Part 16 (1/2)

”Well, Ella,” said the judge, patiently, ignoring her sullenness, ”I think we shall send you back to Park Ridge for a while But if you ever change yourfriends let us know, because we'll be here and shall feel the same way as we do now about it”

To explain to readers of the _Kansas City Star_ how a bloodhound runs down a criine that a crime had been committed at a particular corner in that city and that a bloodhound had been brought to track the criminal; then he told them ould happen if the crime were committed, first, when the streets were deserted, or second, when they were crowded In other words, he gave two iinary instances to illustrate the manner in which bloodhounds are able to follow a trail Obviously these two hypothetical cases are sufficiently plausible and typical to explain the idea

If a bloodhound is brought to the scene of the crith of ti has been properly trained, he will unfailingly run down the criminal, provided, of course, that thousands of feet have not traround

If, for instance, a crime were committed at Twelfth and Walnut streets at 3 o'clock in the , when few persons are on the street, a well-trained bloodhound would take the trail of the cririm determination that appears to be uncanny, and he would follow the trail as swiftly as if the huntedthe route

But let the crime be committed at noon when the section is alive with humanity and remain undiscovered until after dark, then the bloodhound is put at a disadvantage and his wonderful poould fail him, no doubt

INCIDENTS Narrative articles, such as personal experience stories, confessions, and narratives in the third person, consist alue and description are very frequently ereater part of the incident is told in the writer's oords The incidents given as exaes 135-37 are sufficient to illustrate the variousincidents as units

STATISTICS Tois usually a difficult probleenerally nificance of statistics can be quickly grasped, they are almost valueless as athee reader is faures to s, for example, that a press prints 36,000 newspapers an hour, we may say that it prints 10 papers a second, or 600 a minute To most persons 36,000 papers an hour e nuures sufficiently slance Statistics sometimes appear less formidable if they are incorporated in an interview or in a conversation

In undertaking to explain the advantages of a cooperative community store, a writer was confronted with the probleures The first excerpt belo he raphs, thus avoiding any aard ures In order to present a nuiven below, of an investigatora series of purchases at the store


Here's the way the er of the cohbors by actual figures that they were paying anywhere froroceries and supplies than they needed to This represented the middlemen's profits

He then proposed that if a hundred faularly 50 cents a week, he would undertake to supply thearden truck, provisions and meats at wholesale prices To clinch the dee family would save this 50-cent weekly fee in a few days' purchases

There is no difference in appearance between the community store and any other provision store There is no difference in the way you buy your food The only difference is that you pay 50 cents a week on a certain day each week and buy food anywhere from 15 to 40 per cent less than at the commercial, non-cooperative retail stores


The other day an investigator froton community store to make an experiment He paid his 50-cent weekly ht a 10-cent carton of oatmeal for 8 cents; a 10-cent loaf of bread for 8 cents; one-half peck of string beans for 20 cents, instead of for 30 cents, the price in the non-cooperative stores; three pounds of veal for 58 cents instead of 80 cents; a half dozen oranges for 13 cents instead of the usual price of from 20 to 25 cents His total purchases a was 49 cents--within 1 cent of the entire weekly fee

Since to the average newspaper reader it would not mean much to say that the cost of the public schools amounted to several hundred thousand dollars a year, a special feature writer calculated the relation of the school appropriation to the total municipal expenditure and then presented the results as fractions of a dollar, thus:

Of every dollar that each taxpayer in this city paid to the city treasurer last year, 45 cents was spent on the public schools This iving boys and girls an education

Of that same dollar only 8 cents went to maintain the police department, 12 cents to keep up the fire departeneral expenses of the city offices

Out of the 45 cents used for school purposes, over one-half, or 24 cents, was paid as salaries to teachers and principals Only 8 cents went for operation, maintenance, and similar expenses

How statistics may be effectively e excerpt from a special feature story on a workmen's compensation law adhn, who is at the head of the board, esti coular courts has saved the state 1,000,000 a year since its inception in 1913 ”Under the usual court proceedings,” he says, ”each case of an injured workman versus his es of the industrial board the average cost is no more than 20

”In three and one-half years 8,000 cases have come before us Nine out of every ten have been adjusted by our eight picked arbitrators, who tour the state, visiting pro the compensation as quickly as possible The tenth case, which requires a lengthier or ht to the board

”Seven million dollars has been in this time ordered to be paid to injured e of any sort has been entered against the workers or their beneficiaries The costs are taken care of by the state Fully 90 per cent of all the cases are settled within the board, which her courts for settlement”

PROCESSES To make scientific and technical processes sufficiently simple to appeal to the layman, is another problem for the writer of popular articles A narrative-descriptive presentation that enables the reader to visualize and follow the process, step by step, as though it were taking place before his eyes, is usually the best