Part 28 (2/2)
a.n.a.lysis ThreeConsidering the data for actual calculating devices and computers during the twentieth century:Let S = cps/$1K: calculations per second for $1,000.Twentieth-century computing data matches:[image] We can determine the growth rate, G, over a period of time:[image] where Sc is cps/$1K for current year, Sp is cps/$1K of previous year, Yc is current year, and Yp is previous year.Human brain = 1016 calculations per second. calculations per second.Human race = 10 billion (1010) human brains = 1026 calculations per second. calculations per second.We achieve one human brain capability (1016 cps) for $1,000 around the year 2023. cps) for $1,000 around the year 2023.We achieve one human brain capability (1016 cps) for one cent around the year 2037. cps) for one cent around the year 2037.We achieve one human race capability (1026 cps) for $1,000 around the year 2049. cps) for $1,000 around the year 2049.
If we factor in the exponentially growing economy, particularly with regard to the resources available for computation (already about one trillion dollars per year), we can see that nonbiological intelligence will be billions of times more powerful than biological intelligence before the middle of the century.
We can derive the double exponential growth in another way. I noted above that the rate of adding knowledge (dW/dt) was at least proportional to the knowledge at each point in time. This is clearly conservative given that many innovations (increments to knowledge) have a multiplicative rather than additive impact on the ongoing rate.
However, if we have an exponential growth rate of the form:
where C C > 1, this has the solution: > 1, this has the solution:
which has a slow logarithmic growth while t t < 1/lnc=”” but=”” then=”” explodes=”” close=”” to=”” the=”” singularity=”” at=””>< 1/lnc=”” but=”” then=”” explodes=”” close=”” to=”” the=”” singularity=”” at=”” t=”” t=”1/ln” ==””>
Even the modest dW dW/dt = = W W2 results in a singularity. results in a singularity.
Indeed any formula with a power law growth rate of the form:
where a a > 1, leads to a solution with a singularity: > 1, leads to a solution with a singularity:
at the time T T. The higher the value of a a, the closer the singularity.
My view is that it is hard to imagine infinite knowledge, given apparently finite resources of matter and energy, and the trends to date match a double exponential process. The additional term (to W W) appears to be of the form W W i log( i log(W). This term describes a network effect. If we have a network such as the Internet, its effect or value can reasonably be shown to be proportional to n n i log( i log(n) where n n is the number of nodes. Each node (each user) benefits, so this accounts for the is the number of nodes. Each node (each user) benefits, so this accounts for the n n multiplier. The value to each user (to each node) = log( multiplier. The value to each user (to each node) = log(n). Bob Metcalfe (inventor of Ethernet) has postulated the value of a network of n n nodes = nodes = c c i in2, but this is overstated. If the Internet doubles in size, its value to me does increase but it does not double. It can be shown that a reasonable estimate is that a network's value to each user is proportional to the log of the size of the network. Thus, its overall value is proportional to n n i log( i log(n).
If the growth rate instead includes a logarithmic network effect, we get an equation for the rate of change that is given by:
(14) [image]
The solution to this is a double exponential, which we have seen before in the data:
(15) [image]