find out you do tricks for fish like Shamu,” Magic joked.

”h.e.l.l yeah, but that n.i.g.g.a has nothing on me. I'm about to f.u.c.k something up, land...” she looked at his d.i.c.k. ”...and sea,” she said, biting into her bottom lip.

”Come sit on my lap,” he directed.

Breonni got ready to accommodate him until she looked up and saw the chef coming with a platter.

”Oh, that is going to have to wait,” she sat forward rubbing her hands together.

”d.a.m.n, it's like that?”

”Yup, get ya life. I have work to do.”

Magic laughed at her doing a little dance in her seat as the food arrived.

The chef placed a tender piece of steak fresh off the grill onto her plate, and then he placed grilled clams in garlic b.u.t.ter and Cajun lobster tail right next to it. Next he dressed Magic's plate with the same and poured them both a tall gla.s.s of white wine. Once he stepped away from the table, they dug in.

Magic laughed as Breonni chowed down and spit s.e.xy one-liners at him. He smiled as the ends of her lips turned up and the gleam in her eye sparkled when the flavors touched her tongue. b.u.t.ter and seasonings were all over her hands and she didn't give a d.a.m.n. She dipped her seafood and put big pieces of steak into her mouth paying him no mind. Baseem had brought several women out to his little getaway, but she was different. Breonni was unfazed by his money or his aim to impress her; she had a chill b.u.t.ton he wanted to stroke all night long.

When they were done, Breonni went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She then leaned against the sink and just stared at herself in the mirror. Slight regret seeped into her soul and she thought about what she had traded in for this new life that was far from glamorous. She tugged at her bathing suit and tightened her wrap at her waist, then she returned and sat back looking at Magic with a hazy glimmer in her eyes.

”Wooow...a b.i.t.c.h need a nap.”

”Can I put you to sleep?” he asked.

”I know you don't think that I'ma give you some p.u.s.s.y cause you gave a b.i.t.c.h lobster and steak,” Breonni asked with her head tilted to the side.

”Obviously you didn't do your homework before you came all the way out here,” he responded.

Breonni paused. ”And you must have not done your homework either before you drug me all the way out here.”

Magic chuckled then stood up. ”Come with me. You got too much air in your lungs; I need to take some of that.”

Breonni stood up and gave him a raised brow.

”Don't worry I got you,” he said, taking her by the hand.

Magic lead her to the Jacuzzi and hit the jet causing the bubbles to percolate. He stepped inside then put his hand out to help her in.

Breonni dropped her wrap and stepped in to the warm water. ”It is so beautiful out here,” she said as she looked out at the clear blue water and tall trees in the distance.

”Yeah, I love the water. I try to come out here every chance I get,” Magic said looking in the direction of her gaze.

”So you're a concrete teddy bear,” she teased.

”All can be soft when they need to be. You just have to know when to be soft and when to be rock hard,” he put his hand down and gripped his d.i.c.k.