2 Killing Lorax (1/2)

Lance started his chainsaw and cut the trees in half until it fell down, ”We will use the controlled burning methods because cutting two kilometers radius of trees is not going to be easy. Even with this method, we still have to cut the tree for about thirteen kilometers instead of thirteen square kilometers, which are better since if we convert it to meters. It will be thirteen thousand meters and thirteen million square meters. Well, we can do this fast, though, since the forest is not that thick.”

”So, what I must do in my spare time?” Dima asked in boringness.

”Well, just watch my back, thanks,” Lance said as he continued to cut the trees down.

In boringness, Dima sat down on the stone near the trees that Lawrence cut. He Hugged that rifle like the rifle is his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Lance was using his goggles and gas mask to protect himself from the sawdust.

Lance Multicam uniform was covered in a thick layer of sawdust just after cutting down 28 trees. his black hair turned brown from the sawdust.

”mmmm...mmmmh.mmmm,” Lance rumbled because of his gas mask.

”Release your gas mask,” Dima said.

Lance shook his head in disagreement. He continued to cut down the large tree in front of him. Dima yawned and checked his magazine that was full of Russian 7.62.

Meanwhile, Lance was cutting down the trees. Dima observed the surrounding around him. He saw a big hill and a big shallow river with clear water. He also some wild animals like bears and boars. Dima took a walk around the forest to observe the flora and fauna.

The forest consisted mostly of pines, spruces, and larches. Oftentimes, Dima saw a wood bison, sometimes only one of the other times it was dozen of them. sometimes there was a caribou, moose, and roe deer. Overall, the forest on that island was a Taiga and from that Dima can conclude that he was in a northern region of the planet. He went back to Lance after got boring from walking around the forest.

”You want some bear meat for dinner?” Dima asked Lance, who was cutting down his 60th tree.

Lance shook his head in disagreement. He continued to cut down the tree. Dima was bored as hell to the point where he wants to ride that bear.

All of a sudden, a fluffy orange creatures appeared on top of the tree that Lance cut. He came down and stopped Lance from cutting down the trees.

Lance gave the command to Dima to talk to him. Dima approached him and asked, ”Tovarisch, who is this?”

Lance shook his head and continued to cut down the tree. The creature started to talk, ”My name is Lorax, and I speak for the trees.”

”Sorry, Tovarishch, but my friend here must do this, and he will burn down the forest after this,” Dima replied as he walked and followed Lance, who had already done the job halfway.

”Well, that's too bad,” Lorax said as he snapped his finger, and Lance was blown away by a sudden shock of wind.

”Holy moly, You Cyka. what have you done to him?” Dima aimed his rifle at Lorax's head, but even before he went to pull the trigger, Lance had already shot him using the Browning pistol that he stored on his hip.

Lorax fell to the ground with a hole on his head. Dima grabbed his bayonet and started to skin him since the skin was very fluffy, and Natalie loves fluffy things.

Lance threw away his gas mask and put it on his back while still wearing the safety helmet.

”Duh, what a mess,” Lance said as he tried to stand up as another blast of wind hit him again and Made him flew away.