Part 2 (2/2)

Chapter 3.

Deadly Reign ”Hold that n.i.g.g.a up,” Baseem ordered Pete and Chucky.

They each pulled at one side of the man's body in effort to keep him steady on his knees.

”Baseem, please...” Mo pleaded, looking up at him with sweat running down his face. He twisted his wrist in the tight restraints that held his arms behind his back.

”n.i.g.g.a, you tried to f.u.c.k me,” Baseem flat out accused, tilting his head slightly to the side.

”Nah, I swear on my kids yo. I ain't do it. I have always been loyal to you and Kayson,” he tried to plead his case.

”Shut the f.u.c.k up!” Baseem yelled, causing his voice to echo around the empty room.

As Baseem moved closer to Mo, the intensity of his anger poured from his spirit as his shadow danced on the walls in the dimly lit room.

”Baseem, I swear. I didn't cross you,” Mo said one more time as urine began to seep through his clothes. He looked down at the sharp knife tightly gripped in Baseem's hand; tears rolled down his cheeks and all he could do was pray.

”I can respect a cheat, may even have love for a gullible a.s.s n.i.g.g.a, but a snake...all I can give him is death.”

Mo had made a grave mistake. He had crawled in the bed with one of Baseem's s.e.xy, but deadly, informants and then his tongue got slippery. Baseem tilted Mo's head back as he stared down into his frightful eyes.

”You of all people should have known better; when you climb up in some deadly p.u.s.s.y, the only thing you're supposed to do is moan. Not snitch!” Baseem said with his teeth gritted tight.

Without hesitation, Baseem began stabbing Mo in the throat repeatedly. Blood poured from his veins as flesh tore from his neck. Baseem released Mo's head and it bobbled to the side. Pete and Chucky released his arms, causing his body to slam to the floor in a puddle of blood.

”d.a.m.n, got blood everywhere. n.i.g.g.a got on his good s.h.i.+t,” Pete said looking down at his b.l.o.o.d.y clothes.

”I had to stab that n.i.g.g.a in his throat; maybe in the hereafter, he will learn how to shut the f.u.c.k up. Let's clean this piece of s.h.i.+t up. I got a trip to make.”

Chucky and Pete pulled out two huge butcher knives and began to dismember Mo's body; limb by limb.

Baseem turned to the exit. He had another mission to complete; Goldie. As he got in his car he said aloud, ”One down, many to go,” he started his engine plotting his next kill. He and Kayson were on a mission. Kayson was working from the top and Baseem was working from the bottom. They were going to run the rat into the middle where he would have no other choice but to reveal himself. The only fear they both had was KoKo, and if her search would get in their way. The last thing they wanted was for KoKo to end up at the wrong end of their deadly reign.

Chapter 4.

Sneaky Baseem drove in silence from the airport to KoKo and Kayson's house. The sun was beaming and the feeling of tranquility came over him as he pa.s.sed all the colorful flowers and tall palm trees. Every time he visited them, he could feel the calm that KoKo always described as o.r.g.a.s.mic.

As he pa.s.sed the many crowds of people in the market place, he occasionally glanced in the rearview mirror at Goldie and the baby. He had to admit, she was beautiful; all the baby weight was gone and her pretty smile gave him a sense of comfort. Goldie's dreads were neatly twisted and pulled back into a bun and her soft golden brown skin was flawless. He could definitely see why Night had s.n.a.t.c.hed her up.

Baseem drove up into the hills to Kayson's hideaway thinking about what he and Kayson had planned and he wondered what KoKo and Goldie were up to. Pulling to the gate, he had to admire the setup. The walls around the small compound where at least fifteen feet high. Security was out the a.s.s; gunmen and cameras everywhere, Kayson had it all covered. Baseem entered the gate and pulled to the door.

Stepping out the car, he looked up and took in some sun. He popped the trunk and sat the bags on the ground, then headed to the back door to a.s.sist Goldie with the baby. When he opened the door and looked at little Jarod, his heart thumped because all he saw was Night.

”Can you take this for me?” Goldie asked, pa.s.sing him her bag.

Baseem took her bag and moved to the side allowing her to exit the car. Goldie clutched Jarod in her arms and headed up the walkway.

Baseem watched the perfect jiggle of her a.s.s as she walked. He just shook his head as he refocused is vision. Goldie positioned herself at the door so she could see KoKo first. It had been months, and she needed this vacation bad; but she knew her Boss and that KoKo most definitely had some s.h.i.+t on the burner. She was ready to execute a well-calculated plan.

When KoKo heard the bell, she placed little Malika in her chair and headed to the door. When she opened it, Goldie was smiling big with her handsome chocolate bundle in her arms.

”d.a.m.n, you look good; let me find out that Cali air got a b.i.t.c.h glowing,” KoKo said, opening the door wide for them to pa.s.s. ”Look at this little chocolate drop,” KoKo squeezed the baby's cheeks.

”Girl, I be chillin'...smoking that ohhh wee,” Goldie said, giving KoKo a half hug. ”Plus, you know Wadoo won't let us out of his sight.”

”s.h.i.+t, I know that's right, he has specific orders,” KoKo let go of Goldie and shot her eyes at Baseem. ”Why yo face always tight?” KoKo asked as he pa.s.sed her.

”'Cause I smell some bulls.h.i.+t in the air.”

”Boy, shut up. Ain't n.o.body doing s.h.i.+t.”

”Yeah, a'ight,” he responded, walking to the seating area and placing Goldie's bag beside the couch. ”Where is Kay?”

”He's downstairs in his hideout. Can you send Quran upstairs when you get down there, its lunch time,” KoKo said, looking at her watch. ”And stop acting like somebody trying to do something to you,” she shot him a side-eye.

”It's not me I'm worried about. Don't make my brother f.u.c.k you up,” Baseem walked off headed downstairs.

”Ain't n.o.body scared of Kayson,” KoKo called out as she heard the door shutting.

”Where would you like these, Ms. KoKo?” her butler asked, holding the two duffle bags he had retrieved from outside.

”You can put them upstairs in the guest room at the end of the hall,” KoKo instructed. As the butler moved up the steps with the bags, she waved at Goldie to follow her.

As Goldie walked into the large, all white living room she began, ”You know they gonna be all over us, KoKo,” Goldie took a seat on the couch.

”Well, they better get real close because I'm about to act the f.u.c.k up,” KoKo stated as she entered the living room.

”That's why I f.u.c.ks with you,” Goldie chuckled.

”We gotta go up to my little hideout. I am sure the ears are pressed to the door,” KoKo walked to the intercom and summoned Mariam to the main floor to look after the children.

Within seconds, Mariam came from one direction and little Quran ran from the other. ”Mom you wanted me?” he asked, running past her and straight to Goldie, taking the baby's hand in his and shaking it back and forth.

”Yes, you need to eat,” she raised her eyebrow.

”I'm not hungry. I want to go back downstairs with daddy.”

”No. He is taking care of business,” KoKo spoke firm.
