Part 5 (1/2)
Simone looked at him for a few seconds then gave in. ”Okay. I will have one lunch with you. Next week...Wednesday, here at one o'clock and be on time. After that you can go on to the next female that you want to try and conquer,” she stated slickly as she took a folk full of salad to her mouth.
”I'll take it. See you then,” he stood up peering down at her.
”Wait?” she asked with att.i.tude.
”You are the s.e.x as h.e.l.l with that smart-a.s.sed mouth.”
”I bet I am, have a good day.”
”I will.” Baseem reached in his pocket and dropped a few hundred on the table. ”Enjoy your lunch,” he walked off not allowing her to respond.
Simone smiled a little at his c.o.c.kiness as she turned to watch him walk out the restaurant. Her heart raced thinking about being in his presence once again.
Breonni walked into the bike club and eyed the room looking for her mark. She moved toward the bar as her eyes danced over the crowd; just as she was about to order her drink, she spotted the man from the photograph. She placed her order and took it to the head before having another. Bre slammed a bill on the counter and headed to the pool tables.
Magic caught a glimpse of Bre from the corner of his eye then turned to weave through the crowd to get a better look.
Bre grabbed a stick and chalk and moved around the table, trying to lay down a bet with a few guys. When one accepted, it was on. The short, plump man racked the b.a.l.l.s and she broke em'; after calling her b.a.l.l.s, she began to sink one after then next.
Magic got up and moved a little closer to watch her technique and the fact that she was tiny with pretty brown skin just the way he liked them was not hurting his investigation. Bre stood back and allowed the gentlemen to hit a few in, then she moved in for the kill; sinking her last three b.a.l.l.s and the eight ball in the side pocket.
”Good game, you can leave my money right there so I can spank another rookie,” she spat then waved the waitress over.
”f.u.c.k you mean, rookie. Little girl, you out ya league, ma. I ain't paying you s.h.i.+t.” Curt said and turned his back on Bre and began talking s.h.i.+t to some dudes who were sitting around watching the game.
Magic crossed his arms and watched to see how this was going to play itself out.
”You really think it is at all possible that you would be able to walk out that door without paying me my money?” Bre's chilling tone rested on his shoulder.
Curt turned around. ”b.i.t.c.h, I ain't giving you s.h.i.+t!” he hurled in her direction.
Bre went into her vest and pulled out her baby girl. ”Say that hot s.h.i.+t one more time,” she pulled one in the chamber and moved toward him.
”b.i.t.c.h, is you crazy?” he put his hands up in an effort to get her to chill.
”That's two b.i.t.c.hes; anything else you want to get off your chest?” she asked then squeezed one off hitting him in the s.h.i.+n.
”What the f.u.c.k is wrong with you?” he yelled out as he went down in pain.
The bartender drew his weapon and Bre posted up. The other guest in attendance moved to the side.
”Put that s.h.i.+t down,” Smit yelled out from behind the bar.
”f.u.c.k you,” she hurled back, pointing her gun in his direction.
Magic had seen enough. ”Relax Smit,” He said as he walked toward her slowly, waving his hand at Smit to lower his weapon. ”Let me take a minute to introduce myself. I'm the owner, my name is Magic. I'm sorry you have been inconvenienced. I a.s.sure you we can rectify this real chill like,” he continued.
”This b.i.t.c.h a.s.s n.i.g.g.a needs to pay his debt and apologize for his disrespect then we good,” she lowered her weapon and rested it by her side.
”Fair enough,” Magic said as he moved beside Curt. ”How much do you owe her?” he gritted.
”Five large,” Curt moaned out from the pain.
”Pay her!” he ordered.
Curt struggled to pull his money from his pocket; the pain from the open wound in his leg was sending burning sensations all throughout his body. He pa.s.sed the money to Magic then threw up all over himself.
”Apologize,” he barked at Curt s.n.a.t.c.hing the money from his grip.
Curt looked up with venom in his eyes. He stared at Bre as if his eyes could shot lasers. He held his hand on his stomach as rage rose up in his gut. Apologize? I wanna spit in this b.i.t.c.h's face, he thought while trying to muster up the energy to part his lips and speak the words.
The music had stopped playing and every man stood still and watched with a cautious eye. Magic looked over at Bre then back at Curt. Then he pulled out his gun and blew Curt's head back as if Curt's silence toward him yelled kill me! ”You took too long,,” Magic spoke through clenched teeth.
”Y'all clean this n.i.g.g.a up and get the f.u.c.k outta here!” he ordered then walked over to Bre.
The crowd scattered, moving about their task careful to not say or do anything to heat s.h.i.+t up. Bre held his gaze. She watched in her peripheral as everybody cleared out of the room, leaving her alone with Magic and the guy behind the bar. When she heard the doors lock, she took a slow, deep breath and embodied the character.
”Ya' n.i.g.g.a was a b.i.t.c.h,” she smirked, tucking her gun back in the holster.
”Why you say that?” Magic asked, tucking his gun away as well.
Breonni took a minute and looked him over. His chocolate skin was smooth and when he smiled, his teeth blinded a b.i.t.c.h. He was tall and slim and built to perfection in all the right places.
”First of all, he's a f.u.c.king cheat; second, he is a coward. He should have at least called me one more b.i.t.c.h on his way out,” she leaned up against a nearby pool table and crossed her feet at the ankle then folded her arms over her chest.
Magic rested his eyes on the thickness of her hips and the pout of her light brown lips, which caused him to lick his own.
”Is that what you think? He's a coward because he would rather die than apologize,” he paused to let the rhetorical sink in.
Bre gave him the I'ma hold my ground stare, tipping her head slightly to the side.
”That man just saved your life,” he stopped and let her take that in also. ”If he would have apologized, I would have had to kill you,” he moved a little closer. ”There is no way I would have been able to let you live knowing you took the heart of one of my soldiers,” he searched her eyes. ”Tonight he died because he hesitated on a command which lets me know he would fold. At any rate, you owe him a thank you,” he softened his face by giving her a slight smile.
”Maaan...f.u.c.k that n.i.g.g.a! He learned two lessons tonight: don't cheat, and don't hesitate. That's all he's getting from me.”
Magic pa.s.sed Bre her money. ”I would like to apologize for his behavior. Please stay as my guest. You intrigue me; I would like to say some private things to you,” Magic went into get em' mode. She had an att.i.tude that was rare for a female and he wanted to test her gangsta.
Bre held a calm, firm appearance; but on the inside, her heart was jumping and her stomach was doing flips. She had gotten him to open the door and she was about to step right in.
”What makes you think I would give you more of my time?”
”Don't worry. I'ma make it worth your while. I want to hold on to you for a couple of days. No strings...just be my guest and let me enjoy that tongue,” he walked over and took her by the hand.
”Won't your woman be looking for you?”
”You let me worry about that. Ain't nothing going to be between you and me but us. Come sit with me so I can talk to you,” he pulled her to her feet and began leading her to a booth in the back of the club.
”I will have one drink with you and then I'm out,” she slipped her hand from between his fingers.