Part 5 (2/2)

”That's fair. Give me two hours, and if by then I don't convince you to give me some time, then I will let you go; we part as enemies,” he extended his arm so she could slide in the booth first.

”Fair enough,” Bre softened her mood as she slid into her seat.

Magic ordered a bottle of campaign and they sat and talked. He asked every question that he thought would trip her up, but she was on point. Breonni had learned from KoKo to say what was necessary and let them bate themselves. In that short period of time, she learned his strengths and his weaknesses. He had a strong team, but some may not respect him. Breonni already knew she would accept his offer, and he had just given her the bullets to put in the gun.

”So, what do you say?' he asked, pouring the last of the bottle between their two

”I will give you a few days of my time. Everything is on my terms and you will not be getting any p.u.s.s.y, so cross that s.h.i.+t off your list.”

”Please believe me, p.u.s.s.y is given to me. I never have to take it. But I'm not trying to f.u.c.k you. I can f.u.c.k any b.i.t.c.h I want. I just want to hang out with you for a few days to see where your head is at,” he stretched his legs out and parted her feet with his. ”But before our time is up, you might have to let me taste it.”

Bre moved her feet to close her legs.

”You would have to come up off of a real good time in order to even sniff at this p.u.s.s.y,” she said softly.

”I can already smell it. It has a scent of, I need to be held down and f.u.c.ked real good, but that is not my business,” he threw up his hands in surrender.

”Oh s.h.i.+t, you ain't right,” she laughed.

”See, we gonna have fun. Let's roll. I don't want to waste a minute of my time,” he slid out the booth and reached for her hand.

Bre stood up and gave him the side-eye. ”I better not end up on 'Return our Missing'.”

”I got you. Quit acting like you scared. How you gonna be a killer and be scary?”

”You playin', I watch Lifetime.”

Magic had to laugh. Her cute and tough att.i.tude was what he was looking for. He was gonna hold onto her for a few days while his people ran her background, and if she was foul, she would be dead before they landed.


”You're late,” Baseem looked down at his watch.

”I'm sorry Baseem, I can't make it. I have an emergency meeting. We had a company merger and several of my clients are going crazy worrying about their money,” Simone moved papers from one folder to the next as she prepared for her meeting.

”Did you think about what I asked you last night?” he asked smoothly into the phone.

”Yes, I did,” Simone blushed at the memory of how nasty Baseem spoke to her last night.


”And my answer is still no,” she said as she stacked her files and grabbed her thumb drive.

”I think I can change your mind,” he got up from his seat at the restaurant and headed to the door.

”Well, that will have to wait until our scheduled evening call; I have to go. Talk to you later,”

”A'ight,” Baseem disconnected the call then handed the valet his ticket. When his car came around, he jumped in and headed to Simone's office.

”Hold all my calls please. I have a meeting in a little over thirty minutes, I need to prepare,” Simone said into the intercom as she sat in front of her computer and forwarded several emails to herself and checked her client's accounts and profiles. She tapped away at her keyboard looking back and forth at the clock.

”Ten minutes, Miss Bivings,” her a.s.sistant's voice rang through the intercom.

”Okay,” Simone replied then called her accountant to make sure all the figures where updated.

As she stood to gather her doc.u.ments, she looked up to see Baseem walking into her office. Her eyes moved over his frame as he got closer to her desk.

”What are you doing here?” she mouthed as he moved closer.

”I came to collect on my investment,” Baseem mouthed as he walked up on her turning her to face him. He stepped between her legs and parted her feet with his.

”Stop,” she mouthed to Baseem. ”Yes, Mr. Yates, I'm here. Yes, please send them to my a.s.sistant,” she said as Baseem's hands roamed over her hips then squeezed her waist then he placed her up on the desk.

”Baseem, don't,” she whispered, placing her free hand on top of his.

”Pay attention.”

”Yes, I agree,” she responded to Mr. Yates' statement while watching Baseem's hands slide up her inner thigh.

”I need to go,” she tried to hurry her talkative business partner. When she heard him say one more thing, she thought that she would pa.s.s out.

Baseem reached up and grabbed at the string of her thong and pulled her panties down.

Simone gasped for air as she watched him rock up. She placed her hand firm into his chest and pushed him back.

Baseem grabbed her wrist and pulled her to the edge of the desk and pressed his heat against her throbbing c.l.i.t.

Simone squirmed as he grinded, feeling the steam that was emitting from between her thighs. ”You feel so good,” he whispered as he released her wrist to feel the slippery liquid that began to drip from her lips. Baseem leaned in and kissed her collar bone.

”Baseem...don't,” she rested her hand on his chest.

”Let this s.h.i.+t happen,” he reached up and ran his hands through her hair then kissed her deep as his fingers searched for that special spot.

Simone received him into her mouth as she tried to concentrate on the man on the other end on the phone.

Baseem continued to heat her up. ”You had a lot to say on the phone last night. You ain't bout that life,” he teased as he continued.

The man on the other end continued to ramble, to which she could not pay attention as Baseem brought her to the edge of no return. Her breathing picked up and just as she was about to release, Baseem moved his hand and backed up.

Baseem tasted his fingers and shook his head. ”You sweet as h.e.l.l,” he whispered.

Simone panted as she watched him move to the bathroom and close the door.

”I will call you back after the meeting,” she cut the man off then hung up. Simone pulled her skirt down then covered her face with her hands.
