Part 20 (2/2)

Static. Tawny Stokes 42120K 2022-07-22

”Well, here I am,” I sneered.

”Yes, here you are.”

She was fast. I barely saw her move as she grabbed me around the throat and dragged me into the nearby alley. I tore at her hand, raking my talons into her flesh, but it didn't seem to do any good. She still held on tight.

She slammed me up against the brick wall. The back of my head hit hard. I could literally see stars after that. Most likely my brain cells were popping and that's what I was seeing. Little starbursts of brain power exploding into pieces.

Devon leaned into my face. Her breath smelled rank, like rotting meat. It was probably her dead shriveled up soul I smelled.

I struggled against her grip as she steeled her mouth over mine. I kicked and screamed, tearing at her face with my fingers. Nothing seemed to faze her and soon I could feel energy being siphoned out of my body.

Then her eyes widened and she pulled back. ”You've been kissing him. I can taste him inside you.”

Her surprise gave me the opening I needed. I raked my nails across her eyes, fully hoping I gouged them out.

Shrieking, she stumbled back, her hands going to her face. ”You b.i.t.c.h!”

I took in a few raged breaths, pus.h.i.+ng off the wall. I needed to gather my strength for another attack because I knew it was coming. Devon wouldn't stay down for long. Like a c.o.c.kroach she'd survive anything. I sensed that was her nature.

”I'm going to rip out your throat.” She dropped her hands and I gasped.

Ink-like liquid gushed from her eyes and streaked her cheeks. I'd never seen anything so freaktastic before, in a total grotesque kind of way.

She growled at me. I figured that was my clue to get the h.e.l.l out of there. She was too strong. I couldn't take her one on one, especially when I didn't know how to hurt her. I needed an advantage. I needed to cheat somehow.

Turning, I sprinted down the alley. But I didn't get far before she grabbed me by the back of the head, slammed me face first back into the wall. She pressed up against my back, pus.h.i.+ng my face into the brick with her hand.

She leaned into my ear. ”I'm going to enjoy tearing you to shreds.”

I could feel the p.r.i.c.k of first one, then two talons as she speared me through the arm. The pain was immediate and immense. It made every inch of my spine convulse.

”Stop! Get away from her!”

I nearly wept at the sound of Trevor's voice echoing down the alley. I turned my head to the side to see him coming down the lane, his strides quick and determined.

Devon laughed, not relinquis.h.i.+ng her hold on my head. ”Oh looky here, Prince Charming to the rescue.”

”I said get away from her.”

”And what are you going to do Trevor? You can't hurt me. I am much too powerful for you. Haven't you learned that by now?”

”Thane won't let you kill her.”

”Why not? She's a piece of trash. She won't be missed.”

”He wants to keep her around.”

She frowned. ”Why? She'll just make more trouble.”

”I don't know. Why don't you ask him?” he thrust a cell phone in her direction.

Without letting up on me, she took the phone. ”Yeah?”

I heard Thane's voice on the other end. ”Let the girl go.”

Devon sighed angrily. ”Why the h.e.l.l should I do that? She's p.i.s.sed me off.”

”Because I said so, and that's all you need to know.”

There was silence for about ten seconds, then she growled, ”You're a d.i.c.k.” She tossed the phone back to Trevor.

Then there was blessed relief on my back when she let me go. Trevor was there gathering me in his arms before I could slide, exhausted and beat, to the ground.

”You got lucky today, slag. And you better believe that when that luck runs out I'll be there ripping your throat out and lapping up the mess.”

She turned on her heel, stepped into a shadow and vanished.

Cradling me close with one arm, Trevor walked me out of the alley. As we moved out onto the side, I spotted the subs still in the ditch.

”Do you think they're still good?”

Trevor stooped down and s.n.a.t.c.hed them up. ”Nothing a nuker and a lot of salt and pepper won't fix.”

I tried not to laugh because my face hurt and so did my arm. But I appreciated his effort to make me feel better and not dwell on the fact that I nearly died...again. I really hoped it wouldn't become one of those nasty habits.

Chapter 25.

When we got back to the hotel room, I immediately excused myself and went into the bathroom to clean up. Makeup ran all down my face. I looked like a deranged Alice Cooper racc.o.o.n.

I yanked on the tap, grabbed a washcloth and soaked it. As I rubbed at my face trying to get the black off, the door opened and Trevor walked in carrying a small first aid kit.

I spun around. ”Dude, I could've totally been in the shower or on the toilet.”

He just shrugged and opened the kit, pulling out a bottle of alcohol. ”We need to take care of your arm before it gets infected and falls off.”

I dropped the washcloth and turned to look in the mirror at the back of my arm. Thankfully the bleeding had stopped but the sleeve of my t-s.h.i.+rt was completely soaked through.
