Part 87 (1/2)

A dear little six-year old boy of my acquaintance was invited by his teacher, with the rest of his cla.s.s in kindergarten school, to attend a picnic one afternoon. He did not feel that he wanted to go; seemed dumpish, and according to mortal belief was not well; at noon, he said he wanted to go to sleep.

His mother took him in her lap and began to read to him from ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” Very soon he expressed a wish to go to the picnic, and did go. His father, happening to pa.s.s the place where the little ones were spending the afternoon, and somewhat surprised to see him playing, as happy and active as any there, called to him and asked, ”How long did you sleep?” The little fellow replied, ”I did not sleep at all; mamma read to me from Science and Health, and I was well in a minute.”-K.

L. H.

One evening I was calling on a neighbor, and somehow the subject of Christian Science came up. I asked her what it was, and what they believed.

She then told me of a friend of hers who had become a Christian Scientist.

This friend had pa.s.sed through great sorrow and disappointment; her health had failed her, and her cheerful disposition had entirely changed; she could talk of nothing but her troubles, and was a most unhappy woman. A few years ago she visited my neighbor, who, greatly surprised at her changed appearance,-for she was happy and well,-asked where her troubles were. The reply was, ”I have no troubles. I have found true happiness; for I have become a Christian Scientist.”

I became deeply interested, and asked if the students in Clinton had public meetings on Sundays. She replied that they had, and told me where they were.

The next Sunday, I went. All was quiet when I entered, for they were engaged in silent prayer. Soon they repeated the spiritual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. I shall never forget the impression that made on me; all the next week I heard the leader's voice repeating the first sentence.

I was invited to come again, and did so. One of the ladies loaned me ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” and offered to get me one; which she did the next week. I have studied it in connection with the Bible. I have greatly improved in health, having had only one attack of a physical trouble which caused great suffering, since that time, and that was a year ago.

At first, I did not think anything about being healed, or of my physical infirmity. I only loved the sacred teaching. How true, that G.o.d's word does not return unto Him void! The words of truth that my neighbor's friend spoke to her, were what first awakened me. If the one who first hears it does not receive it, it goes to some one who is ready, and it takes root and bears fruit.

MRS. G. H. I., Clinton, N.Y.

About three years ago I was near death's door with various troubles; also, was seventy years old. I had a desire to know something of Christian Science.

I procured the textbook, and studied it with a desire to know the truth.

At first all was dark; but light began slowly to come, and at the end of three months I found my physical claims all gone and my eyesight restored.

At the end of three months more, I had gained thirty-five pounds in weight.

I had been an infidel, and the change from that came more slowly; but now I know that my Redeemer lives, and I am able by divine grace to make very convincing demonstrations.-J. S., Rudd, Iowa

For a long time I have felt that I must in some way express my great debt of grat.i.tude for Christian Science. I know no better way to do so than to give an account, through the _Journal_, of some of the many blessings I have received as a result of our Leader's untiring toil and self-sacrificing love for suffering mortals, in giving to us the wonderful book, ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.”

When I first heard of Christian Science, about six years ago, I was satisfied that it was the religion of Christ Jesus, because Jesus had so plainly said, ”And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils;... they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

I had been a church-member since my girlhood, but was not satisfied that my belief would take me to heaven, as I did not have these ”signs following”-and this had always troubled me; so, when I heard that an old acquaintance living at a distance had not only been raised from a dying condition to health, but her life had been changed and purified through Christian Science, I could hardly wait to know more of this Christlike religion which was casting out evils and healing the sick. I searched every bookstore in the city for Science and Health, at last found a copy, and was delighted to get hold of it, but little realized what a treasure it was to be to me and my household.

At first it was like Greek to me, and I could not understand much of it, but gleaned enough to keep on reading, and longed for some one to talk to me of it.

After I had been reading it about a year's time, I suddenly became almost blind. I knew no Scientist to go to, so went to physicians; they told me that my case was hopeless, that it was certain my sight never could be restored, and the probabilities were that I would soon be totally blind.

I felt sure that Christian Science would help me if I could only fully understand it; but there was no one from whom I could ask help, that I knew of. I gave all the time that I could use my eyes to studying Science and Health,-which at first was not more than five minutes two, and sometimes three, times a day; gradually my sight returned, until it was fully restored.

During this time G.o.d and the ”little book” were my only help. My understanding was very limited; but like the prodigal son, I had turned away from the husks, towards my Father's house, and while I ”was yet a great way off” my Father came to meet me. When this great cloud of darkness was banished by the light of Truth, could I doubt that Christian Science was indeed the ”Comforter” that would lead us ”into all truth”?

Again I lay at the point of death; but holding steadfastly to the truth, knowing, from the teaching of this precious book, that G.o.d is Life and there is no death, I was raised up to health,-restored to my husband and little children, all of whom I am thankful to say are now with me in Science.