Part 17 (1/2)
In the same way labels can be made for bottles and cans They are easy to put on and to take off If the garden hose, the rubber tube of your bath spray, or your hot water bag shows a crack or a small break, mend it with adhesive
A cracked handle of a broom, carpet sweeper, or umbrella can be repaired with this first aid to the injured In the sastaffs and whips iven a new lease on life
If your sheet , or there is a cracked pane of glass in the barn or in a rear , apply a strip or patch of suitable size
In an article in the _Philadelphia Ledger_ on ”What Can I Do to Earn Money?” Mary Ha money, in one of which she incorporated practical directions, thus:
A resourceful girl who loved to be out-of-doors found her opportunity in a bed of mint and aromatic herbs She sends bunches of the mint neatly prepared to various hotels and cafes several times a week by parcel post, but it is in the over-supply that she works out best her original ideas A the novelties she makes is a candied mint that sells quickly Here is her for three or four small leaves on the branch; ell; dry and lay in rows on a broad, level surface Thoroughly dissolve one pound of loaf sugar, boil until it threads and set froe in the bits of reat care Rehten the leaves neatly with a hatpin or like instru is necessary, allow the first coating to becoain
Lay the sweets on oiled paper until thoroughly dry With careful handling these mints will preserve their natural aroth of tie in glass The sweet-sarden she dries and sells to the fancy goods trade, and they are used for filling cushi+ons, pillows, and perfu herbs she dries, pulverizes, and puts in slasses, nicely labeled, which sell for 10 cents each, and reliable grocers are glad to have them for their fastidious customers
IMPORTANCE OF THE BEGINNING The value of a good beginning for a news story, a special feature article, or a short story results froazines In glancing through current publications, the average reader is attracted chiefly by headlines or titles, illustrations, and authors' names If any one of these interests hi ”to see what it is all about” The first paragraphs usually deterle copy of a newspaper ormatter that the casual reader, if disappointed in the introduction to one article or short story, has plenty of others to choose fro sentences hold his attention, he reads on ”Well begun is half done” is a saying that applies with peculiar fitness to special feature articles
STRUCTURE OF THE BEGINNING To accomplish its purpose an introduction ral part of the article The beginning, whether a single paragraph in forh actually broken up into two or raphs, should produce on the mind of the reader a unified impression The conversation, the incident, the example, or the summary of which it consists, should be complete in itself Unless, on the other hand, the introduction is an organic part of the article, it fails of its purpose
The beginning must present some vital phase of the subject; it should not beattractive attached to the article to catch the reader's notice In his effort toattractive, an inexperienced writer is inclined to linger over it until it becoth, however, should be proportionate to the importance of that phase of the subject which it presents As a vital part of the article, the introduction must be so skillfully connected hat follows that a reader is not conscious of the transition Close coherence between the beginning and the body of the article is essential
The four faults, therefore, to be guarded against in writing the beginning are: (1) the inclusion of diverse details not carefully coordinated to produce a single unified impression; (2) the developth; (3) failure toa vital part of the article itself; (4) lack of close connection or of skillful transition between the introduction and the body of the article
TYPES OF BEGINNINGS Because of the importance of the introduction, the writer should fas, and should study them from the point of view of their suitability for various types of articles The seven distinct types of beginnings are: (1) su statement; (5) quotation; (6) question; (7) direct address
Combinations of two or innings The general adoption by newspapers of the su, or ”lead,” for news stories has accusto ether in the first paragraph The lead, by telling the reader the nature of the event, the persons and things concerned, the time, the place, the cause, and the result, answers his questions, What? Who?
When? Where? Why? How? Not only are the i, but the roup of words of the initial sentence where it catches the eye at once Thus the reader is given both the nificant feature of the subject Unquestionably this news story lead, when skillfully worked out, has distinct advantages alike for the news report and for the special article
(_Kansas City Star_)
A palace of sunshi+ne, a glass house of fresh air, will be the Christainst tuberculosis, the ”Great White Plague” Tena horizon miles away over valley and hill, stands the finest tuberculosis hospital in the United States The newly coest hospital of the kind, is the best equipped and finest appointed It is symbolic of sunshi+ne and pure air, the cure for the disease