Part 20 (1/2)
Chapter 24.
”Hey look what I can do.”
Trevor raised his head from loading the dryer and watched me as I pressed into a handstand on top of the was.h.i.+ng machine.
I smiled at him from upside down. He shook his head then glanced around at the other people in the laundry mat, who were now staring at us.
”Maybe we shouldn't do handstands on the washers, Salem. Ever heard of keeping a low profile?”
I stuck out my tongue at him. ”You're no fun.”
I spread my legs into a split then twirling on one hand I did an awesome dismount. Raising my hands in the air, I mimicked a crowd going wild.
”A perfect ten for Salem Vale.”
Trevor shook his head again, but I spied the little twitch at his top lip. ”Grab the clothes from the washer and put them in the dryer.” He pointed to the dryer beside him, the one with the open door.
”Fine.” I lifted the lid on the washer and gathered the wet clothes inside. I carried them to the dryer and shoved them in. A sock and pair of shorts landed on the dirty cement floor. I picked them up, lint, dirt and all, and shoved them back in, slamming the lid shut. Trevor gave me the coins to feed it then I pushed the on b.u.t.ton.
It was all so tedious. It was driving me nuts.
”We have forty-five minutes to kill. What do you want to do?”
He slid into a plastic chair. ”I have to have a nap.”
”You're no fun, old man.”
”Hey, I'm the one that got the life sucked out of him, remember?”
”I know and I said I was sorry like a billizion times.” I sat beside him, leaning into his ear. ”I could try and give it back to you.” I nuzzled into his neck.
He held me back a little, but it wasn't meant to be mean. I could hear the thumping of his heart and the rush of his breath. He was definitely thinking about it.
”Not that it isn't tempting, it's not the right time or place.”
”Okay.” I jumped to my feet. ”I'm going to go get some food. Do you want anything?”
”Meatball sub? There's a sub shop just down the block.” He fished in his pocket for some money and gave it to me.
At the sub shop I ordered Trevor a meatball and for myself I got a foot long turkey on rye with all the Being a cambion was hungry business. I dumped the change in my pocket along with the rest of the quarters Trevor had given me for the dryer. As I fingered the coins, I spotted another one of those old school phone booths across the street.
Tucking the subs under my arm, I dashed across the road and went into the booth. I plugged in a bunch of coins and dialed. It rang four times before it was answered.
I swallowed against the rising tears building from hearing my mother's voice.
”h.e.l.lo?” She said again, and I could tell she was fighting back tears of her own. ”Salem?”
My intake of breath must have been loud because she continued on in a rush as if knowing I wouldn't be on the phone for long.
”Don't hang up. You don't have to say anything. I just want you to know that I love you baby. And it doesn't matter what you've done I will always be here for you. Just come home baby. Whatever it is we can work it out together. I love you so much.”
Without a word, I hung up. ”I love you too, Mom.”
Most of the coins tumbled into the return canister. I fished them out and plugged it back in, dialing a different number.
”Hey, Chloe.”
”Salem. I didn't think I was going to hear your voice again.”
”I miss you.” The tears were gus.h.i.+ng now. I couldn't keep them in.
”You can come home, Sale. Everything's okay now. Josh is awake. He's talked to the cops. He told them he tried to rape you. They just want to talk to you is all, to get your half of the story. I don't think they'd even charge you with anything. Everyone just wants you to come home.”
The sobs were coming fast and furious now. I could barely breathe. I nearly choked on the emotion gus.h.i.+ng out of me like a typhoon.
”Tell me where you are. I'll come get you.”
Swallowing down tears, I choked out my words, ”I...I'm in...”
That was all I got out before the folding booth door was pulled open and I was yanked out backwards by my hair and pushed to the cement sidewalk. The wrapped subs fumbled from my grip and rolled into the gutter.
Devon grabbed the dangling phone. ”Salem's busy right now. Who's this anyway?” Turning towards me, Devon grinned maliciously. ”Okay, Chloe. I'm sure Salem will see you real soon.” She slammed the phone onto the receiver, cracking the plastic.
I got to my feet as she stepped out of the booth. ”What do you want?”
”Hmm, let's see.” Her lips curled up into a cruel smile. ”Your blood on my hands. Your soul perhaps.”
”I'm not afraid of you.” I said the words even as my knees wobbled, and my skin went cold and clammy.
She took a menacing step forward. ”You should be little girl.”
”Bring it b.i.t.c.h.” I splayed my hands out to the sides. I could feel the lethal talons poking through the tips of my fingers. Licking my lips, I felt the tips of fangs protruding from my gums. And by the hazy dark glow around Devon I could only a.s.sume my eyes had that inky thing going on.
She took me in. ”So it's true. Thane told me that you were transformed but I didn't believe it. You seemed much too weak to survive something like that.”