Part 85 (2/2)


I like the _Journal_ and _Quarterly_, and have many of Rev. Mary B. G.

Eddy's works, which make my little world. I have a great desire to learn more of this Love that casts out all fear, and to work in this Science. It is the greatest pleasure I have, to talk this truth, as far as I understand it, to any who will listen; and am waiting for others to learn of this blessed Science.

I give my experience in reading ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” aloud to a little child. A letter published in the _Journal_, written by a lady who had relieved a two-year-old child by reading to her, first suggested this course to me. At the time, my little one was a trifle over a year old. I was trying to overcome for him a claim which, though not one of serious illness, was no small trial to me, because of its frequent occurrence and its seeming ability to baffle my efforts. One day as I sat near and treated him, it occurred to me to read aloud. I took up one of the older editions of Science and Health lying near, began at the words, ”Brains can give no idea of G.o.d's man,” and read on for two or three paragraphs, endeavoring-as the writer suggested-to understand it myself; yet thinking, perchance, the purer thought of the babe might grasp the underlying meaning sooner than I. So it proved. Before the disturbance felt by me had been calmed, the weary expression on the face of the child was replaced by one of evident relief.

When putting him to sleep, I had often repeated the spiritual interpretation of the Lord's Prayer. One night he was very restless, fretful, and cried a great deal, while I seemed unable to soothe him. At last I perceived that he was asking for something, and it dawned upon me that the Prayer might be his desire. I began repeating it aloud, endeavoring to _mean_ it also. He turned over quietly, and in a few minutes was sweetly sleeping.

The last time my attention was specially called to this subject, was about a year after the first experience. Various hindrances had been allowed to keep me from Science and Health all day; and it was toward evening when I recognized that material sense had been given predominance, and must be put down. I soon felt drawn to read the book. The little boy had seemed restless and somewhat disturbed all day; but without thinking specially of him, rather to a.s.sist in holding my own thought, I began to read aloud, ”Consciousness constructs a better body, when it has conquered our fear of matter.” In a minute or two a little hand had touched mine, and I looked down into a sweet face fairly radiant with smiles. I read it over. The child was evidently delighted, and was restful and happy all the rest of the day.-A. H. W., Deland, Florida

A week ago a friend wrote to me on business, and in the letter stated that his wife had been very ill for six weeks. At once the thought came, ”Tell her to read the chapter on Healing, in Science and Health.” In my answer to his letter I obeyed the thought. A few days after, I had occasion to call; found her much better, and _reading_ Science and Health. They had done as directed, and had received the promise.-R., New York

The first allusion to Christian Science reached me in an article I read on that subject. Later, a friend came to visit me, bringing a copy of ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” For two weeks I read it eagerly; then I sent for a copy for myself. When it came, I began to study it. The Bible, of which I had had but a dim understanding, began to grow clearer. The light grew brighter each day. Finally, I began to treat myself against ills that had bound me for twenty-eight years. At the end of six weeks I was _healed_, much to the amazement of all who knew me.

From that time, my desire was to help others out of their suffering, and to talk this wonderful truth. After a while I took the cla.s.s lectures, and am doing what I can to spread this healing gospel.-A. M. G.

Rev. Mary B. G. Eddy

_My Dear Leader:_-I will try to tell you how I was led to Christian Science. Heretofore I have not tried to lead a Christian life, but have always firmly believed that if one truly desired and needed help, he would get it from G.o.d by asking for it. I suffered, as I think but very few have, for fourteen years; yet I did not think it sufficient to warrant me in asking G.o.d to help me, until I gave up all hope elsewhere,-and this occurred in the spring of 1891. I then thought that the time had come to commit myself to G.o.d. Being at home alone, after going to bed I prayed G.o.d to deliver me from my torments, this sentence being the substance of my prayer, ”What shall I do to be saved?”

I repeated that sentence, I suppose, until I fell asleep. About twelve o'clock at night, I saw a vision in the form of a man with wings, standing at the foot of my bed,-wings partly spread,-one arm hanging loosely at his side, and one extended above his head. At the same time there was a bright light s.h.i.+ning in my room, which made all objects s.h.i.+ne like fire. I knew where I was, and was not afraid. The vision (for such it was), after looking directly at me for some time, spoke this one sentence, and then disappeared: ”Do right, and thou shalt be saved.”

I immediately tried to live according to that precept, and found relief in proportion to my understanding. I soon after learned of Christian Science.

One of my brothers in Kansas, having been healed by it, persuaded me to buy ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” wherein I learned that the above precept was the key to Christian Science; that it is Christian Science to do right, and that nothing short of right living has any claim to the name.

I have been learning my way in Christian Science about one year, and have been successful in healing. I have all of your books, and am a subscriber for the _Journal_ and _Quarterly Bible Lessons_. Some of the cases I have treated have yielded almost instantly. I am a stranger to you, but I have told you the truth, just as it occurred. Yours in truth,

SAM SCHROYER, Oklahoma City, Okla.

I desire to make known the great good I have received by reading the blessed book ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” Four years have now pa.s.sed since I began to read it. It has been my only healer and teacher, as I never have had an opportunity to go through a cla.s.s; but I find that the ”Spirit of truth” will teach us all things if we will but practise well what we know. After two years and a half of study, I thought, as many beginners think, that I had travelled over the worst part of this narrow path.

Soon after, it came about that I was separated from every one who had ever heard of Christian Science; and, as I lived in the country, no one came to visit me for about eight months. At first, I thought the Lord had wrought a great evil. I had no one to talk to, but would take my Science and Health every morning, before going about my work, and read; yet mortal mind would say, ”You can do no good, with no one to talk with.” At last, one morning after listening to the serpent's voice, I looked out at the little wild flowers as they waved to and fro; they seemed to be a living voice, and this is what they said: ”On earth peace, good will toward men.”

There was also a mocking-bird that would sit on the house and sing. For the first time, I realized that divine Love was the only friend I needed.

Soon after, I sent the _Journal_ to my nearest neighbor, by her little son who came to play with my children. Afterward she told me that when she began to read it she said to the family, ”G.o.d has sent this book to me.”

Calling to see her one evening, I found her suffering from heart disease.

I began talking to her about Christian Science, and in less than an hour she declared herself healed. She is to-day a happy woman. I would say to all suffering ones, that if you will buy a copy of this wonderful book, ”Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” by the Rev. Mary Baker G.
