Part 10 (1/2)

”Suppose I delayed a week and wrote the reply with pen and ink, or, worse, with a pencil on ruled tablet paper I'd stand a good chance of losing a custoht, I should certainly leave a suggestion of inefficiency and carelessness which could only be charged to the debit side of the business”

She has found that a 50 typewriter and a letter file have helped greatly to create the good-hich is as essential to the farmer business woman as to the woman who runs a millinery shop or an insurance office

Mrs Tupper has encouraged autoht of the road, and a ”Honey for Sale” sign brings many a custo to the fars, honey, butter, or canned stuff froarden last suetables

The neighbors smile at her zeal for fairs and poultry shows

”It isn't fun altogether; it's business,” she tells thereeable work, for instance, to prepare an exhibit for the Heart of America Poultry Show at Kansas City last fall; but Mrs Tupper felt repaid She won first prize on hen, first and second on pullet, and fourth on cockerel Then she exhibited at the St Joseph, Missouri, Poultry Shoith even better success

”These prizes will add to the value of every chicken I have, and to allpoint,”

she said

”The shows gave me a fine opportunity to meet possible customers and to make friends for my business I was on the job for days I met scores of people and distributed hundreds of cards I learned a lot, too, in talks with judges and experienced breeders”

The Tupper bungalow is neat and attractive In spite of her duties in the poultry house and apiary, Mrs Tupper serves appetizing hborhood calls, and gives every Thursday to the Red Cross

The housework is speeded up with such conveniences as hot and cold water in kitchen and bathroom, and steam heat The kitchen is an efficient little workshop lined by cupboards and shelves Mrs

Tupper can sit before her kitchen cabinet and prepare a redients and utensils A service wagon saves steps between kitchen and dining-rooalow are of hard wood They are waxed a few ti with dust ood order The washi+ng is sent out

”I couldn't earn an income from the farm if I had a farmhouse without ery to a , and dishwashi+ng have a low econoth one needs for the e”

THE PERSONALITY SKETCH We all like to read about prominent and successful people We want to know ure in the day's news, and even about interesting persons whose success has not been great enough to be heralded in the press What appeals to us raphical facts such as appear in _Who's Who_, but the ive us the key to their success We want to see the men and women It is the writer's problem to present them so vividly that we shall feel as if we had actually met them face to face

The purpose of the personality sketcheither prominent or little known persons, (2) to furnish readers inspiration that uidance by showing how one individual has acco Whether the aiuidance in practical matters, the treatnizedcharacters in fictionreal persons These are (1) using general descriptive ter of characteristic actions, (4) quoting their words, (5) giving biographical facts, (6) citing opinions of others about the how others react to them By a judicious combination of several of these methods, a writer can make his readers visualize the person, hear him speak, watch him in characteristic actions, and understand his past life, as well as realize what others think of him and how they act toward him

Material for a personality sketch may be obtained in one of three ways: (1) from a more or less intimate acquaintance with the person to be described; (2) from an intervieith the person, supplemented by conversation with others about him; (3) from printed sketches of him combined with information secured from others It is easier to write personality sketches about men and women e knoell than it is about those e have never met, or e have had only a short interview Inexperienced writers should not attehtly In a single intervieriter who is observant, and who is a keen judge of huet an i to serve as the basis of a satisfactory article, especially if the material obtained in the interview is supplemented by printed sketches and by conversations with others Personality sketches so the person's opinions on the subject on which he is an authority In such articles the sketch usually precedes the interview

EXAMPLES OF THE PERSONALITY SKETCH The first of the following sketches appeared, with a half-tone portrait, in the departazine_; the second was sent out by the Newspaper Enterprise association, Cleveland, Ohio, which supplies several hundred daily newspapers with special features




Six years ago a young Bulgarian irant, drea an education He inquired his way of a group of underclass on the caayly, ”and ask for Tommy”

He did, and when he was admitted to the presence of Thomas Arkle Clark, Dean of Men, and addressed hilish as ”Mis-terr Toh Mr Clark had just finished persuading an irascible father to allow his reprobate sopho the probleeer loved, he adapted hiner instantly, syarian had a job, knehat courses in English he ought to take, and was filled with a glow of hope, inspiration, and security which only a genius in the art of graciousness and understanding like ”Tommy Arkle,” as he is amiably called by every student and alumnus of Illinois, can bestow