16 Battle Match Resul (1/1)

”Everyone, thank you for waiting, We will now begin the 2nd round of the match. Compet.i.tors be ready, let the battle Begins!” As Big brother Yexin starts the battle, the two compet.i.tors are beginning their move. *hmmp.. i'll will end him faster!* Liang wanted to end it quickly so she begun to attack Blaike by using her old move. But Blaike alreay knew what he should do to counterattack Liang's attack. So he quickly grab her hand and pull her towards him, he then use his elbow to hit her stomach. She got hit by the attack,she felt the strike and she also wants to counterattack by using her right foot to kick him upward, but Blaike dodge it quickly by squatting his body and he also use his right foot to twist and hit her other left foot thats been balancing her body. She got hit and fall down, as Blaike strike again using his elbow to land a strike but she dodge and retreat quickly. *how is this possible? How did he already read my moves?* Liang was shock about what happened.

”Hey stupid kid, what just happened? How did you know my next move?” Liang ask for her confusion. ”Huh? I dont know what you are talking about” blaike answer her, ”stop acting like i didn't know, you've got some tricks to know my moves.. if you dont want to answer on where did you learn it!, fine i'm going use all my strength and break your body apart!” Liang is so furious and so she release all her strength. She attack again with continuous moves she punch and punch, she kick and kick while Blaike dodge and defend every attack.

*she's getting even more stronger and faster! ...i can't predict her moves anymore..what should i do, i don't want to lose this round. I need to get away from her first.* Blaike was trying to get away from her, but she keep following him wherever he goes. *i need to move now or i will get bitten up and lose.* Blaike counter attack her moves by also copying her. *what is this? He can also copy my moves? Eventhough he only seen it today. What is this stupid kid?!*. When Blaike saw an opening, he then use his fast punch on her stomach again and again, then Laing push him so she could get away until Liang stops and get a bit tired and she felt the pain in her stomach. Blaike also felt tired and he is almost out of his limits in just a few minutes or so. (Ring3x) ”the match has ended! Both sides are still standing. Who will be the winner for the 2nd round? Judges?...” Big Brother Yexin ask the judges on who their choice. ”Clan mother voted for.. Yue Liang!” Everyone was surprise about it and some are cheering. ”Princess Ena voted for... Hwan Blaike!” Everyone was so happy and cheer for him!

”Now for Master Kathie, who will she vote for?... she didn't vote! So that means the 2nd match is a Tie!” Capt. Kathie doesn't react or change her vote. ”Since its a tie, and Yue Liang won the first round, that means if Hwan Blaike will win the 3rd round, we will have a tie round for both! And when the 3rd round get a tie again, that means Yue Liang will be the winner! So it means Hwan Blaike needs to win the 3rd round or it will be Yue Liang win the match.” As Big brother yexin explain the situation. ”Now for the last round, its a battle between INSIGNIA's, a battle which you will use your magic power and f...” big brother suddenly stop. ”Nope, in this last round, there will be no time limit and it will be a 2points for each judges. Use everything you've got, the person who surrender or cannot fight any longer means defeated!” Capt. Kathie interrupt him.

”I agree to captain says!” Clan Mother Ulan replied, ”me too, i agree with her decision! (Bink3x)” Princess Ena also replied. ”It is settle then, now let the battle begins!” Capt. Kathie started the battle.

”Hey stupid kid! I wont take easy on you!” Liang is so fired up. ”[come: SOUL SCYTHE]” a dark smoke appeared on her right hand and it suddenly form into a very long Black scythe and very sharp. The form is very smokey and with a design of a skull on its attachment ring area, with a black stainless on its snathe area. And a black curved blade. Her eyes have two brown colour layers and her Insignia's form is WEAPONRY. ”She really have a rare weapon after all, maybe i could recruit her into our clan.” Clan Mother Ulan is quite convince with Laing. ”So that means we already knew who will win then?” Princess Ena is having a conclusion. ”....” still Capt. Kathie never replied.

”Don't worry big sis, i'm still starting the real show. [come: ASHES OF DEATH]!” Blaike's body is being covered by small particles of ashes. Its floating and circulating in his entire body. His eyes colour change and also the three layer if his eyes has shown. ”What?! What kind of magic technique is that?!What is this aura coming from him?! His power energy is so strong!” Clan mother felt a strong auras from Blaike. ”That boy has a strange power within him, his eyes is changing, like its unknown crystal clear! And also he has 3 layer in his eyes. And whats more is that his energy power is very strange, like there are so many different colour are releasing from him! That boy is dangerous! We need to stop him now! Or else the government and other Guild will detect and come here to take him!(Blink3x).” Princess Ena was about to stop Blaike but capt. Kathie stop her. ”Don't bother, i already activated the protective barrier and if they will come here i will stop them all!n.o.body can lay a hand on him!” Capt. Kathie give the Princess Ena a threatening look so the princess restrain herself and back to her seat. ”Why? Is there a reason why do you want to protect that boy?” Clan Mother ulan ask. ”I will tell you later, so for now lets watch the battle.” Capt. Kathie answer.

Meanwhile, ”[NEEDLE ASH] increase to 10%!”. Blaike creat his ashes into a needle form and shoot it towards Liang's location but Liang easily dodge and block it by circulating her scythe. ”[SLASH]!” Liang use her scythe to slash and a black smoke wind slash formed, and mark the area it hit. But it didn't hit Blaike for his body transform into an ash that made the attack strike through. Blaike disappear in his position, Liang was so shock of what she saw, Blaike wasn't in his place. In just a few seconds a smokey ashes appeared behind her and transform into a human body, it was Blaike, he give her a kick attack! Liang got hit by his kick and knock herself down.

*ha..ha.. what was that?! His body was just like an ashe?! And disappear in thin air?!* Laing got surprised of what she saw. ”Yexin?! What was that?! Who train him that technique?! I never heard of that technique?! For elemental Insignias!” Capt. Kathie ask with a shocking expression. ”Ma..master.. Yexin was also surprised by that technique master, for i only teach him one technique..” Big brother Yexin doesn't even know that technique. ”So what Layer does Blaike are now?” Capt. Kathie ask again.

”Young master is now at the peak of XUAN QI TIER and a 3 STAR already, master.” Big brother Yexin answered. ”What?! Already?!” Clan mother and Princess Ena reacts with a shock and confusing emotions. *such a young age! I never saw a 6years old already at the peak to become a TIAN QI TIER!? I must recruit him and know more about his status.* Princess Ena wants him badly. *this young boy is definitely what i wanted! I must recruit him immediately so that i could have a good benefactor!* clan mother Ulan wants him badly. ”The two of you, be more elegant and act professional, we are in the public place right now. Don't act like a crazy dog greed for a small bone PT's LEAGUE doesn't behave like that..” Capt. Kathie acts like a real boss.

At the same time, ”hey stupid kid! Where did you learn that technique?!” Laing ask, ”oh you mean the [BECOME ONE TECHNIQUE]?! I just learn it myself, just experimenting.” ”Do you think I'm stupid? n.o.body cant create an own technique!” ”Well now there is one, me!” He disappeared again. And this time he appeared in front of Liang and use a punching attack, but Liang got block it using her scythe, and trying to kick his legs.

He then suddenly disappear again, and at that moment he didn't appear near her instead he appear far away from her. ”Sorry big sis but i really need to win the match for Captain Kathie to acknowledge me to be his true nephew! [CHAIN ASHE]!” In that moment a chain appeared from the ground and bind Liang's feet, hands and entire body. *what? What is this?! He still got more technique! Uurrgghh i cant get out. Its too tight and firm?!* Blaike walk towards her and stop in front of her. ”Sorry big sis, i don't want to hurt you. But i also don't want to disappoint captain Kathie... ” Blaike felt sorry for he doesn't like hurting someone.

”Uurrggh... i.. i.. i just wanted to win the match for my brother, i just want him to rest and have more time with me... tomorrow is my birthday and your ugly Aunt doesn't care. Uuurrggghh i just want to go out with brother Yexin just once...sob..sob” Liang cried ”i really am such a weak younger sister..i cant do anything..brother has to go far away tomorrow and i will not seeing him again. Sorry brother for having a weak sister like me.” Liang cried and felt hurt so bad. Blaike's soft heart touch by what she said. He remember what her Granny told him, ”Blaike-chan, remember this, always make your friends and family Happy and protect them just like i will protect you and don't hurt them if its not worth it.” Granny's message to him back then. Blaike cried a bit. ”I'm sorry big sis, i didn't mean to hurt you [begone]” Blaike withdraw his power and walks out in the stage and the battle arena. In a few minutes the surroundings got quite and peaceful. ”What happened?” Princess Ena ask.

”Uuhhmm.. so.. so Blaike got out of the stage more than 10 seconds that means he is disqualified, so judges what do you think?” Big brother Yexin ask. ”The battle ended and the winner is Yue Liang!” Capt. Kathie shout. And then everyone are chitchatting about what happened. ”Captain, what do you mean? So the prize goes to Yue Liang?” Clan Mother ulan ask. ”A strong person never have a weak heart, That kid is very soft and very weak, he will definitely be a burden if an enemy is in front of him. Ttsskk such a frail kid” Capt. Kathie talk a real life situation.