17 Unexpected Choice (1/1)

*what?! What is that stupid kid is thinking about? He is the winner not me?! tsk he really is so stupid.* Liang got disappointed and cried. Meanwhile ”Princess Ena, i have a favor to ask of you. Can you please erase all their memories about todays event and also the event itself, i mean all people in the BATTLE ARENA that are presents today. If the two of you don't want to erase your memories then that means you are prepared to protect Blaike and sacrifice yourself because Blaike is my Nephew.” Capt. Kathie requested. Both Princess Ena and Clan Mother Ulan was very surprise about it. They didnt really know that Blaike is her nephew. ”As the GreatCaptain requested, We will accept and sacrifice our life for young master Blaike.” The two bow down in front of Capt. Kathie. ”Then do what i said, now i must go and talk to my nephew.” Capt. Kathie walks out. ”Yes Captain.”

Blaike cried in his room. *granny i'm sorry i hurt someone for my own selfishness, I'm sorry i didn't obey what you told me.* Blaike was so frustrated and regretting for what he did. (Knock knock). Blaike heard a knocking sound. ”Who is it?” Blaike ask. ”Its me, we need to talk about what you did in the battle arena.” capt. Kathie replied with a natural and calm voice. ”I'm sorry captain Kathie, but i really can't continue the match anymore, i don't want to hurt anyone anymore. Sorry captain Kathie for your Nephew is really stupid and weak!” Blaike cried out while shouting. ”Then open the door or i will be the one who will finish you off!” Capt. Kathie got mad. Blaike got scared and he suddenly open the door. As he open the door capt. Kathie saw his cute crying face, in that moment she suddenly hug him. ”You stupid kid, even though you will get lose on the match, i will still acknowledge you and I'm so proud of you!. Blaike felt a warm hug and in his heart he felt a love energy. ”Wwwooaahh!!” Blaike cried very loud ”will you stop crying and screaming? My ears got irritated.” Capt. Kathie complaint. ”So..sorry capt. Kathie...sob..sob” Blaike suddenly stop his screaming cry.

Sitting in his room, both capt. Kathie and him sits under the bed. ”Capt. Kathie, im sorry for what i have done. I got carried away by what Liang told me, she said that her birthday is tomorrow but big brother Yexin will have a mission to go far away and they will never spent a good time to each other on her birthday. She just wanted to go out with his brother even if its just one day.” Blaike explain. ”That ugly girl knew it already? well its my fault for giving Yexin so much work and he didn't got to spent his time with his ugly younger sister.” Capt. Kathie explain. ”As for you kid, you already knew that you have a strong power but having a weak heart? if it was a real battle situation you will get killed in an instance because enemies are master's of tricking their prey. So you must better harden your heart, soften your mind and hide your soul because you need that for those people you want to protect and also to make your Granny even prouder. And to remind you that you mustn't let people know your weaknesses and secrets, also you must always be prepared for the planet that we know isn't the planet we think of but the reality of it is very dangerous and cruel world.” Capt. Kathie give him some advices.

”I guess you are right Captain Kathie, i still really need to learn more and train hard.” Blaike felt it and understood what she meant *Captain Kathie is right, how can i avenge my Granny if i got a very weak heart? If i always rely on someones back? I really i'm so weak right now, how can i protect those in need to protect? I have sa very special Insignias but never using it means i'm useless from the beginning. Obeying granny is very hard but losing someone again is even harder.*

”Well you are still very young, you need to enjoy your life. By the way kid, since I acknowledged you now as my nephew, can you accept me as your real Aunt? And call me AUNTIE?” Capt. Kathie ask for a permission to Blaike ”yes! Yes! Auntie Kathie! I will! Uhhmm.. then i also have a request Auntie, can you please just give big brother Yexin and big sis Liang a day off and permit them to go out and spend their time together? Its just for a one whole day, please?.” Blaike ask for a request. ”I wanted to do that either way, I already knew what Liang wanted as her prize anyways. So yeah i will just cancel Yexin's mission and all his other work for tomorrow so that he and his younger sister can go out together by tomorrow. its just a simple mission in the the Giants forest, located in Giant Continent. Since you are okay now, i will be going back to my room now. If you need anything just knock in the door.” As Capt. Kathie walks out, ”Auntie Kathie! Thank you for todays advices! I really do appreciate it and also for accepting me as your true nephew!” Blaike bow down ”...uhuh...” capt. Kathei replied and walks out.

Blaike left alone in his room while thinking. ”Granny, what should i do? I wanted to follow Auntie Kathie's advices for me to become strong and make you proud but i also wanted to follow those advices that you gave me for it makes me feel who i am. Please Granny help me out! Give me a sign for me to know what i should do!* Blaike wait for that sign but it never happened. So Blaike just get his hiding treasure box, he open it and get a journal from his Granny. ”This was granny's first journal, She told me of this before.” As he read the first page, he got mesmerise by putting a smile face and got curious of those experiences of what his Granny did back then. ”Hhmm... i wish i could also experience those things that she did in Giant forest..Giant Forest? i heard that name before..oh is that the place where big brother Yexin will be heading for his mission? right?”

Blaike ask himself. ”but, i want to go in that place! Who said i'm alone? I got you And the twins! And also i know what i will gonna do there! I also know how to get pa.s.s and enter that area that is i'll ask Auntie Kathie about it.” *why are you frightening? Dont tell me you're scared? Light bulb!* Yang interrupt Gie's concern. *and also dont worry, i'll help this pervert master of ours.* Yang added, *yeah! We will help master!* Yin agreed .

Blaike run towards his aunts room. (Knock knock) ”Auntie! Auntie! Open the door! I got something to say!” Blaike shouted loudly ”hey kid! Who told you to shout?! Huh?!” ”Gomen-nasai!” Capt. Kathie got really mad while opening her door.

”So what is it that you wanted to say about?” Capt. Kathie ask. ”I wanted to ask you about what is the mission that big brother Yexin have appointed to?” Blaike ask immediately. ”Hmm? His mission is located in the Giant Forest. To collect the 3 valuable treasures made by the old powerful Dwarf wizard, Totong Bato. He died during the war between the dwarves and elves, not many people and other creatures know about that war but His death are even still uncertain. So n.o.body knows where he hid his treasures but lately we have got news that someone leaked out where he hid his great 3 treasures known as the 3 GOLDEN LAND. Anyways Why did you ask about it?” Capt. Kathie explain it. *wow! Even until now they are still looking for those great treasures? Granny also wrote on her journal about Totong Bato hmm* ”uhmm. I would like to pa.s.s big brother Yexin's mission to me, it means that i want to go there.” Blaike give a determination look.

”What?! Are you insane?! Kid, that place is not for children to play, that place is very dangerous especially for you! Do you even hear what you are talking about?! Huh?!” Capt. Kathie got mad by him. ”Auntie i know its very dangerous over there and i know going there means a suicidal mission, but how can i become strong if i'm stock in here just doing studies and trainings? How can i harden my heart and soften my mind if i still rely from those people around me? I want to experience what is the life of being a traveler just like what Granny was doing when she was young and that place was also her first place that she traveled into.” Blaike explain. ”But she was 14 when she first travel! and she got skills and excellent talents. Unlike you....” capt. Kathie suddenly stop. ”She said, that becoming a strong person isn't about how old you are or what creature you are and what cla.s.s your background was. It was always about what experiences have you been through. So please Auntie, let me do that mission, i promise i will contact you if i ever got into trouble and if i want to give up. I just wanted to experience what is the world outside my zone.”

Blaike explained like she can trust him enough. ”No.. sorry i cant.. i really cant.” Capt. Kathie refused, ”why? Auntie please, i promise i'll come back if i can't do it anymore!.” Blaike beg. ”No!! I can't... i really can't let you go there i'm sorry.” Capt. Kathie refuse again. ”Why Auntie? Do you still think that i can't do it? That i can't become strong? Or do you still don't trust me? Am i really a burden to you?” Blaike got disappointed. ”No! I dont want to lose you too!?... i already lost my two sisters and now even my nephew... i can't i can't do that! What will i be giving the reasons to them if something bad will happen to you? Huh?” Capt. Kathie got scared by what she expect. ”You're not the only one who lost someone Auntie me too. But that is why i will go there to find some answers i seek and sign that i'm looking for, i want to try and train myself alone. I really do promise to you that i will be back soon, I will call you every day, and get those 3golden treasure. I promise!” Blaike give a serious yet unknown stare in his eyes.