Part 9 (1/2)

Then suddenly one day--John died _Died_ in what should have been the prior of his life

I worked harder than ever then, not from necessity, but because in the first few years after John left I was _afraid_ to stop and think So the years hurried by! One by one the children grew up and entered more or less successful careers of their own I don't feel that I know them so very well

And now that the time of life has come when I must stop and think, I ask ifts Life laid in your lap--the love of a good man, domestic happiness, the chance to know inti honest I have to answer: ”I bartered Life's great gifts for Life's pitiful extras--for pride, for show!”

If , but it is only too coe the best years of their lives, their husband's comfort, his peace of her social position; sometimes it is merely for--clothes!

It is to you woarden” that I giveyour breath until you get this or that; stop reaching out blindly for to-morrow's prize; _live_ to-day!

THE ”HOW-TO-DO-SOMETHING” ARTICLE Articles the pri so in a particular way, are always in de a few directions for coredients More elaborate processes naturally deer articles In the siiven in the imperative for and that, and to ”h such recipe directions are clear, they are not particularly interesting Many readers, especially those of agricultural journals, are tired of being told to do this and that in order to get better results They are inclined to suspect the writer of giving directions on the basis of untried theory rather than on that of successful practice There is an advantage, therefore, in getting away fro actual processes as they have been carried on successfully

Articles intended to give practical guidance arewhen cast in the form of an interview, a personal experience, or a narrative

In an interview article, a personin his oords the methods that he has used to acco his own experiences in doing so form

Whatever method he adopts, the writer must keep in mind the questions that his readers would be likely to ask if he were explaining the hly familiar with a ets how necessary it is to describe every step to readers unfale point may make it impossible for the reader to understand or to follow the directions Although a writer need not insult the intelligence of his readers by telling them what they already know, he may well assus that they otten

TWO PRACTICAL GUIDANCE ARTICLES Aoffice records, as explained apparently by thecombination of the personal experience and the ”how-to-do-so” types of articles It appeared in _Syste aover records in a drawer of the desk at which he is seated



”It's a quarter after 8 and Schuyler hasn't showed up,” telephoned Beggs, one of our fore on his et so's bench Got anybody you can let me have for to-day?”

I didn't know offhand But I told Beggs I'd call hi lathe operator reported to Beggs He was able to run Fanning's machine while the latter temporarily filled the shoes of the absent Schuyler

Scarcely a week passes that does not bring a similar call to our ee, ays have a nu with us who are fitted by experience and adaptability to do other work than that which they are hired to do Such men are invaluable to know about, especially when an operator stays away for a day or perhaps a week and the shop is full of orders Once it was a probleht man immediately A few additions to our employment records made it possible to keep track of each man's complete qualifications

The employment records I keep in my desk in the deep drawer They are filed alphabetically by name When we hire a man rite his name and the job he is to fill on the outside of a 9 by 12 manila envelope Into this envelope we put his application, his references, and other papers His application tells us what kinds of work he can do and has done in other shops

There are 29 different kinds of work to be done in our shops, fro errands I have listed these operations, alphabetically, on a cardboard the exact length of the employment record envelope, 12 inches When a man tells me in his application that he not only can operate a drill press, for which he is hired, but has also worked at grinding, I fit my cardboard list to the top of the e the top directly opposite the words ”drill press” and ”grinding” on my list Then I file away the envelope

I rest secure now in rinder in a drill press operator, or that I do not have to carry his double qualifications in s should suddenly telephone rinder is absent--sick, or fishi+ng, perhaps--I need only takeat A, run it down my file until I come to the envelope of the drill press operator I am stopped there automatically by the second notch on the envelope which corresponds in position to the word ”grinder” on my list

And there is every likelihood that, with the necessary explanation to the rinder for the day

Fro article, printed in _Farleana co from a small farm It was illustrated by four half-tone reproductions of photographs showing (1) the house, (2) the woman at her desk with a typewriter before her, (3) the wo-rooon, and (4) the wos