Part 2 (1/2)

”I'm on my way.”

6 months later...

Brenda slowly moved Tyquan's arm from her waist and eased off the bed. The anxiety of having Kayson and KoKo out there and not knowing if they were hunting her, like she was hunting them, had begun to take a toll on her spirit. Even in her sleep, there was no peace. She walked into the bathroom to take a look in the mirror to see just how much the stress was affecting her appearance. As she turned her head from side to side, a smile came across her face.

”b.i.t.c.h, you ain't got s.h.i.+t to worry about,” she said aloud, admiring her well-maintained 5'5”, 125 pound figure, chocolate brown skin, and sultry eyes; then she ran her finger along the bridge of her keen nose and full brown lips. At the age of fifty-two, she looked better than most twenty-year olds.

Brenda ran some water over her face, pulled her hair back into a ponytail and headed to the living room in her thong and tight t-s.h.i.+rt. She grabbed the remote and opened the blinds; they parted and slid across the floor-to-ceiling windows before settling in separate corners of the room.

Brenda grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, put on her sneakers, and then climbed onto the treadmill and turned it on high speed. She looked out over the city as she ran; her mind busied itself with thoughts of money, power and revenge. The more she fantasized, the faster she ran. Sweat drizzled down her body as if she was cleansing herself of any feelings of love or regret. She needed to feel only pain and heartache with the only goal in mind...her enemies' heads as trophies on her shelf.

Chapter 2.

Time's Up KoKo laid the baby in her playpen and moved to the kitchen counter to place her call. As she dialed the numbers, her well-calculated plan played in her mind.

”h.e.l.lo,” Goldie answered as she walked around her living room rocking little Jarod in her arms.

”I see they finally sat our down,” KoKo said, cracking a smile as she rested her body against the counter.

”h.e.l.l yeah, got my a.s.s on double house arrest. I need more than Calgon to take me away,” Goldie said as she continued to rock a cranky, teething baby.

”You feel like getting out and playing for a little while?”

”h.e.l.l yeah,” Goldie bubbled up with excitement.

”I'ma send Bas to get you.”

”A b.i.t.c.h will be on the curb,” she joked.

”See you in a few days,” KoKo disconnected the call.

When she hung up, she immediately called Baseem. ”What it do, play boy?”

” know me, making these pockets depressed,” Baseem said as he kicked his feet up on the coffee table and released smoke from his lungs.

KoKo got quiet.

”Why you get quiet, you jelly because daddy won't let you out to play?”

”Kayson got two kids and I'm not one of them,” she said, moving to the window and looking at the sun dancing on the crystal clear pool water.

”That's what your mouth say.”

”Whatever, n.i.g.g.a. I need you to go get Goldie.”

Now it was Baseem's turn to get quiet. After a brief silence he spoke clear words. ”Do Kay know?”

”What the f.u.c.k am I...five? Just take care of it for me,” she stated firmly.

”Don't get in no s.h.i.+t, and most importantly...don't get me in no s.h.i.+t,”

”Love you too,” she disconnected the call, placing the phone on the counter before staring out the window for a few seconds. When she turned around, Kayson was standing right behind her, causing KoKo to jump.

”What was that about and why yo a.s.s so jumpy?”

”Why you always sneaking up on me?” she quickly moved to where he was standing and hugged him tightly, kissing him softly on the lips, then slipping her tongue into his mouth. Kayson squeezed her tightly, enjoying her tongue play. When she pulled back, his mouth was happy and his d.i.c.k was hard.

”Don't try to distract me with all this a.s.s and t.i.tties,” he said, gripping her firmly in his hands. ”Why you sending Bas for Goldie?”

”I miss her and the baby and we haven't seen them in a while,” she stated, kissing him again, and then pulling back from his embrace.

”Don't get f.u.c.ked up,” he smacked her a.s.s as she moved toward the sink.

”I have been a very good girl,” she replied, rinsing off Quran's lunch dishes.

Kayson moved to the sink, coming up behind KoKo and wrapping his arms around her. KoKo continued to wash the dishes as she could feel the heat coming off of Kayson's frame.

”I need you to be more than good,” he gently warned.

KoKo looked forward, not wanting to say anything that would reveal her hand. Lying to him was impossible, but the truth could be deadly.

”Baby, I would never do anything to harm our family,” she stated in an attempt to soften his mood.

”Turn around,” he ordered.

Reluctantly, she turned and looked up in his eyes.

”I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. Don't get caught up in this war. I have done everything in my power to keep you and the kids safe. Behave yourself,” he gave her an intense stare through his hazel eyes.

”I promise,” she said, trying to even convince herself.

Kayson just raised his eyebrow at that statement. He knew his wife well. The children had gotten older and her thirst for revenge was getting stronger. It was only a matter of time before she was going to get away and get her feet back in the streets.

Kayson held their gaze for a few more seconds. ”Yeah, a'ight. Call Mariam up here to look after the children and come upstairs and give the Enforcer a long, wet conversation,” he said, then kissed her lips.

”You are so spoiled,” she responded, giving him a smile.

”I am supposed to be. Let's go.” He tapped her b.u.t.t and walked off.

When Kayson walked out the kitchen, KoKo dropped the smile from her face. She knew that she was about to do the total opposite of what he had just asked and she could only pray that he would find it in his heart to forgive her.