Part 4 (1/2)

Dutchess stood still for a minute before placing her cell phone on the kitchen counter. She took her cup of tea in her hands and sipped slow as she put together a plan. She knew that this day would come, but looking it in the face caused the heat to slowly drain from her body.

Dutchess placed her cup in the sink, turned on her heels and then went into action. She grabbed some sheets from the hallway closet, covered the furniture, and then hit her safe; grabbing pa.s.sports and doc.u.ments. Dutchess moved around pulling out draws and gathering her jewelry. She then went through the pockets of a few jackets in her hallway closet, pulling out small rolls of money and stuffing them in a small black attache case. Once she had her money tucked away, she grabbed a few items of clothing, packed them in a medium travel case, and headed to the back door.

Dutchess sat her bags at her feet, reached in her pocket to release the safety on her gun, gripped it tight in one hand and released the latch on the door with the other. She took a firm look around then grabbed her bags and moved down the concrete walkway and to her car. When she pulled out the driveway, she was on a mission. Everything had gone full circle and KoKo's mercy on Dutchess was either going to be a blessing or a curse. She had no idea if KoKo would come back and this time be ready to take her life. Either way, she was going to be prepared and she d.a.m.n sure was not going to let them strike first.

Dutchess pulled into Pas.h.i.+on's driveway then quickly moved to the front door. She rang the bell then tucked her hand in her pocket, gripping the b.u.t.t of her gun. The locks clicked and the door sprung open. Dutchess hesitated; looking into the opening with caution. When Pas.h.i.+on showed her face from behind the door, Dutchess forced a slight smile then proceeded inside.

Pas.h.i.+on closed the door hard, causing Dutchess to jump. ”Don't worry, I would not have invited you to my home if there was danger in sight,” Pas.h.i.+on made clear her intent. She walked into a small office off from her foyer and walked around her desk then poured herself a drink.

”I'm not worried. I'm just curious as to why you would try to help me,” Dutchess went right to the point. She stood eyeing the many diplomas and certificates along with family photos on the walls as she tried to figure out Pas.h.i.+on's angle.

”If you know anything about me, then you should know I am not trying to help you. In fact, I cannot stand you,” Pas.h.i.+on also went straight to the point.

”Then we can end this s.h.i.+t right now!” Dutchess turned to walk away.

”If you walk out that door, you are going to lose more than you're willing to sacrifice,” Pas.h.i.+on said as she took a seat at her desk.

Dutchess stood still for a few seconds then turned back in Pas.h.i.+on's direction. Her eyes roamed over Pas.h.i.+on's brown face; her smug grin and squinted eyes let her know it was some bulls.h.i.+t in the game and she was not in the mood to play any games.

”What do you know?”

”It's not what I know that is important. It's what they know,” Pas.h.i.+on brought a cigarette to her lips, lit it up then pulled deep. ”Please. Have a seat,” she directed.

Dutchess moved to the soft yellow chair and perched her small frame on the edge.


”Five-hundred thousand,” Pas.h.i.+on spat, taking another pull on her cigarette. The ashes fell to the desk and with a swat of her hand; she blew them to the floor while holding a firm eye with Dutchess.

”I haven't seen you in twenty years. Have not spoken to you in over fifteen, and with a straight face you have the guts to try and stick your hands in my pocket,” Dutchess rose to her feet. ”b.i.t.c.h, f.u.c.k you and them! And don't contact me anymore,” she turned to the door.

As Dutchess gripped the k.n.o.b and turned the lock, she heard the heat blow out of Pas.h.i.+on's mouth. ”They know who your other son is, you already lost one.”

Dutchess released the doork.n.o.b and headed back toward Pas.h.i.+on.

”I thought so. Now I am the only one who can help you,” Pas.h.i.+on paused and sipped her drink.

Dutchess cracked a smile then went in. ”Unlike the rest of you b.i.t.c.hes...I know what this is. My sons have me running through their veins; so if they have to die for what they believe in, then that choice is theirs. You are the dirtiest woman I have ever met; and when the s.h.i.+t hit's the fan, I pray it fly's right in your face.” Dutchess headed out this time with no intent on returning.

As the door began to close, Dutchess yelled back, ”Remember you have kids too!” she slammed the door tight and began to sprint to her car.

Pas.h.i.+on sprang to her feet and ran to the door. She pulled it wide, only to catch the taillights of Dutchess' car. ”s.h.i.+t,” she hurled as she slammed the door.

She thought that by now, Dutchess would be ready to fold; but her swiftness to deliver a deadly blow might turn out to be the shovel that would dig her own grave. Pas.h.i.+on turned over her plan in her mind, then she thought about her own son who was tied up in the web of deception that they had all carefully weaved before the children were born. Now, each child's life was dangling in the balance with all of them living on borrowed time.

Chapter 8.

Secret Weapon KoKo and her team rode in the back of the limo in silence; their eyes danced over and beyond the vast fields. The land stretched its arms out into the horizon as the glow of the sun began to soften over the fields of corn and gra.s.s. Each woman had an idea, but didn't really know how their lives were about to change. KoKo had been plotting her plan for years and she finally had all the pieces she needed. And even though she had been warned many times over the years to let it go, she could not rest until every hand involved in her parents' death paid with their life.

”Where the h.e.l.l we at?” Adreena spoke, seizing every ones attention.

”We in 'The Hills Have Eyes' territory; this where them psychos eat a n.i.g.g.a for dinner muf.u.c.kas be camped out at,” Breonni chimed in.

”Oh s.h.i.+t, are the doors locked? I hope it's enough gas in this b.i.t.c.h,” Goldie looked in their eyes. ”Bulls.h.i.+t if you want to, I'm about to pull out my mace,” she reached for her bag.

They all stared back at her going through her purse and busted into laughter.

”Them crazy drink that s.h.i.+t for breakfast. They come up in here, we gonna put something hot in they a.s.s!” KoKo pulled out her diamond handle Tiffany & CO. and turned it back and forth in her hand. ”You can spray that mace on them for good measure.”

”Oh s.h.i.+t,” Adreena put her fist out to Bre.

Breonni shook her head and looked back out into the distance.

They laughed and chopped it up as the limo pushed on to its destination. Within an hour, the car was pulling up to a log cabin surrounded with beautiful willow trees and a.s.sorted landscapes of flowers. The driver jumped out, opening the doors for the ladies. KoKo stepped out first, then each woman took her turn.

Breonni settled her gaze on some deer antlers that were affixed to a nearby tree. Her nose flared as she thought about the head they once rested on. ”Who the f.u.c.k kills Bambi,” she mumbled.

KoKo turned slightly to give her a raised eyebrow.

Breonni nodded then put the silencer on her lips.

Adreena looked around as the feelings of uncertainty moved through her gut.

The door came open and a big white guy began to wave them over. Goldie eyed his red lumberjack s.h.i.+rt with no sleeves, off black jeans and cowboy boots then chuckled.

KoKo gave her the eyes then turned to walk up the steps.

When the door shut tightly behind them, the man walked past them and toward the back of the cabin. KoKo took in the warm feelings of the room. She enjoyed the smell of the fresh cut wood and lavender candles. She smiled at a memory she held dear of her and Kayson having one of their getaways up there, and how the big, soft furniture always made you feel at home. Breonni admired the modern and country mix of earth tones that set off the decor. She could tell this n.i.g.g.a, Lu, was situated.

”Why are you standing in the middle of my floor like we don't share the same man?” Lu came walking from the back with her long, light brown hair blowing with every stride. She walked over to KoKo and opened her arms.

”You know I don't do all this mushy s.h.i.+t,” KoKo said as Lu put her arms around her.

”Oh please, you know your a.s.s is a big old softy. And how is the Boss?” Lu said as she let her go.

”You better stop trying to get with my man too,” KoKo joked.

”You know I love me some Kayson, but his swag can't match my Bull,” she twisted her lips.

”You crazy as h.e.l.l,” KoKo said as she took a seat in the high-backed lounge chair.