Part 67 (2/2)
this question: Where do we hold intelligence to be? Is it in both evil and good, in matter as well as Spirit?
If so, we are literally and practically denying that G.o.d, good, is supreme, _all_ power and presence, and are turn- ing away from the only living and true G.o.d, to ”lords [15]
many and G.o.ds many.”
Where art thou, O mortal! who turnest away from the divine source of being,-calling on matter to work out the problem of Mind, to aid in understanding and securing the sweet harmonies of Spirit that relate to the [20]
universe, including man?
Paul asked: ”What communion hath light with dark- ness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial?” The wors.h.i.+ppers of Baal wors.h.i.+pped the sun. They believed that something besides G.o.d had authority and power, [25]
could heal and bless; that G.o.d wrought through matter -by means of that which does not reflect Him in a single quality or quant.i.ty!-the grand realities of Mind, thus to exemplify the power of Truth and Love.
The ancient Chaldee hung his destiny out upon the [30]
heavens; but ancient or modern Christians, instructed in divine Science, know that the prophet better understood
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Him who said: ”He doeth according to His will in the [1]
army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay His hand, or say unto Him, What doest Thou?”
Astrology is well in its place, but this place is second- [5]
ary. Necromancy has no foundation,-in fact, no intelligence; and the belief that it has, deceives itself.
Whatever simulates power and Truth in matter, does this as a lie declaring itself, that mortals' faith in matter may have the effect of power; but when the whole fabrication [10]
is found to be a lie, away goes all its supposed power and prestige.
Why do Christian Scientists treat disease _as_ disease, since there is no disease?
This is done only as one gives the lie to a lie; because [15]
it is a lie, without one word of Truth in it. You must find error to be _nothing_: then, and _only_ then, do you handle it in Science. The diabolism of suppositional evil at work in the name of good, is a lie of the highest degree of nothingness: just reduce this falsity to its proper [20]
denomination, and you have done with it.
How shall we treat a negation, or error-by means of matter, or Mind? Is matter Truth? No! Then it cannot antidote error.
Can belief destroy belief? No: understanding is re- [25]
quired to do this. By the subst.i.tution of Truth demon- strated, Science remedies the ills of material beliefs.
Because I have uncovered evil, and dis-covered for you divine Science, which saith, ”Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good,” and you have not loved sufficiently to understand this Golden Rule and demonstrate the might of perfect Love that casteth out
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all fear, shall you turn away from this divine Principle [1]
to graven images? Remember the Scripture:-
”But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;”
”And shall begin to smite his fellow-servants, and to [5]
eat and drink with the drunken;