Part 3 (2/2)
Simone kept moving, turning the corner headed to her destination.
”d.a.m.n, why you blocking n.i.g.g.a?” Baseem asked as he stepped on the elevator.
”You don't want to f.u.c.k with that stuck up b.i.t.c.h. She evil as h.e.l.l,” Steven spat as he recounted in his head the many times he tried to mess with her and she d.a.m.n near spit in his face.
”f.u.c.k what you heard. Evil p.u.s.s.y taste like sugar,” Baseem spat with a smirk on his face.
”Well, her evil a.s.s must be diabetic sweet,” Steven said as they exited the elevator.
”Let me warn you. I don't give a f.u.c.k about none of this fancy suit and upscale building s.h.i.+t. If you f.u.c.k with my money, I will blow your f.u.c.king head off,” Baseem said as he locked eyes with Steven.
”You can go in conference room one while I grab your profile,” Steven swallowed his spit hard as Baseem's words echoed in his mind.
”Yeah, you do that,” Baseem said as he walked off headed to the first gla.s.s-enclosed room. His mind was focused on his money, but his d.i.c.k was tapping his zipper reminding him of how good the mysterious woman's a.s.s looked as she walked away. Baseem didn't give a f.u.c.k what Steven said, he was going to make sure he s.n.a.t.c.hed her up first chance he got.
Chapter 6.
The Council KoKo stood by her candy apple red Mercedes watching as the two cars she waited for pulled on to the private airport blacktop heading in her direction. She had a foolproof plan and was about to kick it into full effect. As the cars came to a stop, a slight smile turned up at the side of her mouth. Each driver moved to open the door to release KoKo's deadly council.
Goldie jumped out the back seat grabbing her purse, and then she threw on her shades. Her golden dreads were twisted back neatly into a bun. She stepped hard toward KoKo in her white skin-tight jeans with her booty bouncing just right with every step as her heels clicked against the pavement. Goldie glanced over at the other vehicle and watched as the females exited one by one. She took note of their appearance from head to toe. Wardrobe was on point hair and skin flawless and curves that made a man wanna answer questions he wasn't asked. Goldie nodded her approval. They looked prepared for the occasion, but she still wondered who these new b.i.t.c.hes were, and what the boss had up her sleeve.
”What's up, Boss?” Goldie asked, giving KoKo a smile and then taking her position next to her.
”We about to find out,” KoKo responded, keeping her eyes on the newbies.
Both women moved from the vehicles dressed in all white as requested, with a small overnight bag over their shoulder; exuding the same strength and confidence as Goldie. Just like her, they took no s.h.i.+t and were prepared to put a n.i.g.g.a on their a.s.s if he breathed wrong. Neither woman spoke a word as they approached, focused on their mission.
”What it do, KoKo?” Adreena asked, stopping a few feet way.
”I'm on your time, you tell me!” KoKo shot back.
”What's up little mama you ready for my big world?” KoKo asked Breonni, looking her over.
”Does a d.i.c.k love to go deep?” Breonni shot back.
KoKo smiled at Breonni's slick tongue; for the first time, she had a replica of herself. ”That's why I f.u.c.ks with you,” KoKo said then turned to the steps leading up to the plan.
”Ladies this is Goldie. Goldie this is Breonni and Adreena.” The ladies shook hands and exchanged a few words. ”Let's board,” KoKo said turning to the steps.
The woman filed a single line and followed her onto the private jet.
KoKo took her seat; Goldie and Adreena placed their bags down, took seats across from her, and buckled up. Breonni looked around at the interior and was mesmerized as her bag slid slowly to the floor. Everything seemed to bling. The soft, tan leather looked like b.u.t.ter and the s.h.i.+ny silver that draped over the arms sparkled. She had flown many times, but being on KoKo's private jet make her feel like a celebrity. Breonni took the seat next to KoKo, fastened her seat belt and prepared her mind for takeoff.
When the plan was at the proper height, the seat belt sign was turned off; and as if on cue, the flight attendant brought them each a tall gla.s.s of white wine, and then sat a black marble ashtray with a small golden box on the table next to KoKo.
”Thank you and we won't be needing anything else,” KoKo looked up into the flight attendant's eyes.
”Yes, ma'am,” she nodded and walked off, closing the cabin door behind her.
KoKo looked over her shoulder, waiting a few moments before she began.
”Now that I finally have us all together, let's take this s.h.i.+t up a notch,” KoKo announced, bringing her drink to her lips. After taking a few sips, she sat it down, opened the box next to her, grabbed a blunt and lit up.
”The first order of business is to keep my business in your head and never let it slip from your tongue,” she spoke firm, releasing a thick stream off smoke from her mouth. ”Remember, if a turns the tables on you, you better kill yourself before you turn on me because I don't know mercy. But that b.i.t.c.h, murder...she is my best friend,” KoKo looked in the eyes of each woman for weakness or doubt.
”I f.u.c.ks with you the long way. I am tried and tested. You all I got,” Goldie locked eyes with KoKo to show her sincerity and allegiance. She had reservations about the other two b.i.t.c.hes; but she knew, without a doubt, that KoKo had her back and for that, she was ready to give her life for her.
KoKo picked up on Goldie's insecurity and addressed it immediately. ”Goldie, questioning your loyalty was never my intent. Yes, Adreena and Breonni are new to the team and they too have been tried and tested. And make no mistake, each person that I have chosen, I didn't do it with my heart. I chose each of you because you are best for the job,” she paused and relit the blunt. ”Goldie, yeah, you are official and together we can kill a few; but we can kill a whole lot more if they can't see which one of us deadly b.i.t.c.hes has the gun.”
”Salute,” Goldie said as she raised her gla.s.s.
Breonni and Adreena raised theirs in agreement. KoKo raised her gla.s.s last and smiled before giving her final warning. ”Death is the only thing guaranteed when you play with the big dogs. Be careful.”
They brought their to the center, and then threw the drink to the back of their throat. ”I can't wait for y'all to meet Lu; that n.i.g.g.a crazy,” KoKo chuckled, then pa.s.sed the blunt.
”Who is Lu?” Breonni asked, reaching over for the pa.s.s.
”My secret weapon,” KoKo sat back, crossed her legs and smiled as she saw her plan coming into full play.
Chapter 7.
Dutchess ”Come see me,” the oh-so-familiar voice boomed into Dutchess' ear.
”For what? Whatever you can say to me could be done with this phone call,” Pas.h.i.+on applied lotion to her hands as she tried to calm her mood.
Dutchess paused and gagged the silence.
”Just meet me at our usual spot; seven o'clock sharp, not a minute after,” the woman gently warned.
”Pas.h.i.+on, you clearly have not learned who I am after all these years. I don't bend to threa-”
”They know,” Pas.h.i.+on cut her off from her rant.
Dutchess sat silent as Pas.h.i.+on's words moved through her mind and a slight chill eased up her back.
”Seven o'clock sharp,” Pas.h.i.+on said, then disconnected the call.