Part 21 (1/2)
Trevor made an upwards motion. ”You're going to have to take it off.”
”Isn't that what got us in trouble earlier today?”
”We're not making out. I'm doctoring you. I'm pretty sure I can keep my hormones in check.”
I wasn't so sure, but I didn't say anything. Instead, I struggled to strip off the s.h.i.+rt. I tossed it to the side and looked at Trevor expectantly.
I sat on the closed lid of the toilet facing sideways so he could get at my arm without having to twist in an impossible position.
”This might sting.”
I could smell the rubbing alcohol as he poured it onto a piece of gauze. The odor stung my nostrils and when it touched my wound I thought I'd jump out of my skin for real and run away. Trevor pressed a hand on top of my shoulder, presumably so I didn't do just that.
”Jesus, are you trying to finish the job for Devon?” I bit out between clenched teeth. The pain was insane.
”It needs to be cleaned and disinfected. Trust me. I've seen one of her marks go untreated and it was not pretty.” He uncapped the peroxide. ”Just take in a deep breath and hold it.”
I did just that as he poured the noxious smelling liquid over my arm. I couldn't see the grotesque bubbling but I could definitely hear it. Like an alka seltzer fizzing in a gla.s.s of water. My gut roiled and I nearly yacked into the bathtub.
”Almost done.”
I'd always thought people said that to trick you into thinking it was almost over, when in fact they had one last nasty thing to do to you. I was proven right when Trevor smeared polysporin over my wound. Liquid fire rushed over me and sizzled my brains.
”Holy c.r.a.p! That burns.”
He ignored the next onslaught of curses that erupted from my mouth as he wrapped my arm in gauze and taped it tight.
”Done.” He washed his hands in the sink. ”Now we need to talk about who's taking back Thane's stupid laundry.”
I stood, testing my arm. ”I'm going. The end. He'll get suspicious if I don't. Besides I highly doubt he'll let you paw through his stuff. Me he'll order to fold his d.a.m.n clothes and put them away as part of my ongoing humiliation and punishment. I'll have plenty of opportunity to check out that other bag.”
Trevor just stared wide-eyed at me. ”Quite a speech. You should probably take my cell phone so you can take pictures of whatever you find.”
”Oh, okay.” I laughed. ”I thought you were going to talk me out of it.”
He shook his head. ”I figure you're not going to listen anyway.”
”Basically.” I smiled.
He returned my smile, then reached for my hand. Mine looked so small in his. He had strong secure hands. I liked that, I liked that he wanted to touch me with them. Made me feel safe.
”Just be careful, okay?”
”I will.”
”Why don't I believe you?”
”Because you just finished saving my a.s.s from getting pulverized?”
He brought my hand up to his mouth and pressed lips to the back. However chaste it was, the contact still sent a rush of pleasure over me, balling tightly right in the middle of my belly.
”Just so you know though, if you're not back in twenty minutes I'm coming to get you.”
I wondered when this was all over if he'd be my boyfriend. It was crazy to be thinking about that in the middle of all this craziness but it made me feel normal to think about it.
After giving me his phone and instructing me on a million worst case scenarios, Trevor finally let me go across the hall to return Thane's clean clothes.
I knocked on the door and Thane opened it immediately. ”Jesus, what took you so long? I thought maybe Devon ate you anyway.” He opened the door wide for me. ”Then I'd have to go get a bunch of new clothes. And I really hate shopping.”
”Wow, I'm touched that you were so worried about me.” I carried his bag in, looking for the green one to set it next to.
I spotted it in the corner in the same place I'd left it. Thane hadn't gone out of his way to hide it so maybe I'd been wrong and the box wasn't important. Or was too arrogant to care whether I'd seen the box or not.
I glanced at his face and he gave me that smug grin of his. I was voting for too arrogant. He probably thought nothing could touch him, especially not the likes of me. Some groupie he almost killed and dumped in the trash.
I set the black bag beside the green one, giving him my back. ”Here's your dumb laundry back.”
”Did you use fabric softener?”
”You're lucky I even used detergent.”
He came up behind me. A shudder rushed down my spine. I had to dig my nails into my palms to compensate for the urge to run away surging through me. It was almost unbearable to have him so near.
”You know, just because I told Devon not to kill you doesn't mean you can be a smart a.s.s to me.”
I risked looking at him. ”What, you're going to kill me even though I did such a good job with your shorts?” I unzipped the bag and showed him a neat pile of folded clothes.
”No, I suppose you have your uses.”
I dropped my gaze not liking the way he was eyeing me, like I was lunch.
My gut churned. I didn't think I could do this. I couldn't let this monster touch me again. I wouldn't live through it.
I stepped away from him.