Part 86 (1/2)

Eddy, and study it, and practise its teachings, you will find it a pearl of great price.

MRS. FANNIE MEEKS, Bells, Grayson Co., Texas

On my arrival in New York, last July, my brother spoke to me of ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures;” and, coming in contact with a number of Scientists, all wis.h.i.+ng me to procure the book, I did so. I read it through in the same manner in which I would read any other book, to find out the contents.

Before I got to the end, having partly understood its meaning, I began to demonstrate over old physical troubles, and they disappeared. A belt that I had worn for over twelve years, I took off, and threw overboard (being a seafaring man).

Up to that time I had been a constant smoker, and chewed tobacco; but I gradually lost all pleasure in it, and now look upon it with disgust.

I was brought up in the Lutheran doctrine, and when a boy received a good knowledge of Scripture; but I never understood it until explained to me in Science and Health.

H. F. WITKOV, 27 Needham Road, Liverpool, England

In a letter received a few days ago from one of my absent patients, there was such a glorious testimonial for Science and Health that I feel as if I ought to send it in for the pages of our _Journal_, trusting it may be the means of helping many others to turn for help and comfort, in every emergency, to this book.

In her letter, this lady says: ”A few days since, I had quite a serious claim attack me. I left my mending, took Science and Health and read all the afternoon and evening; when all trace of the claim was gone, and I have felt nothing of it since.”

When this dear woman applied to Truth, she was a great sufferer. Her grat.i.tude knows no bounds. Many chronic ailments, which have bound her with heavy chains for many years, are being removed one by one. It is such a sweet privilege to lead her out of this bondage of flesh, for she turns with such childlike trust and obedience to the book, and looks to that for aid in every trial and affliction. It is beautiful to see, and is a rebuke to some of us older in the thought, who depend so much on personality.

She is far away, in a little country town where Science has hardly been heard of; but she is so happy with her book that she has no desire for other reading.

I have always tried to show her that G.o.d was with her there as well as with us here; that in Him she possesses all; and that with her Bible and Science and Health no harm can befall her, for the remedy for every ill she has at hand.-MRS. C. H. S., Woburn, Ma.s.s.

I have been an interested reader of the _Journal_ for some time, and thought I would contribute my mite by giving one of my latest demonstrations in Christian Science.

An accident occurred as follows: Officers, while hunting for a criminal in thick underbrush, fired upon each other through mistake, and it was found that one was shot six times; two of the bullets pa.s.sing through the abdomen, and one through the hips.

Two physicians who examined him had no hope. He asked me to help him. I took the case. Relief came almost instantly. I treated him for eight days; the fifth, I heard one of three physicians, who held a private consultation over my patient, ask him this question:

”Mr. F--, have you not got one bit of pain?” I was rewarded by hearing him answer, ”No, sir; not the least bit.” No one else seemed to have any hope for him; but I held firmly to the thought that G.o.d is an ever-present help, never doubting, and Christian Science has again won a victory. Many people call it a miracle, and it has set them to thinking.

The harvest is now ripe and ready for the reaper. I wish some good Christian Science teacher would come and help us. I can help in my own way, but am not advanced enough to lead and teach others. I have only studied Science and Health a little over a year, and have not been through a cla.s.s yet.

S. G. SCHROYER, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

I became interested in Christian Science through being healed. I had no faith in doctors, therefore would not consult any; but felt that something must be done, or I would soon follow a brother and sister who had pa.s.sed on with the same claim. In my extremity I thought of the ”great Physician,” and took my case to Him, and realized that He alone could help me.

A relative, finding I would not consult a doctor or take any drug, gave me ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” to read; saying that, although a dear friend thought she was greatly helped by a Christian Scientist, he himself had no faith in that kind of treatment, and had no use for the book.

I had heard of the people called Christian Scientists, and of their textbook, Science and Health, but knew nothing about either; yet I wanted to know, and took the book gladly, and was soon deeply interested in it.

It was a revelation to me. Although I could only understand it in part, I knew it was the truth, and the truth was making me free. I felt that I had been bound and in prison; and that now, one after another, the bonds were being broken, and I was lifted into the pure air and light of heaven. I was healed before I had read half-way through the precious volume; for I was obliged to read slowly, and some pa.s.sages over and over again. When I came to page 304, line 10 (47th edition), I then and there felt that I must add my testimony, though already there were ”heaps upon heaps;” but since then, I have tried to put the thought of those dark days away from me, and only refer to them now in the hope that some one who is bound may be released and brought into the light of divine Love, which alone can heal, and make us ”every whit whole.”

L. M. C., Brooklyn, N.Y.