15 Battle Match! (1/1)
For 2 weeks of training, Its the day of the match between two youngster. HWAN BLAIKE and YUE LIANG, the compet.i.tors are now on the BATTLE ARENA, located near the captain Kathie's residence, where people trained here in order to get an all fight experiences, also the owner of this Arena if one of captain Kathie's league member. Now there are a few people wanted to watch the match and others are betting for who wins the match.
{APRIL 11 2112}
”Good day everyone! Today is the day for the youngster of our YOUNG FAMILY will be having a BATTLE MATCH! In this match we will having 3 rounds. The person who got the highest score wins in in every rounds is the winner of todays battle match. All people that have been invited here are from different countries and islands across the planet but all you are all family members of our PTL (PRIVATE TRADING LEAGUE). An Organisation for Private Business trading. We have 3 judges for todays battle match, the first judge comes from a far away Kingdom, located in northern part of the map. One of the Great Ruler in such a young age and also known as the Hunter Princess of PT's LEAGUE!, let us welcome PRINCESS MOCHIZUKI ENA!, from the KINGDOM OF ELVES!. Around of applause everyone.” The princess outfit is an off shoulder see-through light pink maxi dress with see through cardigan, inside has a pink tight slip dress that covers her huge chest and her s.e.xy body and b.u.t.t. She has a long blonde hair and a soft white light skin that makes her appearance like a 24 years old princess. She has a sparkling blue-violet unique eyes which the pupils are very large, kissable red lips with a small fangs, a pointed nose, a long thick eyelashes and a blonde eyebrows, and also matching up with a long lace high hills sandals, a golden thin necklace, a golden ring and also she has a black(left) and white(right) wings mark on her left chest, the mark means 'TRUEBLOOD' a proud pact member of PT's LEAGUE.
”Our next judge is also from a far away small island, located in the western part of the map. One of the Great Leader of their tribe, and known as the Barbaric Warrior of PT's LEAGUE!, let us welcome Clan Mother ULAN KEDRYUK!, CHIEF LEADER OF KAZACHS TRIBE!, around of applause everyone.” The Clan Mother is a hybrid of a human and an eagle, she has dark brown s.e.xy muscular body, with a white hair combine of an eagle head's feather. Her both hands and feet are have claws of an eagle and she has a wings of an eagle. She has a beautiful face, an eagle like yellow orange eyes so fierce and observant. She have a human nose and a human lips. She is wearing a tribal warrior clothes that is made of black feathers and a long boots, and she also have a BLACK and WHITE MARK on her right shoulder part.
”And now for our last judge, the CAPTAIN and one of the CREATOR of The PT's LEAGUE!, who contributed so many efforts to protect and build a great PRIVATE BUSINESS ORGANISATION!. From the YOUNG FAMILY!, The most beautiful woman! No other than CAPTAIN KATHERINE YOUNG!” She change her outfit into a more s.e.xier and seductive appearance, she only have a black corset bra and a brown jodphur trouser pants. She tie her hair into a ponytail style with some bangs around her forehead and ears side. On the back of her body has a big mark of a 'TRUEBLOOD'. A black demon-wing on the left and a white angel-wing on the right with a crown on top.
”Now judges, would you like to say something from the two compet.i.tors of this battle match? Let's start with PRINCESS ENA?” Big brother Yexin requested the judges to say something before the match start. ”This battle match is not about winning or losing, its about experiencing a battle and learning those mistake that you need to improve. Have a good fight young ones! (blinking eyes 3x)” the princess voice is quite high pitch and have a beautiful melody. ”Thank you for that inspiring message Princess Ena, how about you Clan Mother Ulan?” ”A true warrior never give up on a battlefield! To become strong, you need to work hard for it. You need to show us what you want to become! Fight for your Dreams! And have faith in yourself! Thats a true Warrior!” Clan Mother have an aggressive voice and very vague about what she says. ”Thank you for your strong motivating message Clan Mother, and now for the last Judge. Everyone please listen carefully and get ready for Captain Katherine Young's message!” ”Now kids, this is a match to determine your skills and talents in every Attributes. If you win you must continue training and if you lose then you must train harder because no one will help you become strong but yourself. Wining this Battle Match you'll get a prize, so give it all you've got. let us start!”
Everyone was sheering and clapping from capt. Kathie's message. ”Thank you for that wonderful message master, now then let the match begins!” Big brother Yexin was shouting with a formal tune. ”The first and second round of the match is a fight with only physical and mental strength, using Insignia is now Allowed. The match ends after 5minutes, Are the compet.i.tors ready?” Big brother yexin ask Blaike and Liang. ”Yes!/yeah!” Both of them asnwer. ”Then let the battle begins!”
Blaike and Liang ready to take their moves, Liang give a cat stance while Blaike give a boxing stance. Liang starts to move with a faster speed and is about to use a punching strike in Blaike's face, but Blaike block it with his two hands by crosing his two forearms but he didn't know that she has a strong strength thats why Blaike push back by that strong punch. *Big sis Liang is really strong, her physical attribute is higher than mine. My hands are slightly hurt. I need to think of a move to dodge and attack.*
Liang move again towards Blaike's location and she is about to attack by using the same move, but Blaike immediately dodge the attack so fast by squat move and he quickly use his right foot to roundhouse kick and strike Liang. *huh? He also have great speed?! But...* he then counterattack by using the roundhouse kick move, he didn't realise that Liang is more faster than him, so she Block his attack by stopping Blaike's attacking move, she then use both hands to quickly grab his foot and throw him with a very strong strength. While Blaike is falling through the ground, he use his arms as defence when by the time he is near on the ground he tumbling like a ninja and he land with a boxing stance. Blaike felt a little tired but he still continue to attack ”that young boy has a quite good reflexes, even though his opponent is stronger than him, he can still think how to counterattack in just a seconds but still his move is very readable. I'm quite interested what his Insignia is.(blink3x)” Princess Ena is giving a comment while observing the fight. ”Even though he has higher perception than that girl and he almost can match her just a little bit more training but his attack and speed are so weak.” Clan mother give a responding comment while observing their strength. ”.....” Capt. Kathie is giving no comment. *Blaike, this is just for giving you a taste of what battle is all about, So you must learn from it.* ms. Kathie's thought.
Blaike thinks that he needs to focus on how to counterattack again with a greater speed, ”hey stupid kid! Its better if you surrender now, its much easier for me to win anyways!” Liang give a disappointment att.i.tude towards Blaike. ”Big sis no need to, i will definitely win.” Blaike response. ”Hmmpp suit yourself.” As Liang strike a move again, Blaike also move to strike. As both hands cross to each other, Blaike suddenly use his left arm to push Liang's attacking punch and use his right hand to punch big sis chest. The punch hit her chest but its still not strong enough, she then move fast and trying to kick him on, the kick hit him and flew on opposite direction, landing on the ground.
Blaike felt the pain, blood coming out of his mouth. But he still bare it and stand up. ”So you still want to continue in that state of your body?” Liang ask him and wants him to give up. ”This is nothing big sis, i can still fight.” *uurgghh.. it really hurts, so this is a fighting battle.. the pain is really hurting bad, but i still need to win and show Aunt Kathie that I'm not weak.* Laing strike again, Blaike is trying to dodge the attack but he couldn't, the kick hit him onto the ground. Liang thought like she win the first match but Blaike still stands up wanting to fight back. *this stupid kid really is p.i.s.sing me off.* as Liang wanted to punch him she suddenly heard a ringing sound. (Ring3x) ”the first match ended, the 3 judges must now pick who they want to vote for, both compet.i.tors shall now go to resting area and heal their wounds and pain.” Big brother Yexin immediately stop the battle as the times up and trying to spare time for Blaike to heal. ”Judges are now discussing the matter.” All judges are having a conversation.
”The result of the 1st round match are now done. Judges please show your placard?” As the judges show their vote, all 3 of them voted for YUE LIANG. ”So we have a 3/0! All judges voted for Yue Liang! The winner for the first round is Yue Liang!” Everyone are cheering and clapping while others are arguing for their betting.
”Who do you think will win the next match? (Blink3x)” Ask Princess Ena ”its definitely Yue Liang, she is way stronger than Hwan Blaike.” Clan Mother Ulan answer. ”I say, Hwan Blaike will win. His cleverness will surpa.s.s her (Blink3x)” Princess Ena replied. ”How about you Captain?” Clan mother ask. ”Well, i would like to ask Yexin about it. How about you Yexin who do you think will win the 2nd match?” Capt. Kathie ask him. ”Uhhmm. Master if i were to say, since i know my sister for a very long time, i've trained her for a 1 year and she trained herself for almost 2years in the forest. I would definitely say Yue Liang will win the next match. But... there is something special with young master, something impossible....”