Part 7 (1/2)
”Thank you. you were,” he stated, waving his hands to calm the team down.
”Mr. Fucciano, this is Luanne Veizades. Luanne, this is the boss,” Jill made the introduction.
”How are you?” Luanne moved forward with confidence and shook his hand firm.
”Please to meet you,” he looked over her features. ”Sorry I missed your presentation. I would be honored if you would come to my office and bring me up to speed on the subject.”
”Sure, no problem,” she accepted, gathering her briefcase and paperwork.
”Jill, please send something over for us to drink in celebration of this new venture. Have the team review the business plan and send me a report,” he instructed then rose to his feet and opened the door wide as he watched her glide past him.
Once in his office, he watched her go into action and speak about money and ventures like she had the master plan.
”So, do you think you can turn all that into a profit in the next six months?” he cut in as soon as she took a breath.
”Absolutely, and then some,” she spoke straight and direct.
”Okay, well send the budget and project overview to accounting so we can a.n.a.lyze it and set a start date.”
”Great,” she said, jumping up out of her seat and organizing her things.
”Leaving so soon?”
Luanne looked up. ”Absolutely, I want to get everything into your hands today,” she closed her briefcase and straightened her jacket.
”Yes, I agree, but the day has already been long; let me take you to lunch and then you be will nice and relaxed to work, yes,” his smooth accent suggested that she had no other choice.
Luanne paused, thinking about his offer. ”Okay, lunch might be good,” she said, giving him a slight smile.
”Great,” he rose from his seat and came around the desk. ”I am so bad with names, my dear. What do you prefer to be called?”
”You can call me Lu; all my friends call me Lu,” she said, heading to the door with a wicked grin on her face.
”Friends it shall be,” he turned off the light not realizing he had just stepped into a world of darkness.
Breonni stood back while Magic ordered three plane tickets. She had no idea where the n.i.g.g.a was taking her. A little fear set in as she watched him take the tickets in his hand and head in her direction. Bre pulled a lollipop out of her pocket and popped it in her mouth.
”You ready?” Magic asked, looking at Bre like she could be dipped and licked at the same d.a.m.n time.
”Maybe. Are you going to be a good boy?” Bre asked, rotating the candy in her mouth.
”I am always good, are you ready to be everything I need this weekend?”
”I don't know about everything, but I will try and accommodate your appet.i.te,” she teased, tightening her jaws.
”That tongue is slippery. I need to see what that mouth do,” he took her by the hand and headed toward the gate.
”If you had your own s.h.i.+t you might have found out,” Bre teased.
”Oh, don't worry; I've got some big things planned for your little world,” he gave her a wicked grin.
As they walked, his boy Ledger held a low-eye gaze on his face. He didn't trust that b.i.t.c.h and hated it when Magic brought random b.i.t.c.hes so close to the organization. He didn't have a problem with a n.i.g.g.a getting some p.u.s.s.y, but it would cost them more than a nut if one of them b.i.t.c.hes were deadly.
Magic turned briefly to check out his boy and gave him a quick lift of the brow to get him to chill. Ledger nodded that he understood; but was keeping a close eye on Bre. He had made a few calls and if any came back sideways, he was going to rock her to sleep himself.
As they boarded the plane, Bre made sure to brush her fat a.s.s, wrapped in tight jeans, against his d.i.c.k. Magic gave the first accommodations by allowing his dog off the chain. Breonni arched her back a little as she felt that rock. d.a.m.n, she thought as she took her seat in first cla.s.s. Magic took his seat and ordered a few small bottles of Jack. Bre crossed her legs and enjoyed the rest of her lollipop as she watched Magic get right.
”When we land, I want all that a.s.s right in my face.”
”What makes you think a b.i.t.c.h will bless you with all that?” she looked in his unwavering eyes.
”Oh, don't worry. When I get finish, you will be begging me to eat everything on my plate,” he held her gaze.
”Why me?”
”You intrigue me and I need to see why this heat exists between us. If by the end of this weekend it's nothing...then I will hit you off with a small stack for your time and let you leave me with some great memories.”
”We will see,” she turned her head and looked out the window.
Magic sat back in his seat and turned over his plans. He needed to cuff a bad b.i.t.c.h and Breonni's att.i.tude had him convinced that she could be the one. But as she had just stated, we will see.
Magic and Breonni talked and shared a few ideas about the game and Magic became even more fascinated. Breonni spoke freely about her thoughts and pa.s.sions which was rare outside of most females he encountered. She had pa.s.sed all his little test, he was convinced by the end of the flight that she was who he needed on his team.
As the plane came to a stop, Breonni took a deep breath, stretched her legs and got ready to take in the Florida sun.
”You ready?” Magic put his hand out and pulled Breonni up from her seat.
”Why you keep asking me am I ready like you about to show me some s.h.i.+t I've never seen before,” Breonni asked, giving him the side-eye.
”You may have seen it, but you never seen Magic do it,” he gave her a firm gaze.
”I hear you, playa,” she slid past him and gave him another display of what was to come.
Magic just shook his head; he knew that Bre had no idea what she was in for, quickly they moved through the airport and to the car that awaited their arrival. Bre sat in the back of the limo staring at all the pine trees and the pretty blue water as they approached the port. The car came to a stop and they were escorted to a yacht and helped aboard. Bre's eyes danced all over the deck taking inventory. There were two upper level decks and one lower level. The main deck had a huge Jacuzzi and several lounge chairs with thick pillow top cus.h.i.+ons on one side and a white marble table with six chairs and an umbrella s.h.i.+elding it from the hot Florida sun. The mahogany wood and gold accents had everything popping.
”This little boat is nice,” she said as she ran her hand along the edge of the deck.
”Little, huh?” Magic chuckled.
Breonni moved to the table and took a seat as she watched Magic and Ledger talk off to the side. Ledger had an evil look on his face and he kept staring at his phone. When the call came in, Ledger held a tight jaw as he stared in Bre's direction. Her heart began to race as she tried to remain calm.
Ledger disconnected his call and whispered into Magic's ear. Magic looked over at Breonni then headed in her direction. Breonni tightened her fist as she thought about where she would hit him first in order to get away. Magic kept his eyes on Bre's expressions as he got a little closer. When he was about to part his lips, Bre rose to her feet.
”I want you to go get right so we can be alone. I have something really nice planned for you once we take off,” Magic said with a smile then pulled her into his arms. ”Let me get rid of my boy so I can have you all to myself.”